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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Well they say we have to take our pleasures in life wherever we can find them, and I have just had the great pleasure of watching Scotland beat England at Twickenham and lift the Calcutta Cup..first time winning there since 1983! Final score 6 - 11 to Scotland. Even the English commentators have nothing but praise for the win and the spectacular way Scotland played in driving rain and with no crowd to cheer them on. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃

This was the opening day of the 2021 Six Nations Rugby Tournament and earlier Italy were beaten by France 10 - 50 in Rome. Tomorrow Wales take on Ireland at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff.

Marionville 10 Feb 6
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Wales beat 14 man Ireland so I'm looking forward to the game at Murryfield next weekend.

Moravian Level 8 Feb 7, 2021 too!


ANOTHER point scored in the psychological war to get independence . N.I. however looks more like fusion with southern Ireland . In this game of chess , what is Boris' next move?

I don’t think Boris has any game plan, he reacts to events he is not a strategist.

@Marionville But if you were he, what would you suggest to keep the kingdom(bad name) UNITED? Apparent Suicide for Boris? He should change his name to Borus?

@Mcflewster If I were Boris I’d be less patronising to the Scots and acknowledge their right to self determination if they so wish. Then I’d lay on a charm offensive and highlight the advantages of continuing to being part of the Union and how valuable a part Scotland plays in the Union, rather than telling the Scots that they would not be allowed a new referendum and scoffing at the idea of an independent Scotland being able to stand alone as an independent country. Tell the Scots they are valued and needed would work better than saying they’d be useless on their own. Basic psychology!

@Marionville Good answer but in this 'dealers rule' what concessions and limits would you offer to their present demands. Also would Scotland be able to keep both the Queen and the pound?

@Mcflewster The Queen is not really an issue..the Scots only want to secede from the second Act of Union the 1707 act...the Union of Parliaments The first one in 1603 was the Union of the Crowns which makes the Queen both Queen of Scotland and of England...remembering it was her ancestor James VI of Scotland who became the English monarch James I . The pound is also not solely an English currency...we had Scottish pounds running as a separate currency from the English ones when Scotland was a separate sovereign country ...that is not impossible to return to again, regardless of what the Bank of England says, although it would be desirable to have some sort of alignment. Ireland managed to run a monetary system successfully in conjunction with the British pound when they gained independence in 1922 was the Irish Pound or Punt. They ran the Irish Pound for 80 years until 2002 when they adopted the Euro as their currency.

@Marionville You have explained a lot that I did not know . It just made me wonder why my fellow manxies want their own currencies . They probably wanted to increase revenues to their banks through bank note collectors just like stamp issues raise moneys for their post office....... and just to be different. They do accept all currencies [still I think] of the UK at equivalence.

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