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I am sorry if you do not trust the BBC about lack of bias but they have just broadcast to me on my wakeup radio 7 am today 2/ 20 / 22 the most believable account of the troubles bedecking religion. OK the presenters are mostly of a Christian upbringing but I believe they tell the truth mostly from both sides(where relevant) on all the religious news happenings including failures. Listen particularly to the Trump one (on Truth)

Todays program, available on


Or BBC Sounds

Continued the following gems
Approximate start times in brackets
A) Prayer spaces in UK schools ( 30 mins )
B) The role of EMOTION in religions of the world - a new book.(12 min)
 “ A human history of EMOTION in religion ” by Richard Firth-Godbehere. Kindle £2.59
C) Tick-Tok Nuns (8 mins)
D) The meaning of Truth . Trump new social media platform ‘Truthsocial’ (24 mins)
“ I will always tell you the truth. Sometimes I can be too honest ”
E) The family depression history of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Mcflewster 8 Feb 20
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I trust the BBC as much as I’d possibly trust any news outlet…more than most others in fact. I think their investigative journalism is as factual and unbiased as it’s possible to get…we always must factor in human personal bias as it’s impossible to eliminate that completely because humans feel things emotionally even when trying to be completely neutral and impartial.

I think the fact that when we had a Labour government in power they accused the BBC of being too right-wing and when the Tories got into power they labelled them as being too much left-wing…and now want to dismantle and destroy it completely. That tells me that in fact the BBC must pretty much be getting the balance right if both parties think they lean too much the other way!

We need to resist and protest at all attempts by this present government to turn the BBC, one of our most admired institutions around the world, into just another commercial news outlet which puts profit before integrity and quality.

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Posted by webspider555If Boris is mentioned then I cannot rule out it being true

Posted by HawkeyeNew to this group, thanks for having me :) Thought I would share something that has had my poor wee atheist brain turning for a few days (the article is a few days old).

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