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Did Marc Bennet commit suicide ?. I doubt it.
What an appalling country and regime. but they have invested £billions in the UK so the UK govt just ignore it.
I am a keen supporter of the Scotland football team but I am very pleased that they haven't qualified for the world cup in Qatar.
I will not be watching any of the games and I hope many others will do the same.

Moravian 8 Sep 29
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I think it’s a disgrace they were ever awarded the distinction of having The World Cup there, that was a bribed decision if ever there was one! I refuse to visit or support any of these corrupt, repressive of woman and human rights in general, Arab States…and not just Qatar, but Dubai, Bahrain or any of them.

There was a much fuller report in yesterday's Times. Marc Bennet recruited by Qatar to promote tourism. Decided to rsign and was offered a job by Saudi Arabia. Arrested by Qatari police and tortured. Accused of giving classified info to Saudi.
Later released but passport held.and had to stay indefinitely in hotel.
Liz Truss foreign secretary contacted by family , refused to help.
The night before he apparently hanged himself he had a happy cheerful skype contact with his family.
NO suicide note . No indication of suicidal tendencies.
His phone which had been kept by Qatar police has had all messages deleted.
Qatr has apparently invested up to £70 billion in the UK. Money talks.

@Moravian The poor family will never get to the truth of what happened. LT is another useless and gutless lying Tory..just like her predecessor as Foreign sec and PM.

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