7 2

Can I please join? I'm Australian and we share a similar ancestry. I'm so bored with Trump and all the American posts. Too often I've had to explain I was 'only joking' cos many of them don't get irony. I'm interested in your politics, love your tv shows, especially all the comedies over the years. I'm afraid I'm no royalist however and I don't like your undemocratic 'House of Lords' but I promise not to bag the queen. 😉 No promises re Theresa May

MsDemeanour 8 Jan 11
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House of Lords... damn confusing, and I'm studying the subject! On one hand, they are really useful, then they are unelected.. but often the only voice for the people unconstrained by party politics, then they spoil it all by falling asleep during debates.
Good Day to you

Sofabeast Level 7 Jan 13, 2019

For the benefit of our overseas friends who may have little understanding of the differences between the House of Commons and the House of Lords (ie as much as I understand the difference between the US House of Representatives and the Senate), the value of a Lord could be argued to really depend on the Lord in question, as there are two main types. Most Hereditary Peers have the right to sit in the Lords and take part in the decision-making processes which take place there purely as a result of their birth and inheritance of an aristocratic title and they may not necessarily have any skills or knowledge making them suitable for the role. This is a hangover from the days when aristocrats were considered better than commoners, with a god-given right to be in charge; those Lords should be abolished (as should all aristocratic titles, the aristocracy and the entire class structure, of course.

Life Peers are different and are often people of very great expertise who have had distinguished careers in their chosen field; they are given a non-hereditary title which affords them the right to sit in the Lords and, using their knowledge and experience they form advisory groups, largely populated by others with expertise in that subject rather than by toadies picked out by a party leader, and through them influence other Lords and the Members of Parliament in the House of Commons. In extreme cases, when the Commons has decided something especially ill-advised or blatantly stupid - whilst many of us don't much like the idea of being represented by people we haven't voted for, there's a lot to be said for giving people who actually know what they're talking about a lot of say in any decision rather than leaving it up to people who are merely good at winning electoral popularity contents.

Incidentally, whilst a commoner who has sat in the House of Commons can be awarded a title permitting them to sit in the Lords, a Hereditary Peer cannot sit in the Commons unless he or she gives up his/her title. One notable example of this wasthe 2nd Viscount Stansgate Anthony Wedgewood Benn - the man who launched the campaign that made it possible for Hereditary Peers to do this, then gave up his own title and served in the House of Commons as a very popular socialist Member of Parliament for almost forty years.

@Jnei And I have an exam on this subject on Wednesday! Oh the pain...

@Sofabeast Make sure to mention the ancient carved woodwork in the Lords, and how it can be difficult to tell the difference between the woodwork and some of the actual lords - that ought to win you a couple of points.

@Jnei Hahahaha… one day I should go and take a look. Shame I had to get back north after the funeral for the exam, otherwise I'd have popped along to parliament. I made quite a case in favour of the Lords, I was in that sort of mood.


Welcome to the group. Do you need any permissions? I think you are just showing respect for the UK way of thinking and I feel quite happy with that. Not that it is superior to any way of thinking -just different. We are all going through a hell of a political time at present and we need all the help and ideas that we can get.BTW a lot of people here are with you on the royalist agenda.

Mcflewster Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

Why not your in the commonwealth and have Lizzie Sourpuss on your money, that should do it.


Do you eat crumpets and wear your socks in bed? If so, you're in.

PS: we're not all royalists over here - quite a few of us think the Russians had the right idea when it comes to monarchs (ok, maybe actually executing them is a bit harsh - I'd advocate their otherwise total abolition, though). Not all of us are big fans of the Lords, either, though it's been harder to hate them these last few years as they've developed a very annoying habit of taking the side of the people, using good sense and blocking the Tories. We do all eat crumpets and wear socks in bed, though.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 11, 2019

Hiya I am a Brit living in Australia for 12 yrs now. I know what you mean about the Misunderstanding of Irony Friday from our neighbours across the way. Tiring isn’t it!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Jan 11, 2019

The more the merrier. I don't think I have come across a single royalist yet! I agree about the humour - quite a lot of Unityed Statesians don't seem to understand irony but think sarcasm is funny, rather than hurtful. Clearly a culture differrence.

CeliaVL Level 7 Jan 11, 2019

You are welcome...although we are not a very exciting lot. I think Brexit has rendered us speechless at the moment....not to mention exhausted ! I don’t think you will find us a hotbed of royalists either, so don’t worry on that score!

Brexit had us speechless over here too. Never have a referendum unless you're sure of the outcome or it simply doesn't matter

@MsDemeanour Agreed! It was an unnecessary referendum.....! I’m still hoping for another one to cancel it out!

@MsDemeanour they got the outcome they wanted convinced enough idiots now they are just taking in teh money and putting it offshore so they don't have to pay taxes


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