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One reason why I would never ever vote Tory

Moravian 8 May 14
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My efficient neural networks. They are the one reason I would never vote Tory.

Red_Cat Level 7 May 18, 2019

It seems we have a similar problem in Australia. We have a general election coming up on Saturday and you wouldn’t want to vote for any of the main parties. We have a revolving door of prime ministers with several minor parties frequently holding the balance which makes for minority party domination and shady deals to move motions forward as I am sure is similar to Tory/DUP alliance.

We also vote for the upper house which has an even broader array of interests to be polite. Looks like the centre ground is getting too crowded with no real alternatives in either country.

Can’t imagine how all this will play out!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 May 14, 2019

I'm surprised at the anti-Labour sentiment expressed here. The main points of the Labour manifesto are broadly in line with the other countries of northern Europe and are supported by 70 % of the country. Jeremy Corbyn as Leader has the support of the majority of voters under 50. Sadly the country has been thrown into chaos and division through weak Conservative leadership pandering to the right of their party. Cities will not be revitalised until local councils are again given access to the funding and powrrs which havebeen taken away from them steadily by successive Conservative govrtnments and their greedy billionaire backers.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 14, 2019

The problem is "For whom can you vote?"
There is no longer any logically cohesive party.
On your other point, high streets are dying for two major reasons.
They face competition from web sites that pay no property tax and have low inventory costs.
Parking has become a business, extracting maximum profit for councils, but discouraging individuals from using high streets. Hailsham, in East Sussex, is an example of what happens when parking is free, but time controlled.

Petter Level 9 May 14, 2019

It's a good reason and there are so many, many more. Jeremy Hunt has been an unqualified arse in every position he's been put in.

Rossics13 Level 6 May 14, 2019

They just cannot put themselves in the shoes and way of thinking of people who, for example, NEED food banks. The lengthy wait for Universal credit payments was a good example of the poor nature of Tory planning.

Mcflewster Level 8 May 14, 2019

The number of people needing to attend food banks is increasing, our high street stores are closing down and going into receivership, homelessness is on the rise as young people can’t afford the cost of housing, the health service is stretched to breaking point, our schools are asking parents to provide money for basic equipment as their budgets don’t meet this cost....and yet Jeremy C..t. eh sorry, Hunt, wants to spend more on armaments to keep in with our “pals” the USA!
All I can say is.... NOT IN MY NAME! I can’t vote Tory anyway, living here in N.I., but I certainly won’t be voting for their current bedfellows, that bunch of religious Neanderthals...the DUP.


Bunch of muppets!

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