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So Labour are saying they will reduce the working week to 32 hours!
Ok, nice idea, but how will this be paid for?
Free Social care, nice concept, but working in the sector I have often worked ludicrous amounts of hours (110 hour weeks), not just to make ends meet, but because without me, people can die. Many in the care sector work 36hour shifts. Does McDonnell intend to conscript people to work in care to cover my reduction in hours. And then I love the work.
Goodbye zero hours? I doubt McDonnell understands how the care sector keeps social cost down. Sometimes care worker aren't needed, so keep paying for doing nothing?

Sofabeast 7 Sep 23
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Give the lad (McDonell)a chance! It yet has to be worked out but the labour party has started costing their manifesto.

Mcflewster Level 8 Sep 23, 2019

Okay, here's the thing that most people don't seem to grasp. The 40 hour working week is a horrendously wasteful thing - there's a lot of science to show that people are at their most productive with a 20 hour working week - that is, people who work a 20 hour week actually get more done in the week than people who work 40 hours. I've even had hardcore Tories admit to me that they would probably spend less time slacking off if they had 20 hours extra at home, plus fewer days commuting. So a shorter working week actually pays for itself and then some. Certain Scandinavian countries have proved this with 20 hours being the standard.
Alright, so you've worked 110 hour weeks in social care and are worried that occasionally, care workers won't be needed? Seems to me that by offering a decent wage for it and decent conditions (i.e. workers know they'll get a wage every week rather than just if/when the bosses fancy giving them some work) more people will be inclined to work in the sector and, by not requiring 110 hour weeks, more people will stay in the sector. I know people who have tragically been forced out of care jobs because they can't survive the hours and the low pay and the feeling of being powerless to really help the people assigned to them - and it broke them. Fix that and they'd go back.
No conscription necessary, just offering a good living. There are millions of people desperately looking for work and trying to survive on Universal Sanctionfest - hidden by conveniently chosen statistics.

Jalnor Level 6 Sep 23, 2019

Ludicrous ideas from a party that are still split down the middle on nearly everything....I think they are making themselves unelectable, just at the time they should be able to wipe the floor with the hated Tories! Corbyn is not popular with the wider electorate and I believe it was disastrous to open up the party to the lefties of Momentum. I just cannot see Labour winning in an election any time soon,

"Making themselves unelectable." Interesting, considering how membership of the party has been increasing at record-setting rates since Corbyn first stood for leader. It's by far the biggest-membership party in British history. The media does everything it can to vilify him (most of the shit you read about Labour in the mainstream media is at the very least distorted and a surprising amount of it is entirely fictional and gets retracted on page somethingteen a few days later so that they can't get convicted of libel) because he threatens the profits of their super-rich owners and friends. Even the BBC, which is now run by a guy who did a report for the Tories on how the BBC should be restructured and was then appointed to the top post that he recommended, by Theresa Mayhem. Other high-ups in the BBC include a former Tory campaigner who is still a member of their collapsing party. This is how you are deceived every day.

@Jalnor I form my own opinions and am not swayed by any of these sources or outlets. What the BBC has to do with Corbyn and his policies I fail to see. I listen to the rhetoric which comes out of their own mouths and they are all over the place on policy. I don’t have an agenda against Corbyn or the Labour Party, and would love to see them beat the Tories whom I loathe, but at present I fear that they will not win over enough people in the country as a whole to win a general election. You can spout numbers all you like about how they are the biggest party in British history, I don’t doubt that you are correct, but it’s the other people who are not in the party that you need to convince to vote for Labour that will not be persuaded to vote for them by the current leadership or policies. Sitting on the fence on Brexit may seem like a good way to hedge your bets and keep both sides happy, but it didn’t work in the local elections and it won’t work in a General Election either.

So you don't believe in broad church parties? Presumably Corbyn thinks he can handle such a thing as long as no-one does anything stupid.

@Mcflewster I am in favour of broad church parties ....but when it comes to certain policies they can’t try to be all thing to all people. Time alone will tell if I’m right or not about Corbyn, but my feeling is he won’t win a general election.

The main thing in the way of Corbyn winning an election is people with dangerously wrong ideas about him, mostly from too much mainstream media. I'm pretty sure, for example, no-one on Corbyn's team has ever said anything about "opening up to the lefties of Momentum." That's the sort of talk you hear from people that read too much Daily Fail and far-right blogs. Momentum exists because people on the left decided to unite against the media claims.
Corbyn is a leftist person and, when there was suddenly him on the ballot paper being a decent person and not a red Tory, people on the left, who have felt unrepresented for most of my life (or all of their lives, in many cases) suddenly saw an option and jumped for it. The fact that they massively outnumber the members of all the other parties says something in of itself and the fact that the "moderate" (AKA red-tory) brigade of the Labour party couldn't beat him in two leadership contests, even while purging people from the membership for having ever described someone as a red Tory, that says even more - and really, what's wrong with a group of people who think it is society's job to ensure everyone has a fair chance and no-one is left at the bottom of the pile with no options? Because that's what the left is about. Anyone using "lefties" as a pejorative needs to stop and think about their priorities a bit.

@Jalnor I’m not saying any of that is wrong....and btw I never read any Tory rags. I’m just saying it’s not just the true believers, like you, that need to vote for Labour under JC, that is already a given, but he has to appeal to the wider electorate. That I don’t believe is going to happen, I hear what people who are not card carrying Labour members say about him, and it’s not encouraging.

Exactly, they say these things because they do consume mass media. They say these things because unreliable sources that they trust have been ramming these claims down their throats for more than four years - and they'll continue to do that about anyone who threatens their ever-farther-right hegemony.
We need to stop that, we need to show these people how they're being lied to, that's the only shot we have.

@Jalnor good luck on that one!

I think it's going to take a sizeable alliance of people LOL Know anyone willing to put in some work to change or open a few minds?

@Jalnor Not here in N.I. The Labour Party doesn’t even put up candidates here!

Then at the very least, people need to stop supporting the two incredibly bad main opposing sectarian parties. There must be other options over there.

@Jalnor yes,..Alliance Party...that is who I vote for when they have a candidate in the race. You don't need to tell me anything about not voting Green or’s impossible to change the mindset of the others unfortunately.

Perhaps not. If you can even convince them that the local candidate doesn't deserve even a sniff of power, they might be convinced to stay home on election day, or to vote for someone outside of their petty rivalry. I had some success with that in the Mayhem election and Scameron's second election, when I lived in the Tory heartland. Got out-and-out Tory supporters, who wouldn't admit for a second that there was anything wrong with the PM, agreeing that the local Tory arsehole had to go and one of them actually wrote to party HQ threatening to leave the party and take a chunk of local support to the fib dems if he was reselected. That sort of half-sabotage of the ruling parties can do a lot of damage 😉

@Jalnor There is no chance of any DUP voter staying’s all about their British identity, and they see the DUP as their protectors and will keep voting for them no mattter what. You really have no idea what that British identity means to’s not about religion here at all, but national identity.

There surely must be other parties that are about that national identity. Like this Alliance Party that you mentioned, which I'll research shortly 🙂 The DUP is such a horrific party that they really need shot down. Maybe it's time that Labour did talk about fielding NI candidates. Then the ones that would normally vote Sinn Fein need a less nasty alternative too.

@Jalnor You really don’t know anything about the history of politics here. There are two Unionist and two Nationalist parties, but politics has become more polarised here and the two more moderate parties the Ulster Unionists and the SDLP have haemorrhaged votes to the more extreme parties, The DUP and Sinn Fein. There are people like me who vote Alliance, but sadly not enough of us to make a difference, The Labour Party has consistently refused to field candidates, over the almost 50 years that I’ve lived here.

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