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I watched Question Time last night and I was quite perturbed by what I heard. I had seen earlier on the news B J flanked by high power scientists and thought Good, science is going to flush this thing through the country in a controlled manner. Not sure who was I/C , B J or the scientists but B J put on his most controlled and somber voice ever and made sure that everyone who was old knew that they were going to die. No hint of outlining their chances of living - difficult for any old individual of course. They do bet on the nags and want to know the odds about that.
Then in the program Sir John Ashton a former Chief health officer laid into the government in an embarrassing way with several points about the way the government made up its mind. Most serious I thought was the use of modeling in different countries. It was bad co-ordination between Scotland, Wales and England - not sure of NI. They should all have agreed the same modeling and criteria. Then things got much worse. Parents wanted Not to send their children to school to protect ill people at home, some wanted them sent they objected to not being able to visit granddad in care homes. Then the am news had countries giving such diverse news . Our own split from the EU has not helped.

I want science to be King and into the future but not like this . Modeling yes but communication to co-ordinate a common way forward was and is dire. It should have been a big part of preparation. Will science get the blame or this government? People themselves will work it only with encouragement from the government. Only by taking ownership responsibility for their future safety and happiness will people begin to gain the correct feelings about the future

Mcflewster 8 Mar 13
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Perhaps for once BJ isn't lying. We're all going to get it. I believe that 80% of my classmates have had it already. Which as Sociologists we see match the predicted hit rate.
It this is true, then the virus has been in the UK for well over a month. They have all recovered and each of them showed 100% of the symptoms.
So, maybe BJ knows and hopes we can weather the storm, recovering quickly, and him proclaiming what was all the fuss about?
However, the government would gain greater respect if they had acted more directly to shut it down as many other countries have done.

Sofabeast Level 7 Mar 15, 2020

Have you trusted him before? What evidence to change?

@Mcflewster I can't say I've ever believed BJ, but discussing a sociological model of disease transmission and recovery at NESCOL and RGU, the government may be aware it is too late to stop. It has been for around two months or longer.
So, BJ lets a pox party carry on and keeps some income for business rolling in. Kids keep going to school, people keep working. Us poor old buggers get thinned out a bit, reducing the pension bill.
For me, it's an amazing time to be a Social Sciences student. Brexit, Trump and now COVID19


Personally, I would have liked stricter control sooner. Things are settling down in China, Hong Kong, South Korea. I would have chosen to follow their tactics.

Red_Cat Level 7 Mar 14, 2020

I am no expert, but I strongly suspect that none of the measures put in place by any government, will in the long term have any real effect on the disease whatever. If government measures slow the diseases spread, then the outbreak will simply last longer, and the same numbers, perhaps even slightly more, will be infected in the end. Since measures will break down and people will return to their hold habits after a while, be forced to, and a longer slower period of infection, with a slower spread will lead to a more complete infection in the end. The only real effect will be to lessen the pressure on the health services, and perhaps save a tiny few lives by getting the victims more organized care, though the greater numbers infected will perhaps cancel that out.

I also suspect that if they are getting good scientific advice, then the worlds governments know this, and that all the measures they are putting in place are simply gesture politics, which they are well aware will have no effect whatever, except to make governments look good.

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 14, 2020

Are they following closely various theories and have they got a testable hypothesis as GB has


The government is in charge of affairs. It is blamed , but they usually scapegoat the science. It is political expediency. The masses are left to rue their pains and misery

1979Emm Level 4 Mar 13, 2020

There doesn't seem to be much panic in NYC... Some wearing masks but the run on toilet paper is under control 😊

Look after your waste (and waist) and you will never go wrong.


People are freaking out wait see, check China on results

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 13, 2020

D*MN clever these Chinese.


The amount of panic in the general public is disquieting. I think 24/7 news coverage and social media are largely responsible. I don’t think it was helpful that the BBC brought John Ashton on to the programme last night, he obviously believed that the current advisors are getting it all wrong, and was very forceful in his views, time alone will prove whether he’s right or wrong. I think we do all need to follow the same protocol, and Northern Ireland are following the English example. The Scottish government agreed on the protocol, but have decided to ban all large public gatherings such as football matches in order to keep medical staff at hospitals where they judge they’ll be needed most. It looks as if in England and Wales that will happen now too, because the Clubs have players who are infected, so that has sorted itself out without having a ban imposed. I thought the Chief Medical Officer and the Government Scientific Advisor made sense when I heard them yesterday, and the rationale for the measures that they are taking, sensible. The real problem is the public not complying with the advice and doing their own thing. Each country has to make its own decisions based on their particular set of circumstances, and on the best advice given by their medical and scientific experts, there is no correct or incorrect way to handle it. We just have to keep cool heads and pay attention to how we interact with other people and objects, making sure that we keep washing our hands and sterilising surfaces, and if we do succumb, and catch the virus, follow the isolation instructions which we have been given. This pandemic will roll through the population, we have now passed the stage of halting it, but if we are sensible we can mitigate the worst effects, and survive.

From my sister in Lipomo, Como.

The speed this virus is travelling is frightening. We are in the awful and quite scary stage. Bergamo is completely under. The doctors admit they have to choose who to save.
Bergamo has no room any more in the mortuary so coffins are being sent to a church.

Bergamo is a town 10 minutes drive away.

@Petter Horrific...Spain is the next worst affected country in the EU...look after yourself.

@Marionville I will. The government has just announced a whole new string of restrictions on the public.

@Petter They will come here too very soon I expect.

@Marionville True. In the finest of British Traditions you await your turn, standing politely in the queue!

John Ashton is a stirrer. Long may they reign.

Scotland in the lead AGAIN.

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