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Keir Starmer it is then.

A New Hope!

Geoffrey51 8 Apr 4
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The announcement that Momentum will hold Keir "To account" is NOT conducive to Unity' . If over half of the MPs declare their support for momentum, then that weakens Keir's arguments. Only if all these MPs have rock solid support for Momentum has any of them got the right to say anything to go against Keir. Other wise, they just shut up at least for quite a while while sensible policies are established . Fractional groups do not, cannot work without a lot of ugly public aggressiveness. ! They were supposed to be supporting Corbyn but were not very successful were they?

@OwlInASack I happen to think that leaders should have minimum input and that a cabinet must share the work for the leader to make the final decision. But that is not the current situation and as such we should let leaders lead to test his metal. Testing Testing Testing

@OwlInASack This is why the religionists put so much effort in to having a literally 'Dream' Jesus that could not be confirmed. A 'My way' specialist in the extreme. As is Dominic Cummings- a "gather upper' of all conservative dreams.


I'm not pleased. The guy's an out-and-out Blairite, the "red Tory" wing of Labour has been celebrating since he started doing well. I hope we can keep him dragged to the left, but I fear we're going back to Blair. Yes, Blair got elected. Then he did Tory things.

Jalnor Level 6 Apr 4, 2020

Why do you want to talk about L and R when we are after UNITY? . He has his reasons you should listen to them whether your are L or R and either accept or get agreement somehow to your views from everybody. This reasoning can also be applied to religious differences since we are both on an agnostic site.

@Allamanda By not distinguishing them. e.g Use of Ms instead Of Mrs, Miss. Dont talk of god and it goes away?

@Allamanda 'Mrs' and 'Miss' will disappear as more young females use the cobined Ms Instead. God disappears if no one tlaks about him e.g Bhuddists . L and R is divisive ; Brotherhood is unifying. Only if everyone is trying NOT to have a split. Any better? Have you experienced a split anywhere? Office, Family Friends? With effort it can be avoided.


Let’s hope so. At least they seem to have come to their collective senses and have elected the person best placed to challenge Boris and his lot.

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Posted by MoravianTory Corruption ?

Posted by MoravianA Tory Christmas carol

Posted by MoravianAny takers

Posted by MattHardyA Boris promise is just a lie that hasn't happened yet. Whatever Sue Grey says, no way is Boris going to admit he lied and resign.

Posted by MoravianJacob Rees Mogg is one of my least favourite people in the world.

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Posted by MannanWhat do you think.....?hahaha

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Posted by MoravianPolitics in the UK

Posted by webspider555All set to go well with the vaccination roll out

Posted by webspider555Vaccine already in production

Posted by webspider555If Boris is mentioned then I cannot rule out it being true

Posted by HawkeyeNew to this group, thanks for having me :) Thought I would share something that has had my poor wee atheist brain turning for a few days (the article is a few days old).

Posted by McflewsterWhere Religion ,Monarchy and Private Education meet. Taken from the Book "BOY" by Roald Dahl "Tales of Childhood" []

Posted by webspider555I’m beginning to wonder whether our government is just incompetent or are all these things happening just to get us in a rage arguing amongst ourselves.

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