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Hi, folks—I’m thinking of closing this group, since there is so little activity. If you’d like it to continue, please start a conversation or two. Thanks!

UUNJ 8 Aug 13
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Melanie, don't close it. I had a PM from someone having a problem and she wanted advise. I gave it about the subject and in talking back and forth I mentioned UUism. I did not push it, only said it's what works for me. She said she'd check out UU's website.


Closing it sounds good to me. It’s a small site - this group is really narrow in focus. I can talk UU at my UU community.

Lydiaeli Level 6 Aug 15, 2018

BTW, when I joined this group 2 months ago there were 15 people, now there are 25. PROGRESS!!


True that there is not much activity. Might be okay to close it down. Not many people, not much conversation. Maybe in future there will be more UU singles who want to chat.

SKH78 Level 8 Aug 13, 2018

I started attending the local UU congregation, mainly due to my ex's pushing "Christian or else!" on our son. The exposure to multiple different belief systems openned his eyes fairly quickly.

Oh, and my ex is "born again" post-divorce, and I personally believe her "new found faith" is/was solely to gain points with the Court. She's since stopped pushing it, when the Court ignored her on her religion-based complaints against me.

Since moving, I haven't approached the local UU.

camne Level 7 Aug 13, 2018

I’m glad the courts didn’t fall for the “born again” thing.


Is there a general UU page?

empirical Level 6 Aug 13, 2018

Nope. This is the only UU group. I could change it to a general UU group instead of for singles...


Hi Melanie, and everyone else. I for one would like to see more posts on this page. And, yes, I'm guilty of not starting a post also. So. here goes. What first attracted you to UUism? As for me, my wife and I were tired of the bar scene and were looking for another more sane group of people. She called the local UU phone number and as it happened there was a slide show of one couples' trip to Central America that evening. So we went and that was our introduction to the UUs. We liked their "energy" and started to attend regularly. At that time it was a small group but steadily grew so that in 10 years it split into 2 groups. NEXT

I was married to a Catholic and needed a way to satisfy the baptism tradition in a way that was meaningful to me, too. I found a UU church online and went for a year to make sure they weren't looney and we had our Dedication Ceremony right before he turned 1. It was a little late, but everyone from all the various religions and lack thereof in my family came. I am no longer a member, but I go to UU churches with him when we go on vacation. The people stuff of running a church takes the church out of it for me. Selfishly I just take the luxury of being a visitor occasionally. Plus I am a Thoreau Unitarian. On a Sunday, I want to be outside, not in a church! At least I can still occasionally expose my son to the UU option in case he is interested in church one day and doesn't get sucked in to nonsense just because he is seeking fellowship.

@empirical UU works for a lot of people in many various ways. Mine is lay led. We have programs of interest to people on all subjects except religion. I have given 5 and am working on another. if there was anything to "believe" I'd be outta there fast.

Kudos! My congregation has stayed the same size for 20 years. We are desperate for new members and energy as many of the founders are retired now and traveling for long periods. There goes the volunteer pool...

@empirical It pays to “church shop.” I attended 4 in NJ prior to landing on a congregation that felt like home. Some are experimenting with services at different times and days, especially smaller ones.

@empirical Please see my new post about thebUU Church of the Larger Fellowship, which is online. There is also a congregation in the Second Life virtual world online.

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Posted by UUNJZoom worship behind. the scenes.

Posted by UUNJZoom worship behind. the scenes.

Posted by Eagle61UPDATE: I'm moving to Campus Towers Apartments on the West Side of Jacksonville, FLA in November.🚚

Posted by UUNJHere’s a photo of me holding a chalice during the worship service I delivered via Zoom to the UUs of Fallston , Maryland.

Posted by UUNJMost UU congregations are closing for a few weeks, and many of them are going online for services and meetings.

Posted by UUNJVisiting Memphis for a workshop on the OWL Sexuality Education for Older Adults curriculum I wrote.

Posted by UUNJSwitched congregations last Sunday, kicking things off by singing a song and giving a sermon on sexual pleasure and communication (the regular minister spoke on the same topic more briefly, same day.

Posted by Eagle61Ditching the Nestle-made bottled water for a while in exchange for regular old tap water; bottled water sometimes 'enlarges my prostrate' and sends me to the bathroom a couple of times overnight!🤔...

Posted by UUNJHad a first today: was singing a song at my Uu church when a visitor passed out and slumped onto her daughter.

Posted by Greg610The road to success is always under construction🚧

Posted by UUNJMy outfit for church tomorrow. I’m promoting the Movie-themed service auction. I made the costume from an $8 skirt and tops I had and sewed together. The wig is from Party City.

Posted by UUNJClimate Strike today in my UUA sidewithlove shirt

Posted by UUNJThe view from my hotel window while I’m in Spokane for UUA General Assembly.

Posted by UUNJIf you’re on Facebook, you may enjoy this lighthearted group.

Posted by UUNJAttended worship today in Salt Lake City.

Posted by UUNJAttended worship today in Salt Lake City.

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