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This post is in regards to the Idaho incident in regards to the pride festival. Stay with me if you can deal with me jumping around. For those of you with no patience I'll boil it down to a couple simple questions. What the fuck is wrong with these people? How fearful do you have to be to wear riot gear and be armed in order to confront a group of homosexuals?

First of all we are dealing with grown straight white males. The very top of food chain in this country. They have all the resources and the system is set up specifically for their benefit. What in the world do they have to fear? Yeah I know it's hate. Yes, that's a component of it but overall it's driven by fear. These folks make cowards look like Klingons.

So they don't like homosexuals. So what? Honest admission here but I don't like felines. Never have. I'm not going to get into my insane reasons why, I just don't. Felines never did anything to me. I've never harmed a feline in any way nor do I have any desire to. I don't go to kitty conventions or wherever cats congregate dressed in riot gear armed to the teeth in order to confront them. Still I would venture to guess that a large group of felines would be far more dangerous than a large group of homosexuals. It's debatable.

My 16 year old daughter is gay. She's attended pride festivals in the past and will in the future I'm sure. She literally and figuratively wouldn't hurt a fly. She also likes felines. But I digress.

I grew up in the midwest and was raised christian conservative and frankly lived a very sheltered life. My first interaction with anyone gay (that I know of) was when I was in Omaha, NE (the big city at the time) and was at the bus station waiting to go to the military entrancing processing facility for my physical. I was around 17 years old. I was playing a coin operated video game. A middle aged white gentleman approached me and started a conversation. I don't even recall what about. I doubt I was paying much attention as I was into playing the video game. Soon he offered me money to go into the bathroom and suck my cock. I was quite floored. I never even heard of such a thing. I left the video game in the middle of it and got as far away from him as possible. What was my impression of homosexuals at that point in my life. Not positive, I can assure you of that.

Even with that horrible experience I didn't hate homosexuals nor was I afraid of them. I didn't have a very good opinion of them though. As time went by and I experienced more in my life I grew to discover homosexuality had nothing to do with it. The man was simply a POS whether gay or straight. I've met many gays that were perfectly normal. As a matter of fact I imagine I've met many a homosexual that I never even knew were gay. It's not like people carry a sign around stating their sexual preference in casual company.

What causes people to be so afraid of someone that is gay that they need to wear riot gear and be armed to the teeth in order to confront them? I can't even fathom being that scared of something. The folks in the van in Idaho had to be the biggest cowards in the world. Sure, war or hand to hand combat to the death would likely scare me but confronting a bunch of peace loving non armed combatants? Cmon!

What do you think causes these folks to be so afraid?

FvckY0u 8 June 13
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The last I heard, all parades be they gay pride or straight pride are protected under the 1st amendment just as protesting and counter-protesting is.


Those knuckle-draggers are the reason that propaganda is so destructive. Media outlets are pumping out the hate and lies 24x7, and some people are susceptible to it. Like, some people are allergic to peanuts.

BitFlipper Level 8 June 14, 2022

When you say "armed to the teeth", do you mean carrying weapons? I didn't hear about them having weapons. Just wanting to clarify a little.

@darren316 Perhaps you should be cancelled, flagged and doxed for misinformation.. 😏

@darren316 Did I say you should FIRST be cancelled., THEN flagged, etc? No! On this platform, it wouldn't do any good to try anyway from what I've seen. My point is you are throwing out misinformation, which is what websites like FB and Twitter seem to like to cancel and flag persons for all the time. It's not really hard to understand. You're doing exactly what they (FB, Twitter) are cancelling persons for all the time. So why do YOU get to get away with it, but those of us that don't agree with your rhetoric or ideology would surely be punished for on the more popular sites? Why can't you just be honest in your OPs? I don't think that's asking too much.

@darren316 Haaaahahaha.... Such a well thought out and succinct response. Just what I would expect from you. Well done! You've proved my point with your own words. 😂😎👍


Obviously they came in combat gear with the hope of engaging in combat with the paraders. They hate homosexuals because of their Christian indoctrination of hatred against people they regard as other. But also, Christian indoctrination includes a battery of values that confuse people's sexual development. It's entirely likely that many of those bigots have homosexual tendencies they've been fighting with internally, given the self-hatred they've been taught.

racocn8 Level 9 June 14, 2022

You don't like cats? Pffffffftt!!


Such people suffer from catastrophic personal insecurity. If anybody else behaves in any way that does not conform to their own ideas of acceptable behaviour or being then they become terrified. Examples of "unacceptability" include speaking a language other than English, public nudity, believing in any religion other than Christianity, trans women and men, homosexuality, bisexuality, being intelligent, coming from an ethnic minority, and being in a mixed ethnic marriage. In becoming terrified, such people feel the urge to lash out at "the other" and ultimately to destroy them.

anglophone Level 9 June 14, 2022

The riot gear may have been for intimidation purposes. Some people fear what isn't familiar or that they don't understand.

LGBTQ, especially trans people seem to be the target of a lot of hate and such for the Right and alt-right of late, including legislation.

MizJ Level 8 June 14, 2022
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