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What do I do when I can’t sleep. I find some music to dance to. This is one of my favourite styles of Middle Eastern music, Shaabi. It refers to this style of music but also to the style of dance. Shaabi is a street dance from Cairo. It’s very lively, bouncy, and irreverent. Saad el Soghayar (or just Saad) is a big name in Shaabi. This song is Welad el Balad.

graceylou 8 Sep 16
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Thanks for an intro to Shaabi. That's my idea of a dance.

alliwant Level 7 Nov 27, 2018

Better than trying to force sleep when it isn't going to happen.


I would just be staring at the ceiling for hours otherwise.

@graceylou The story of my life.

@Lilac-Jade I have a hard time sleeping so I usually stay up until late and until I'm very tired. My mind doesn't stop ever.

@graceylou I am a lifelong night person, & of course that was a no-no when I was a kid. I'd be made to go to bed at the ''decent'' hour, & I'd stare at the ceiling crying half the night. I was so bored & of course wide awake until finally getting to sleep a couple of hours before having to get up for school. Awful being sleep deprived so young, but I'd nap after school until I started I had to do.

@Lilac-Jade When I was in school, grade school and university, I averaged 3-4 hours of sleep per night. I don't do well with quiet activities when my mind is racing. I have to do something active to deal with it. Dances usually works the best.

@graceylou I was not allowed to be up to do anything. I just got yelled at for ''deliberately'' staying awake.

@Lilac-Jade I shared my bedroom with my younger brother so we would just talk until we fell asleep. And we also had a hamster and a gerbil in the room. They would run on their wheels at night. For some reason that noise helped me sleep.

@graceylou I was the only kid they had. I had cats but they didn't always come to bed.


Would this not make you less sleepy? Or is it so energetic that it tires you out. Nice for a workout to get some extra weight that is!

Shaabi moves wear me out. But it makes me happy. I’ve been feeling stressed and kind of down all day. Middle Eastern dance I find help with tense muscles, sore back, etc. And yes, great for exercise too.

This is an example of a typical Shaabi dance performance

@graceylou Good for whittling down the waistline!

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