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I just discovered this brilliant Brazilian dancer today and I've been watching several of his videos. I really like the music to this piece, Kakore Ja (remix) by Helm. The dancer is Guigo Alves. The dance style is American Tribal Style (ATS) bellydance.

graceylou 8 Oct 22
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I've seen male belly dancers before and I say, equal opportunity hooray! But I do also have to say, this sounds a lot like music I've danced to from Turkey.

chicagojcb Level 7 Oct 29, 2018

American Tribal Style has a more folkloric leaning. The music is by Helm which is a California group. This song is quite a fusion of genres and origins. The video is missing the beginning of the song which is a malfouf rhythm typical in intros for Egyptian bellydance. Parts of this song are very much Balkan style. The lyrics I found out to be Bulgarian Roma.

@graceylou That what I thinking at first. Its sound for me like balkans folk.

@JackJohn Yes. Tribal style belly dance often uses Balkan style music although it’s not as popular anymore today than a few years ago.


Here’s a snippet of a video that I saw this morning that made me look him up. I like the music too.


graceylou Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

how cool is that! didn't know that men can & do bellydance. hot dude & ... did you recognize the black thingy on his upper torso? it's a halterneck bra! love it!

I guess it’s supposed to represent some sort of a version of a “vest”. He must’ve borrowed it from one of the ladies. LOL. Tribal style and tribal fusion dancers can pretty much wear anything they want.


I have never seen a male belly dancer before....Is ATS common to many countries in South America or just Brazil? He is very supple.

ATS is common all over the world now but originated in the US. Usually it’s danced as a troupe (tribe) and it’s improvisational (with cues shared by the troupe). Male belly dancers are not uncommon and some of the big names in bellydance are males. I’ve danced with and trained under several male bellydancers. The male torso and abdominal muscles are in fact better suited for belly undulations than the female counterparts.

However, most male bellydancers opt for more masculine style costuming. This dancer opts to wear some of the same costuming as the women. And he wears it well!!!

@graceylou Thanks for the info. Yes doesn’t he just !! ?

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