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Do you like eggs? If so, what's the best way to eat them?

I eat eggs in moderation. I like them best deviled. Because, I'm non-religious. No, wait, that's not right... it's because they're DELICIOUS! lol.

I was reading an article about the nutritional value of eggs. There used to be this idea that eggs were bad for you, because they have cholestrol.

And, there is still controversy around how good eggs are for you.

Some researchers say that dietary cholestrol has very little impact on blood cholestrol (less than 10%). But, there are people who react more and have higher spikes in cholestrol than others, so they need to be more diligent.

~Eggs are a good source of several minerals that can be hard to get in other foods, such as iodine and selenium. “Eggs are also one of the few foods that are naturally a good source of vitamin D., which helps build strong bones with the help of calcium,” Kanter said. But, he added, eating only egg whites doesn’t give you all the good stuff. “Nutrients found exclusively in the yolk include choline, vitamin B12, vitamin D and iron among others,” he said. Many nutritionists believe that, for healthy people, eggs’ excellent nutrition profile mitigates its cholesterol content.

For as many nutrients as they have, eggs are a relatively low-calorie food. There are just 71 calories in a large egg. There are no carbohydrates or sugars, and only 5 grams of fat (7 percent of your daily recommended intake). ~


silvereyes 8 Mar 1
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I like scrambled best, or an omelette.

JVee Level 4 Mar 1, 2018

You sound like my kind of lady.


Just for the record, a couple of hundred and some odd million years ago, mammals started out by being able to find and eat dinosaur eggs. And it looks like we're still doing it. Every Saturday morning I have cheesy eggs: something between over easy and cheese omelet.

andygee Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

I like eggs - boiled, baked, salad, or fried!
I like eggs - poached, scrambled, or dyed!
I like eggs!

Donna_I Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

I belong to that club.

@FrayedBear 🙂


I raise chickens & get gobs of eggs. Ecellent as:
Quiche/sweet or savory pies
Scotch egg
Egg pastas/breads


I eat two scrambled eggs almost every day. Low carb and high protein. I have to cook three so my beggar of a dog can have one. I love deviled eggs and eggs salad, but I'm usually too lazy to make either.


If I'm cooking - over easy with english muffin. If eating out, poached. If I'm splurging - the same, but with duck eggs.

TXLarry Level 5 Mar 1, 2018

Ooo that's just ducky..


I love whatever form they're creme bruillee..mmmmm or in a mousse..or an asparagus Soufle...

Charlene Level 9 Mar 1, 2018

Or just fried and lightly topped with grated truffle.


Eggs are always in my diet-scrambled, omelettes, fried,etc.


each & every breakfast smoothie i have contains 2 large raw free range eggs, & i'm having this daily for the past 10 years now.

@silvereyes greens (kale, cabbage), fruit (pawpaw, mango, banana, grapes, apricot, anything locally in season), lemon, ginger, cinnamon, some seeds (chia & such), topped up with oat or rice milk. huge & energetically lasts half the day.


Egg salad, over easy on top of potato hash, or in a spinach and feta omelet.

bleurowz Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

I love me green eggs and ham scrabbles - eggs with spinach aka eggs Florentine, but I cook the spinach a bit first and toss it in the blender with olive oil. Yum!

jeffy Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

A two-egg omelette with a slice of american for creaminess and shredded colby-jack would be my all time favorite.

If going the easy route it would be two over easy and I have a weird habit of eating the whites first and then scooping the yolk up and eating it whole.

Can we just admit that the yolk is the best part? 😉


I have eggs everyday. I do love deviled eggs, even when I was Christian. My favorite egg is poached on toast.

Leutrelle Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

I love eggs! Yes, high dietary cholesterol, but the verdict is sort of out on the impact of that. Albumin is a complete protein. Eggs are very low cark and can be prepared low fat.

My fave way to eat them: poached, soft, over lightly buttered rye toast.

Quiches, custards, and omlettes are also the bomb!

Zster Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

When I underwent radiation the nutritionist recommended eggs for the protein I couldn't get down.

A hard boiled egg can get past most upset stomachs. (oddly).

And I still love them over easy - and egg salad - and egg drop soup (I was taught to let it poach as whole as possible). Mmn....

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 1, 2018

@silvereyes Hmm might have to try that?

@silvereyes Just don't have any right now. Otherwise it might be dinner!

@Silvertongue You've got me on that term? Sausages?

@Silvertongue [] It's very good on Fish too (So I'm told).

@silvereyes I've always loaded them up with salt and tabasco, but lemon pepper sounds great. I've been using it on veggies a lot, especially celery.

@Silvertongue That's the way I eat them too. Though I'm more apt to scoop a perfect bite onto a whole piece of buttered toast.


I like them over medium on dry toast and covered with chili. Or, my favorite, Eggs Benedict.

Condor5 Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

There is so much that you can do with eggs. Try making a frittata

Mark9393 Level 6 Mar 2, 2018

When we were kids - and sick - my Mom would make us Eggnog with Milk and raw eggs(in the blender). Also some vanilla extract - sugar and various spices. (Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and ginger - any of those). Never got sick from it. Oh and sometimes some vanilla ice cream.

And it goes well with a sore throat.

Also protein. Good stuff for healing.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 2, 2018

Scrambled for life! But I dunno, I've eaten eggs in cookie dough for as long as I remember, and aside from crippling depression I'm just great! 😀

But yeah, eggs are very low calorie but I don't really find them that filling by themselves. If you do though, that's great because they're pretty cheap!


i'd like to get two good laying hens and that'd be all i need.... i had a good chicken a while back that would lay one a day.. i only eat eggs a couple times a week and always had enough to scramble. my dogs killed it dammit!.. so now when i get eggs, i'll just boil like 6-8 at a time and eat those over a couple days. i think what i like best is whipping them up with some heavy cream and cheese and scramble them in bacon grease... maybe make some toast and have an egg sandwich.

SeeCanU Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

Oh and boiled! How could I forget boiled lol

JVee Level 4 Mar 1, 2018

The only good egg is a chocolate egg - all real eggs are disgusting!

Jnei Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

I like eggs in many different ways. However, they've got to be well done (white well cooked, yolk not runny at all). And I absolutely cannot abide eggs and cheese together...ick.

marga Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

I like scrambling them the Gordon Ramsay way.

MrOhm Level 4 Mar 2, 2018

An egg is the best food a human can I read somewhere.

As to cholesterol ,forget about it,it s not a problem for humans at all ,we have been misled for decades about this. There is no bad or good cholesterol,our bodies make both naturally and bodies don't make stuff that is harmful. It does block arteries but that is the side affect not the cause,the cholesterol build up is trying to clean the arteries from the damage caused by all the other crap we eat ...mainly sugar and processed foods/drinks.

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