7 8

My husband and I were talking earlier and he brought up something that's not sitting right with me. His mother (who I am not on good terms with anyway) seems to think that he's not where he wants to be in life and that it all started from the moment that he denied god.

First of all, he is right where he needs to be and no fucking god gave him shit. Yes, we are still working toward owning our own home, but we will get there someday. As if we start praying for a house, one is just magically going to land in our possession. NO, that's not how it works.

I am so tired of these brainwashed Christian idiots telling me that I need god in my life. God doesn't do shit because god isn't real.

Kynlei 8 Jan 4
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Well if you pray instead of doing other things that cost money your savings account will gain faster. But then you are wasting a lot of time. Just a thought.

I don't do a lot of things that cost money. I don't have the money. 🤣

@Kynlei I was trying to be funny.

@dalefvictor So was I.


She is a harridan. I hope you can avoid her. I also hope your spouse tells her to shut up and get a life.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 5, 2021

I mean, she's hard for me to get along with the majority of the time, but that's a bit harsh. She has good intentions, but poor execution.


Uggh..yeah, hopefully she's on the other of the planet..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 5, 2021

Tell your mother in law that you tried praying once and it obviously did not work...Because she is still here!

I try really hard to love her because I love her son, but damn she makes it hard. Thankful that my husband is nothing like her.

Good one!!! 🙂


My question is ,
What does he think of all of this and mother’s opinion ?
She can say whatever she wants , who cares .
Point is , does he care about what mother said ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 5, 2021

He basically contracted her right away, saying that he earns what he has, by himself. We both do. He knows her opinions and worldviews are skewed and takes whatever she says with a grain of salt.


I don't like people who decide where I should be in life. Studied to be a preacher but the invisible man isn''t real.

DenoPenno Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

Exactly. Our home is paid off, & nobody gave us any handouts, including some invisible gawd thingy. We earned every damn thing we have.

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