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Watched a documentary about people walking on fiery hot coals.

It was sole destroying.

Zealandia 8 June 19
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And the falling down on them would be a pain in the arse.


You also saw the news item of nearly 30 burning their feet in Switzerland or somewhere closeby & thought "what a bunch of nutters"?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 19, 2022

Yes, I did see the article and think that.

Apparently it’s possible to walk across hot coals for only a short period without causing harm. The length was probably miscalculated. You’d think that the session would be stopped after the first couple of people raised concerns.

@Zealandia lol you think they had the coals at blast furnace temperature?

@FrayedBear Yeah, maybe the organisers didn’t wait for the fire to settle down into embers before starting the walk. Reading further, it was apparently a “team building exercise” whatever that means. Did the exact opposite of team building as far as I can see.

I found this little nugget:

A few years ago, 30 people were injured at an event organised by motivational speaker Tony Robbins. The 'Unleash the Power Within' event in Texas saw dozens of people attempting to walk over a bed of hot embers but suffered burns to their feet and legs

Probably channeling Tony Robbins there! Unleashing the power of going to hospital more like it.

@Zealandia let's face - half the Western world thought the sun shone out of America's arse then they found out that the strife they're in was fomented by America.

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