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It's a crimson attack.

noworry28 8 June 4
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It’s a bit of an off colour joke.

Zealandia Level 8 June 5, 2024

no joke the NSW premier has promised to wear Moroon for 1 day when Qld wins the state of origin. He has already conceded defeat and the game has not been played yet.
See ABC News Monday I think..

@vocaloldfart I didn’t realise that State of Origin matches are sometimes played outside of the competing states, eg in Victoria.

That will be entertaining to see re NSW Premier if Queensland wins!


This has a lot of meaning for Queenslanders (maroons) and New South Walesmen (blues) who are very close to the state of origin rugby clash.
I am of the firm opinion that Queensland ( maroons ) should stamp out the cockroaches (blues, N S W), have them for breakfast and teach them how to play Rugby properly.


Oh good grief!!!!!

[I like it, hahahahaha]

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