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You want to go down to the bar to hear that band called Duvet?

They’re a cover band.

Zealandia 8 Aug 4
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Was a spreadsheet created?

If you’ve ever tried to print even a simple Excel spreadsheet…

@Zealandia Nope, I only know the name....never even seen one, or what it's about.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Trust me, it’s very difficult to print out a spreadsheet from a computer.

@Zealandia Okay, other people's problems.


You doona want to do that. I heard they're zenophobic & right down on Kiwis.

I was fine during my visits to Scotland, plus another kiwi mate spent time there without any issues.

They definitely don’t like the English though.

And there’s a lot of sectarian violence that isn’t reported, especially in Glasgow. Seems to be something that they unfortunately don’t want to acknowledge or address.

@Zealandia Glaswegian violence is long standing. Every year train loads of them invaded my hometown for weekend holidays. Unless necessary locals stayed out of town & polis were special brought down from Glasgee to apprehend the worst elements at the railway turnstyle before they even got onto the streets.

If you can get hold of it have a listen to Alistair Hulitt & Dave Swarbrick's performance of the Red Clydeside suite. It's about the Glaswegian uprising over 100 years ago. Another instance of the British Army Black & Tans being used against the British citizens.

@FrayedBear Thanks for the interesting recollections. Clearly, not much has changed in Glasgow.

Have you heard of bricking? Common in Glasgow. My uncle used to visit workmates hospitalised by this barbaric and odious pastime.

@Zealandia is that just hitting with a brick or as in electronics turning a person into a brick?

@FrayedBear You run out of an alley to catch a random person unawares and bash them in the head with a brick.

Great sport.

@Zealandia I once had a dickhead office manager of a local MP tell me that hitting a person with an eggshell skull should not result in automatic manslaughter conviction. Equally a much reported homosexual judge claimed that a person's right to swing their clenched fist at another person stops 1mm from the victim's skin. I totally reject any such nonsensical notion -the threat like the swing commences with the first 1mm of movement not the last!

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