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If You Can’t Stop People From Voting, Just Help Them Die?

There's seems to be no other good explanation for how the Republican Party views voting in the midst of a deadly pandemic.


[It was as if the racists across the country, and Steven Miller and Donald Trump in the White House, figured out that if they wanted to actually reduce America's Black and Hispanic population, this was their chance. They could use this virus to, "Make America white again."]

[It's hard to imagine that elected public officials—even those who won with the help of fraud like Kemp and Trump—would be so craven as to engage in policies that specifically target minority groups for illness and death.

There has to be another explanation, right?

I just can't figure out what it is.]

It's hard to imagine the Democrats virtual silence if you're still stuck in their illusion. But some of us here know they win even when they lose. When one figures that out you're beginning to step your way out of their illusion.

Kemp you might remember is a subject of investigations of Greg Palast that I have posted here. A long history of using cross state checking to purge people off voting list around the country.

Also be aware of the new calls for mail in voting. This is another issue of corruption within the voting system, also covered by Palast. The amount of changes needed to be made to make mail in voting accountable and reliable will never be achieved. The people targeted with purging will face even more hardships and walls to manage to vote productively.

William_Mary 8 July 16
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Seems to me GOP voters will be hit harder than others, because they mimic their leaders and do not wear masks. I'd like to see poll figures.

EdEarl Level 8 July 16, 2020

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