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There’s Enough Blame to Go Around in Belarus

There are many similarities to what is happening in Minsk today to what happened in Kiev in 2014, but there are also significant differences


Will the next Ukraine please step forward.

{Nuland said that then Vice President Joe Biden would play a key role in the coup. Biden then became Obama’s virtual viceroy in Ukraine.}

{Despite this, there are significant differences between what happened in Ukraine in 2014 and what is happening so far in Belarus.

U.S. officials have not yet openly intervened by appearing in person with the protestors to egg them on. The nominated U.S. ambassador, Julie Fisher, faced confirmation hearings only two weeks ago and said: “What we are trying to get done is basically to ensure that there is space, to ensure there is space for more than one voice in this country.”}

But the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy is basically the same thing. And then there's Pompeo dictating the pace of the cause. And the cause surely isn't democracy. I surely hate to give any credit to Trump. But when Biden gets his hands on this, please see Ukraine.

{By chanting pro-Western slogans, some protestors are tainting their demands by associating themselves with the U.S. and handing Lukashenko a reason to crush them. Lukashenko’s authoritarianism is also handing the U.S. an excuse to interfere, claiming it is bringing democracy to Belarus, though democracy has never really mattered much to Washington.}

Will the next Hong Kong please step forward. Be careful what you ask for. Please see Ukraine.

{Post-war America has overthrown more democratically-elected leaders than dictators. That in itself puts the lie to “spreading democracy.” The first CIA coup in Syria in 1949 overthrew an elected leader for a military government. Four years later in Iran the U.S. carried out a reversal of 1776–overthrowing a democratically chosen prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, to install a king back to the throne.}

!Stop supporting this!

If you open up the Craig Murry article Joe mentions at the end of his article, you'll find what I attempt to get you to understand about international politics.

{Attempting to influence the political direction of another country to your favor is a key aim of diplomacy, and always has been. I was a rather good exponent of it on behalf of the U.K. government for a couple of decades.}

As this latest report has come out as a means to smear Trump, they want to manage your perception that this is only an issue of his self doing, as they falsely create self absence from. As they attempted to do the same within the Trump impeachment. What Trump was doing in Ukraine was impeachable, while what Biden did, which was much worse, went virtually unquestioned. How is it that those who know all the facts and logically think this out, continue to support either of these parties? The entire process of our governance is nothing less than a reality show.

{The BBC World Service has always been funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and its entire existence has been based on this attempt to influence, by pumping out propaganda in scores of languages, from its very inception. The British Council is not spending millions promoting British culture abroad from a pure love of Shakespeare. Government funding is given to NGOs that aim to influence media and society. Future leaders are identified and brought on training and degree courses to wed them to pro-British sympathies.}

And this reality show is directed by the ruling class public relation firms they pay to create the infotainment {propaganda} which is handed down to the media they own. As these NGO's go worldwide to spread the fake democracy within interference, our representatives are compliant to as they interact abroad with other politicians and intelligence agencies.

{I do not have any trouble with any of that. It is part of what diplomacy is. It is of course amusing when the British state works itself into a frenzy over Russia carrying out exactly the same type of activity that the British do on a much larger scale. But it is all part of an age-old game. If I were ambassador to Belarus now, I would have no moral qualms about turning up to support an anti-Lukashenko demo. It is all part of the job.}

It is all part of the job? What if I told you that the job could be done in a more beneficial way for all of society? Rather than competition towards profits for the ruling class, but for advancement for a better society and cleaner planet. Murry goes on to explain the evils of our oppression. What's it take for us in the US to say enough is enough and lead the way out of this? Can we just finally shed this centuries old European imperialistic madness that was brought over here? Send it back and set a new standard.

William_Mary 8 Aug 21
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The USA loves flexing muscles, killing innocent civilians and instilling USA friendly puppet governments. The only interest is what wealth can USA corporations extract fro the country. Belarus has really the best use like Ukraine in providing border close to Russias to install missiles.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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