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Austerity at Home and Imperialism Abroad: What a Joe Biden Win Would Mean for America

If past performance is any indicator of future outcomes, a brief look at past Democratic presidencies offers insights into what a Biden win could mean for America and the world.


{Trump, under normal circumstances, would have a formidable advantage as the incumbent president. Of the 13 U.S. presidents since 1933, all ran for re-election with the exception of JFK, who tragically did not have that choice. All but three won. These exceptions prove the rule that bad economic times doom the incumbent: Ford and Bush the Elder were defeated by recessions, and Carter by “stagflation.”}

Yea, well, hold that thought. Those information literate would suggest Carter had 2 other road blocks in his way. A rescue attempt that went terribly wrong due to weather, and a conspiracy of election tampering due to an illegal hostage agreement with Iran. I somewhat question the possibility of a conspiracy on the first one also. But if I remember right, Carter had a lead in the polls until his hostage deal suspiciously fell apart. Which exasperated the first issue via media narrative.

And Bush Jr. like his first run was handed the white house, again, within a suspiciously manor most likely stealing the Ohio vote. I say that as someone from Ohio and knowing of all the shenanigans that went down around the state. Then there's the Kerry Edwards fiasco that just happen to appear the very morning after the election that caused Kerry to just concede even though Ohio was buzzing with fouls calls. Yea, just to coincidental for me.

So, don't count Trump out so quickly. If they want Trump in there again you can bet your sweet ass he'll be there again.

{The delusional fear that Trump will stage a coup to stay in power begs the question of what army and security apparatus would back him. Not the U.S. military, nor the security state agencies – FBI, NSA, CIA and other spooks. Those institutions of the permanent state are no more in favor of Trump than most of the active U.S. electorate, who will likely give him a boot this fall.}

That's if you buy into the narrative of the MSCM though. These entities are all working well with him behind the scenes. Just ask Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a number of countries in Africa about this. Bill Bar, Mike Pompeo, Mark Esper, Gina Haspel, and Chad Wolf. With the exception of Bar and Pompeo, the others are all working in the shadows on agendas within criminality and unethical practices without notoriety at the behest of Bar and Pompeo. Pompeo has openly admitted such and Bar has the same indicating history stretching back decades in which he was pardoned from, from actions in Latin America during another administration. Reagan Bush might jog a memory. Tell me again how Trump is at odds with these entities? Because it's not resonating in reality.

{How about Democratic Party progressives like the “The Squad,” you ask? In the “graveyard of social movements” that is the Democratic Party, they are relegated to diversity window dressing with AOC getting only 90 seconds of fame at the Democratic National Convention.}

Just silently playing her part in collaboration.

😟 Nominal independent Bernie Sanders tried an end-run for the presidential nomination but ran into the DNC’s “no progressives rule.” And if Biden wins in 2020 and Harris in 2024 and 2028, 2032 would be the first chance for a progressive Democrat to even try to run. 😟

!!! Speaking of the Democratic National Convention, Bernie Sanders praised Uncle Joe for – of all things – his health care policies. Michelle Obama carried chutzpah to new heights, criticizing Trump for immigration practices inherited from her husband. Can’t the best speechwriters that money can buy come up with more convincing mendacities? !!!

Only if reality manages to claim a seat in the theater.

{The record of Democratic presidencies

It may be too soon to exhale with a Biden White House. If past performance is any indicator of future outcomes, a brief look at recently past Democratic presidencies is advised.}

!!! Read this section with intent !!! Biden was a major player from here right up to today. He isn't going to change his colors for us. We aren't in that club. And how many of us fell for the poor Clinton narrative that he just couldn't get the republicans to work with him? He was working with them all along. Then came Obama.

{With a Democratic administration, we can be assured of a more consistent, skillful, and lethal U.S. imperialism, pursuing “full spectrum dominance” over the rest of the world.

Those who complain about Trump’s bungling should understand that the Biden alternative will be a more deadly and efficient rule of capital. We should be careful about what we wish for.}

Well, hey, if you're comfortable with being the worlds Forth Reich, just admit it. We got here from the efforts of both establishment parties and neither one is turning back anytime soon. !Heil!

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William_Mary 8 Sep 19
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Yes, sorry, but I have no happy hopes about Biden. He certainly will not represent the common man and God help all those countries the USA's greedy capitalists turn their eyes on and keeping Russia or China as the threat to the American Way of Life is just following Goering.

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