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All Russiagate Did Was Advance Pre-Existing Agendas Of The Same Spy Agencies Who Started It

One of the many interesting stories that has gotten lost in the shuffle over the controversy over the horrible Trump-Biden debate and the president’s recent Covid-19 diagnosis is the recent allegation by The Federalist‘s Sean Davis that CIA director Gina Haspel has been personally blocking the declassification of incriminating documents pertaining to the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory known as Russiagate.


Well this kind of goes hand in hand with my sentiments on yesterdays post where I stated what was lost in the debate. 1 finger of it anyways, which in my mind should play the main course in a presidential debate 4 years later. Trump should be using Biden to mop the floor with this. But why isn't he? Better yet, why didn't Sanders in the primary? Johnstone wraps up the over 3 year saga of Russiagate into a nutshell, basically. While leaving some details out she essentially explains the agendas course that was a preplanned course which even though its structure was relatively debunked it also was accomplished.

{The question "Who benefits from this?" is essential for understanding the world, and if you ask it of Russiagate there is one power structure which stands head and shoulders above everyone else. Yes, the mass media got a major ratings bump from Russiagate, which is why they played along with it. Yes, the Democratic Party got to neuter the progressive movement and distract from its 2016 scandals, which is why they played along with it. But in terms of actual changes that were implemented as a direct result of Russiagate, the ones who gained the most were the US intelligence collective whose pre-existing agendas were advanced by it.

Not only were pre-existing agendas against Russia facilitated by Russiagate, but pre-existing agendas against the American left were facilitated as well. The burgeoning swell of progressive populism galvanized by the 2016 Sanders campaign would have made a lot of warmongers nervous, and the opaque government agencies which consistently ally themselves with status quo-loyal plutocrats have a vested interest in protecting the class with which they are allied. The fact that all oxygen was sucked from the progressive movement into baseless Russia conspiracy theories served the same intelligence cartel which initiated Russiagate.}

Fmr FBI Assistant Director just said "When I first got into the FBI one of the missions of the FBI in its counterintelligence efforts was to try to keep" progressives out of government []

{Lastly, the dumbest thing about believing foreign nations are interfering in American democracy is believing America has any democracy to interfere with.}

{And the most depressing thing about it is that they already know they'll be able to sell it successfully, because nobody has learned anything over the last four years despite the transparent scam of Russiagate. Democrats will happily keep pushing Russia conspiracy theories if Trump wins, and Republicans will cheerfully push conspiracy theories about China and/or Iran after a Biden win. There's no reason to change strategies if it's been immensely successful. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.}

Personally, I haven't heard a large sense of self republican claim to China and Iran interfering in our elections. While my job provides me hours upon hours during 4 to 5 days a week of listening to NPR to keep my bullshit meter calibrated within fake news, I don't spend my off time watching MSCM on TV anymore. So maybe some of you can fill in that gap, if there is one to fill. I'm fairly certain my time listening to NPR most of the day for 4 to 5 days, 8 to 14 hours a day, pretty much keeps me in touch with the delusional reality our MSCM outlines for their owners. What I do get though is the media speaking on China and Iran in those regards. While they give more of this false credit to Russia and China though, I hear them say Iran is a smaller player. In which my observance has been that both parties will speak of all 3 countries in this regard. Personally that indicates to me that it's the media working with the intelligence agencies and their paid pundits that are the biggest pushers of this false propaganda. Our representatives merely walk the line they're instructed to, who we pay.

Already preparing for 2024 "Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Oct 4
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I don't pay attention to too much MSM, but from what I remember, NPR is less sensational than the other media like MSNBC, CNN, and FOX. So if you want to hear more establishment propaganda and rip your hair out even more then you need to listen to or watch those media as well lol

Trust me. NPR is every bit of what you think TV MSCM is. Corporations and every MSCM company finance NPR so that they tow the ruling class line with them.

@William_Mary Right, but I think NPR just tries to mask it a little more. Especially with people like Amy Goodman who has a quiet seemingly more balanced demeanor and personality.


You don't think that you will have imploded by 2024 then?

It seems that is quite literally up in the air. 2 reports I read this morning indicate 1 Trump's condition is worse than being reported, 2 that congress is in close vicinity of becoming unfunctional for the same reasons. Many are working via virtual. Reports over the past 2 days indicate the white house is basically a virus factory farm with numerous positive. The media is currently setting a narrative that as this continues towards election night we won't have a functioning government, possibly a president, or a replacement for him, and a lot of chaos.

I had half a mind to develop a post on this from the 2 morning articles but it would be a ton of conjecture at this point so early. But as the media goes, to collaboratively spread the intelligence propaganda, this is, quite frankly, right in line with the articles from The Mint Press News site I posted some months ago about the Israel intelligence agencies that developed a program scenario. Where they were preparing and or expecting a need for martial law during the election night. There was a series of these post that were related to the coming end of 2020 and the election where our intelligence and Israel's intelligence seem to be preparing for a fight before the protest began. Of course these got little views. Now we have the protest, the virus, and seemingly an unfunctional government about to take place all wrapped up in one. It's just a little to convenient to me. And no one seems to care that Israel has their noses so far up our asses and involved so deeply in our country, every aspect of our intelligence and emergency systems.

@William_Mary to prevent blasphemy "fuck me sideways til I'm purple"! I'm sure that there must be standing orders for such eventualities. . . Even down to ex presidents coming back in an emergency. And you've now got Harry in waiting! 😃😉


Our agencies believe much of it yet today but they are simply doing their jobs as usual. Of course Russia wants to be involved in our elections. Why not? We want to be involved in everyone else's elections. The big problem here in my opinion was that Trump and friends got wind of it and blew it all up out of proportion. Another example of this sort of Trumpism is that Trump thinks today that he deserves a third term because "they spied on me." Yes, they were doing their jobs. Trump puffs and blows but our agencies try to do their jobs.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 4, 2020

I think just like our politicians, our intelligence agencies are corrupt to the core too. They have one agenda and that's promoting US imperialism and superiority. They will lie, cheat, and steal to fulfill that agenda. Why wouldn't they? They're already committing crimes all around the world.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Are we hitting upon the idea now of why Trump would do the same?

@DenoPenno What do you mean "now"? Of course Trump is corrupt. He's always been corrupt, but that doesn't mean that our intelligence agencies didn't concoct a ruse to spy on him and impeach him etc. Someone can be corrupt and not have committed a certain crime that someone else tries to paint on them. Nixon didn't commit the Charles Manson murders. I also think that our intelligence agencies being corrupt is a lot more detrimental to our world than Trump. They've been corrupt for decades and creating chaos all over the world. Trump has been a jackass with bad policy for 4 years and just continuing U.S. government agenda (and not as bad as people think in terms of foreign policy). The difference is that he's a buffoon and out in the open about his bad character. Especially when he said he would rather just go right into these countries and steal their oil.

I'm also under no illusion that Trump is trying to save anyone from the establishment. Anyone who publicly says they want to steal other country's oil is an imperialist. Our intelligence agencies and general government like people they can control and who are more "presidential". Their liars make you feel good about it. Trump doesn't. He tears back the facade just a little bit.

Then again Trump could have been their choice all along just so they could speed up the right wing agenda. Let's say this whole Trump presidency was just so they could make whoever comes in after him that's supposed to be "left wing" and a Democrat move further right, but nobody bats an eyelash because the batshit crazy extreme right of Donald Trump and his supporters are no longer in power. The whole tagline of this election is "Anyone but Trump!". All that matters is that that anyone is less right wing than the last guy. They still get what they want, and that's a government moving further right and it starts to become the new norm.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Trump is not intelligent enough to be presidential.

@DenoPenno Or he just doesn't care.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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