Using “Black” People and Turning their Pains into Wedge Issues
{So-called “African-American” leaders are propped up by mainstream media to continually arouse the passions of the aggrieved and to exploit their wounds in order to line their pockets with money from the very system the pretend to be against. “Black” opinion leaders like Al Sharpton on the left and Candice Owens on the right make it their mission to sheepdog their followers into the arms of parties that have no interest in their welfare. The talented tenth that Du Bois envisioned could lead “black” folks out of the wilderness has instead been conditioned to believe to chase for self at the cost of collective success.}
{This is why I don’t put any stock in the Black Lives Matter movement. Even though I am very sympathetic to the sheer scale of frustration and indignity that was manifested by the way too many African-Americans are treated as second-class citizens in a country that their forefathers enriched with their sweat and blood, I also realize the reason why a billionaire funded the organization and why mainstream media kept pushing that narrative. Here is what I know, billionaires and the establishment do not get behind causes that could actually lead to justice, they only endorse movements that feed into the divisions and keep people at each other’s throats.}
{I know a lot of “white” folks reading this might be shaking their heads in agreement thinking that “black” people are being used, but a lot of them don’t realize that they are being played the same by “white” voices of resentment. People like Hannity and Limbaugh are only different from Sharpton and Jackson in skin hue and rhetoric, they too are making millions by ginning up animus and stoking cynicism. There is a simple playbook that aspiring pundits and “opinion leaders” use when they want to be embraced by the establishment, play one side against the other and feed into the division and mainstream media will elevate you, those who speak of solidarity and dig at the root of oppression are silenced by exclusion or execution if their voices gain a bit too much traction.}
{This is the reason I keep using quote marks around the brands “black” and “white”, these heinous labels which don’t truly describe ANY human being’s color were foisted upon us in order to dehumanize one and elevate another.}
{The only chance that we have to actually deliver change and have a government that works for us is if we are able to reach across the racial, social and ideological lines and realize that our fates are tied together. This is only possible if we learn to be more empathetic, to listen to one another instead of letting our emotions be riled up and stop being bamboozled to assail each other. We don’t have to monopolize pains in order to get our voices heard, to the contrary speaking without collective judgement opens hearts and could eventually open the doors towards inclusive justice.}
I love this guy! I'm glad he's back, for how ever long this time. I'll once again suggest visiting his profile on the site and view his past articles. []
I think there is a lot of truth to what you're saying here. I didn't know that a billionaire was funding BLM, but I have noticed that after several weeks, the national media quit covering the BLM protests, which is telling in itself. I suppose they left it behind to focus on the general election and because both parties had already used the protests to help their campaigns enough that it was no longer useful to cover that story. My biggest gripe about corrupt black leaders and black political pundits was the way they led black voters, esp. older black voters in the South, around by their nose last spring during the primary. Jim Clyburn was the chief sellout as he bashed Bernie and promoted Biden, all against the real interests of his followers. That and Covid sealed the nomination for Biden and black people will get way less done for them under Biden than they would have under Bernie. I'm sure the DNC paid off Clyburn well.
So the system “pretends” to victimize blacks by what “pretending” to kill blacks?
I guess trans people are likewise being radicalized by their liberal leaders?
Do all conservatives camouflage their bigotry like this?
I think back and yes, Yes they do.
You’re a disgusting racist.
Woah! Strong final words. If those were directed at William_Mary (as they appear to be) then I think you should apologise. We will get nowhere being so aggressive to one another. I see such behaviour in comments on Facebook and I find it highly offputting and depressing that people can be so aggressive. I have friends of a colour other than mine but I know that I am easily more attracted physically to those who are similar to me but that includes level of education and intelligence. it is not simply colour. I prefer freckles. and red hair, yet my wives have been very dark.
@rogerbenham To hell with both of you. Just ranting about BLM is bigotry. Just as defending it is bigotry.
@Willow_Wisp I did not mention BLM. Preferring one's own kind is very much instinctual and part of our genetic heritage. Thinking one's own kind is better is quite different. I do not think anyone is superior as a human to anyone else. I prefer however to be close to people who do not love fighting. My perception of you Willow_Wisp is that you are filled with anger and love fighting so I'd not choose to be in company with you. Often I am asked if I have allergies and I always answer "aggressive people".
@rogerbenham Then William_Mary was a bad choice to defend, he's the one that brought it up by quoting that demandable bit of propaganda and then posting it like an idiot. Then you, YOU defended him.
@Willow_Wisp No, I protested a vitriolic personal attack. Calling names never solve a dispute. William_Mary and I actually fundamentally disagree on many things. He is far more conservative than I am. What we do agree upon is that the people of the USA are it seems willfully ignorant that they are being duped by both the Republicans and the Democrats into believing that either party serves the people when in fact both serve the banks, corporations and millionaires/billionaires who finance them. He is a trucker. I am from the elite. We come from very different worlds.
I have seen people resort to name calling and be removed from groups. I have seen people leave groups because of opinion differences. I'm sure you could have written a small essay retort without resorting to name calling. In Canada we don't draw our guns first. I am a west coast hippie and we have always advocated love.
@rogerbenham That's who she is. She did it to me too. People like her ignore the substance of an argument and automatically assume and attack because you don't praise their candidates or agree 100% with them on their opinions. Then when you present them with undisputable facts they start the assumptions and name calling again.
What Teodrose Fikremariam is attempting to communicate to people is that BLM is being suppressed by establishment politicians and the media. And that their (BLM) main association to rely on, especially the democratic party, for potential help towards their cause is a futile relationship due to the history of all 3. Further more, when a millionaire and or NGO entities become part of the issue it almost always tends to lead to further suppression where the founders or heads of such type of groups become reliant on funding and controlled within the nature of their delivery of their dissent against the system or a cause.
You can find this aspect to many past dissenting groups, such as the top environmental groups who now take money from corporations in which their groups cause confronted due to their harm to the environment. The Sierra Club is one I did a post on some time ago for an example. When journalist dig deep enough into their tax records it's found that these corporations are largely funding these groups, and often through back door NGO groups in efforts to hide the relationship. This is why we get such little process in many areas of our social concerns we're lead to believe these groups are attempting to confront. Basically the founders and CEO's are being bought out and suppressed on one side and collaborate with politicians on the other. It's a win win for the establishment political system and the corporations to stifle any real sense of change. While the group is allowed to continue to publicly play a controlled role within a compliant manor.
While I agree with Teodrose Fikremariam 100%, I'll also mention I've had knowledge of this type of group suppression long before he came onto the scene around 2016. And I began to notice this effect on BLM shortly after they came out of the gate when it became a movement. The first thing the political establishment does with such a socially strong issue that would impose such dissent on society is to get a grip on it. And that they have done and the media was the main tool to do it with. Along with buy out the leaders if possible using the very wealthy entities that bought them out. Now you can attack me all you want, this time. But in attacking me for passing along information that isn't by any means new news to informed people like myself and many in this group, you also attack him and his history that lead him to this point. Which only tells me of your ignorance to who he is and his plight in life to reach his points of view. In which I have offered at least twice now on posting his articles here an opportunity recently to discover just that. If anyone has a right to weigh his views on BLM and racism it's Teodrose Fikremariam without having such an attack being placed on him. Quite frankly, you just made the ultimate mistake in delivering the most non relative and non useful commentary out of total ignorance anyone could make by not using information provided to develop an intellectual opinion on. Teodrose Fikremariam as a black man has more right and time living within the racist nature of humanity and many articles written on it that deserve your attention before you can even begin to place a label as such on him. I'll suggest once again you use the link at the end of the initial post to use his wisdom to your benefit to which we can build an intellectual conversation over if you have deferring opinions later.
I will not tolerate such incoherent behavior in this group or attacks on my members due to systemic rhetoric in the future. Please use the information provided and then produce a meaningful means of intellectual discourse we can use towards weighing opinions with each other if you don't agree or seek understanding.
@rogerbenham conservative!?! Why do you want to pour rocket fuel on this fire!?! That's to funny!
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.