10 6

I remember why I stopped responding to posts in the general section of this website.

People blindly praising Biden and Harris without analyzing their track records or policy positions. People wanting Biden to take office now because he won and "logically" shouldn't have to wait to take office. Calling anyone who doesn't praise Biden or Harris right wingers or "Trumpers". Some are calling Biden "altruistic". You can't even criticize one thing about Biden or Harris without backlash. It's just a natural reaction to attack anyone asking a question or pointing out a fact from their past.

They're already justifying Biden and Harris getting nothing done by saying Trump left them a mess. They did the same thing when Obama came in to office. They say the same thing when you mention that Obama had a super majority in the House and Senate and still didn't push through any progressive legislation.

They're saying Biden is trying to unite with the center right to "get the country back", whatever that means. It seems they have been ignoring U.S. history.

They're a cult. You could replace Biden with Manson and it would be the same thing. These people are just as bad as the side they despise.

Piece2YourPuzzle 8 Nov 11
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Geez, what a sore loser you are, And whiny......

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 13, 2020

Really? That's what you have to say? I'm not a sore loser. I didn't vote for Trump nor do I support him. I'm not a Republican either. I'm also not a Democrat. This is the reasoning and lack of intelligence that sane people have to deal with from people like you. Can you be any more of a child?


Very often, I read posts here and wonder "what's this person smoking", then I look up and see it's the "out of the illusion" group. Come on, man! Get back on your meds!

BitFlipper Level 8 Nov 13, 2020

Says a person who substitutes one criminal group for another and thinks he's "winning". That's pretty delusional. You need to think about who is the one that needs the meds here. Those boots must taste great though!

@Piece2YourPuzzle Your choice of words tells me that you're prone to conspiracy theories. I suggest that you try to develop your scepticism.

Yet you keep coming back? That along with your comment speaks volumes towards your intent here. I hope those in your inner circle get more respect and are safe from the multiple types of abuse going through my mind right now.

@BitFlipper Everything is a conspiracy theory to you guys, except what helps your Russiagate. Anything that goes against your narrative is a conspiracy theory though. I guess you can never be wrong about anything because of rhetoric like that. You call me a conspiracy theorist when I didn't even propose one specific theory. I guess you think it's a conspiracy theory to say Democratic Party and Republican Party politicians are corrupt.......or is it just Republican Party politicians that are corrupt? So according to you, they're all model citizens that are there out of the kindness of their hearts. They don't lie or take corporate money etc. Then you tell me to develop my skepticism. I'm skeptic of both parties already. It's you that is living in La La Land thinking the Democrats are all hunky dory.


There are things I did not like about either. They were not who I voted for in the primary, they both have a past that record that I was not happy with, but all that being said, they were the only other choice unless you wanted to keep trump for another 4 years.
I hope that at least once in my lifetime i get to vote for someone as president because I think they are the best for the job, not because the are the better of two evils.

I respect that you are honest and aware enough to state what you did. You're definitely not part of what I think the cult is, that's for sure. Although, I think that people need to get away from that lesser of two evils mentality or else you definitely will never vote for whom you actually want.


They are owned all owned outright by the wealthy and their corporations!!!

So all the politicians are nothing but low level pimps for the wealthy and their corporations!!!

The politicians do not serve or in reality never have served those who voted for them!!!


I'm just glad there is going to be an adult in the WH

Leetx Level 7 Nov 11, 2020

There have been plenty of adults in the White House. It doesn't mean they're not corrupt or murderous or imperialist. It also doesn't mean they have your best interests at heart just because someone "talks pretty".

the current resident sure isn't an adult. @Piece2YourPuzzle

@Leetx Yes, Trump is a jackass. Can you get over that? Do you think people who act like adults can't screw you over or lie, etc?


Yet another snowflake Republican.
Jeez control your emotions.

I'm not a Republican or a snowflake. You are a little child calling me names and you don't even know my politics. It's people like you (low information) that are why it's so divisive right now, and that's people on BOTH sides. I'm a Libertarian SOCIALIST like Noam Chomsky. Thank you for being ignorant and speaking before you think though. Look in the mirror before you tell people to control their emotions.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Actually you're the arrogant ass that I just blocked..... if you're not a contrarian I don't know or care what you are.


well I am sorry your feelings were hurt because people don't agree with you.

Donna_I Level 8 Nov 11, 2020

My feelings aren't hurt. I don't know how you can ascertain that from anything I said. I'm just pointing out observations. I didn't say I was hurt nor did I lead anyone to believe by any type of language that I was hurt. You're the one responding to my opinion and you're feeling a certain way because of it. Hypocritical much? It's why I posted it in THIS group and not the general page. It's also one thing to not agree with people on something, but facts are facts. Just like Trump supporters, Dem candidate supporters overlook their candidates major flaws and/or corrupt policy and behavior. There is nothing about facts that is opinion. Dems have created their own alternative facts just like they accused Trump supporters of doing. We can go down the list on Biden from his past and you can tell me if what he's done is really what Dem voters value or what a real left wing values. I doubt you would be honest about it though.

@Piece2YourPuzzle True that if people really cared about the politics for which they vote, it is likely that certainly Biden would have got far less votes. I wonder how many voted for him as a not for Trump vote. Trump has many supporters who really haven't a clue why they think trump is great other than he appeals to their nastiness, but the harm that he has done to their lives is simply not understood. Neither man stood for what most people want but then if you do not vote for one party then you have to vote for the other, don't you?

@rogerbenham No, I can vote for whomever I want to. There is no law or rule that prevents people voting for whoever they want. If that was the case then this wouldn't be a Democracy. I mean I can go into plenty of reasons why this really isn't a Democracy anyway. Even if there was a law, I just wouldn't vote. I know a lot of people who vote for either main party feel that's a "wasted" vote, but my vote isn't owed to anyone but myself and who I want to vote for. Those people don't care about autonomy or freedom or Democracy when they expect me to vote for who they want.


Sadly 50% of the population has an IQ 100 or lower. Sadly the 100 to 110 chunk have not been taught to question. sadly the 110 to 120 chunk many of whom went to college and even universitynever bothered questioning their beliefs. Sadly many of the 120 and overs did not either.


You're totally right about the rabid Biden supporters. What you describe about them boils down to a lot of willful ignorance and blindly tribal loyalty. And they are just as bad as the Trump supporters, in their own way. The only difference is the Biden supporters aren't violent and don't go around in public carrying guns. The Biden supporters also wear masks in public and support public health measures to reduce Covid. Otherwise, these two groups have much in common in their mental functioning.

I agree.


They're also talking about how it's great that a woman is VP and can potentially be president. At what cost though? Just because it's a woman doesn't mean she can't be corrupt or support horrible policy. Someone mentioned Thatcher being a capable leader. Thatcher was a horrible person.

Your reference to identity politics as practiced by Dem party supporters and the party is amusing. As I said four years ago, most Dem voters are such rubes and so influenced by identity politics, that I said back then that after Hillary's loss to Trump, the next play to identity politics with the voters would be the Dems nominating a gay male Hispanic candidate to capitalize on the remaining ID politics cards that hadn't been played yet. As it turns out, I wasn't that far off, only because Mayor Pete was white instead of Hispanic. He had nothing going for him but being gay, but otherwise he could have run as a moderate Repub if that party wasn't so homophobic.

@TomMcGiverin Well, Mayor Pete also talks pretty with pretty platitudes. It doesn't take much to sway voters these days lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle Yup, most of them are ignorant rubes who vote based on the most superficial things.

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