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Biden is Already Breaking Promises

It was inevitable that President Joe Biden would betray numerous of his campaign promises — and those that mattered most to wide-eyed voters who put him in office. The speed at which he and his people have revealed their treachery is nonetheless stunning.

No, there will be no comprehensive stimulus plan until at least the spring, if then. No, relief checks are not “going out the door immediately,” and no, they will not be for the $2,000 to which Biden committed his administration. As to Biden’s health care reforms, one can hardly believe one’s eyes and ears.


William_Mary 8 Jan 27
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I left another website because of the inability of people on either side to see reality. The responses to Biden's bullshit by the Democrats is sickening. Just as sickening as the Republicans response to Trump's bullshit. Two cults. There is no breaking them out of their illusion. Disagree with either side and they label you as an extremist from the other side. It just reinforces their cult behavior. Democrats are even parroting their saviors by calling everything violent now, even if it's disagreement of words on a screen with no real threat. You disagreed with them William_Mary. You're being "violent"! Oh no, I used an exclamation point. I'm being violent too! Pussies!

The author actually sums it up nicely at the end:

"People believe what they need to believe these days, I find, and belief overrides cognition in many such cases."

True that. Fortunately for me, I'm not a member of either party's cult groups. I bash Biden from the left, as I am a proud socialist. I get sick and tired of centrist Dems attacking me for that and knowingly lying by saying I must be a Repub to attack Biden. I hate both major parties just about equally, as they serve and are owned by the same people.

@TomMcGiverin I don't understand how a majority of people can be so brainwashed and fall for propaganda.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Because corporate media is about all that is available to most people outside of the internet. And many people who do have access to the net and non-corporate media sources of news either don't know about those options or feel too demoralized to spend time and energy on seeking that info and commentary. They feel it won't make any difference, so they instead escape into following sports, playing video games, etc. It provides diversion that doesn't bring them down further emotionally.

I used to be able to watch Free Speech TV on my Direct TV package of channels. Then something caused me to no longer be able to get the signal, even after the satellite dish was destroyed and replaced following a storm. I am still paying for that channel, but to get it I would have to individually pay a $90 fee for a service visit to get the dish adjusted to pick up that channel again. Since about the only show on FSTV that seems worthwhile to me is Democracy Now!, I'm not going to spend the money. I'll settle for on the net, which is free of charge.

@TomMcGiverin I mean I understand why, but there is still that common sense you should have to know something isn't right no matter what you're being told.

@Piece2YourPuzzle The problem is that even people with common sense don't have the moral courage and independence to choose to think differently than what the media and the majority of the sheeple believe. Most people are just not that strong and brave enough to buck the bandwagon.


Wow, that violent and false article is straight out of the paranoid Repug book.
After the Repugs blocked his plan to send out a stimulus payment they told everyone that Biden changed his mind.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Jan 27, 2021

Biden hasn't put forth a stimulus plan to be voted on. The current one being discussed was drawn up by democrats under Trump. The last stimulus payment to citizens went from $1200 to $600 due to democrats playing games. Pelosi screwed that up, not republicans. Trump even asked for $1200 for her to screw up. But I've seen no condemnation for her and the democrats from you over that?

While I'll agree there is a mind fuck going on with the $2000-$1400, I'll argue it's only fuel for divisional means. Which can be used to provide the extended time line Patrick Lawrence placed his conjecture on. But Biden hasn't held authority, and doesn't solely hold authority, to send a stimulus payment without it going through both floors to be voted on. And you have no authority to place a positive aspect onto Biden over actions before his presidency began, or place a negative before a vote that hasn't taken place yet. Biden hasn't even managed to introduce his power to the current bill being discussed with any mentioned modifications to my knowledge to be give positive or negative remarks.

Quite frankly, the article is based on a number of conjectures, many I've been making for a while over appointees, and probable outcomes on the stimulus aspect. Time will tell on how long it takes for that bill to be resolved. 90% of the article was based on foreign policy. Which provides the only violence minded aspect, on our part most likely towards other nations. But you'll be ok with that as long as it's Biden handing it out now? False? What was false?


Typical lying polly. The bookmakers here usually run a book on the number and time it takes for them to break their promises.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 27, 2021

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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