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America's secret government

On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the rise of America's secret government with journalist and author David Talbot. David Talbot's book is ‘The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government’.

In the introduction Talbot mentions a sad reality I bring up on occasion here, often when I, or someone else in the group, is debating over fake news with someone conditioned to hate RT on how Hedges isn't allowed on MSCM programs these people are essentially faithful too. They aren't offered a seat at the table to debate or provide an opposing opinion that could expose the real agenda and purpose these other guest are brought onto their shows to propagandize towards conditioning the public. We've also talked about those people, mainly X military and intelligence agents who get paid well for their deceptions on these programs who support the agenda of perpetual warring and the military industrial complex.

They go into Allen Dulles, the founder and longest serving director of the CIA in history to date. The CIA being the off shoot of the OSS after WWII in which both he and his brother were part of. We can probably correlate this time as being the founding of what we call the deep state as we see it today.

I often say history is the key to help evaluate the information you're presently observing/receiving. While you're watching the video you can correlate a lot of what's being discussed being played out today. Then, the relationship between the US and Nazi's ---Today, the US with Israel and Saudi Arabia. In which the latter can be connected to Bush right up through to today, Biden. Then, Dulles relationship with Nixon, then pressuring Trumen to root out the new deal --- Today, the new hate speak on socialism that exacerbated after the 2016 election cycle due to the failed recognition of public support on the part of the Clinton machine and DNC.

I think you'll find the same ole correlations between Intelligence---politicians---and corporations here with a backbone of colonialism.


Want To Serve The Empire? Help Circulate Its Propaganda Narratives!


William_Mary 8 Mar 21
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