A mainstream outlet accepted my pitch on what media refuses to say about US empire β then refused to let me say it
This is a story about how the media works. Specifically, itβs about my failed attempt to publish an article with the mainstream media about some of the things that news outlets consistently avoid when they cover US/UK foreign policy.
The article has all the makings of the group narrative.
These are all articulative techniques towards delivering a message towards conforming information to develop a foundation of opinion. Propaganda is constantly confronting us from all aspects of information and angles of our lives. I placed it in front of the others because all those after it form the conditions to reach the last, our perception.
Public relation firms, NGO groups, think tanks, who manufacture manipulative information then pass it down to the MSCM we receive it from.
Our society is currently under a major agenda to manipulate our perception in order to gloss over a horrid period in time we're within, and especially the Biden administration. And they're winning
As I, a number of members here, feared and voiced concern about a possible Biden win, my, our, conjecture towards voters possibly falling deeper into their rabbit holes has apparently become accurate. Some of these members themselves are now deeper in that rabbit hole. Some members here seemingly are rather confused as I see likes on my post while seemingly blissful to other post abroad which they like that totally contradict reality between the two realms. Not only the means information is being delivered in the contrast of those compared to mine, but also those delivering. Unable to read between the lines using history for a prime reasoning mechanism of the information, but also the history of the presenters.
We're losing the information warfare while in the most critical time of our lives.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Mary_janeThis really hurt different
Posted by altschmerzSteve Chapman: Will Biden end the war in Afghanistan? Don’t bet on it
Posted by altschmerzKilling Nora: The Real Reason Trump Should Have Been Impeached
Posted by altschmerzThis is why identity politics sucks.
Posted by altschmerzThis is why identity politics sucks.
Posted by altschmerzThis is why identity politics sucks.
Posted by altschmerzThis is why identity politics sucks.
Posted by altschmerzI love Ted Rall and his blog. It's funny when a cartoonist is a better journalist than most journalists!
Posted by altschmerz10 Reasons I Won't Vote for Biden | Ted Rall's Rallblog
Posted by LetzGetRealWhat does it mean to fly a flag upside down?
Posted by LetzGetRealPeople helping people From Jeff Forester who lives in Uptown Minneapolis.
Posted by Slava3We are all at a point of no return
Posted by DenoPennoI'm coming to the defense on this one.