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Geopolitics, Profit, and Poppies: How the CIA Turned Afghanistan into a Failed Narco-State

The war in Afghanistan has looked a lot like the war on drugs in Latin America and previous colonial campaigns in Asia, with a rapid militarization of the area and the empowerment of pliant local elites.


{“From statements by U.S. Ambassador [to Iran] Richard Helms, there was little heroin production in Central Asia by the mid 1970s,” Professor Alfred McCoy, author of “The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade,” told MintPress. But with the start of the CIA secret war, opium production along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border surged and refineries soon dotted the landscape. Trucks loaded with U.S. taxpayer-funded weapons would travel from Pakistan into its neighbor to the west, returning filled to the brim with opium for the new refineries, their deadly product ending up on streets worldwide. With the influx of Afghan opium in the 1980s — Jeffrey St. Clair, co-author of “Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press,” alleges — heroin addiction more than doubled in the United States.}

{The heroin trade implicated virtually everyone in power, including Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother Ahmed Wali, among the biggest and most notorious drug kingpins in the south of the country, a man widely understood to be in the pay of the CIA.}

{One notable example of this is local strongman Gul Agha Sherzai, who eradicated his competitors’ crops in Nangarhar Province (while quietly leaving his own in Kandahar Province untouched). But all the U.S. saw was a local politician seemingly committed to stamping out an illegal drug trade. They therefore showered him with money and other privileges. “We literally gave the guy $10 million in cash for rubbing out his competition,” Hoh said. “If you were going to write a movie about this, they’d say ‘This is too far fetched. No one is going to believe this. Nothing is this insane or stupid.’ But that is the way it is.”

McCoy noted that the Taliban was one of the prime beneficiaries of the drug trade, and used it to increase their power and vanquish the U.S.:}

?That pretty much makes it complicity on our part of the deaths of nearly 2400 US men and women?

{Therefore, one consequence of U.S. policy in the Middle East — from supporting jihadists to occupying nations — has been to unleash a worldwide opium addiction that has made a few people fantastically wealthy and destroyed the lives of tens of millions.}

Every place we touch it turns to shit.

😟 Nearly 841,000 Americans have died of a drug overdose since the war in Afghanistan began, including more than 70,000 in 2019 alone. The majority of these have involved opioids. 😟

I guess this would just be considered unseen collateral damage? All coincidentally happening while a false narrative was being spewed about how all the opium was coming from Mexico during the past few election cycles.

{Officially, the DEA claims that essentially all illicit opioids entering the U.S. are grown in Latin America. Hoh, however, finds this unconvincing. “When you look at their own information and their reports on the illicit opioid production hectarage in Mexico and South America, it is clear that there is not enough production in the Western hemisphere to meet the demand for illicit opiates in the U.S.,” he told MintPress.}

When I get ahead of the article yet no pleasure derives from it. I've been warning for a few years it was inevitable to later find that we are responsible for the deadly overdose issues in our country, correlated to the crack pandemic of the 80's. Whether directly, which I haven't reached yet in the article, you can't possibly ignore the fact that this wasn't allowed to go under the radar on purpose. This would require shipping weapons across the border unsupervised and then dismissing where these trucks went as they returned. Soldiers guarding poppy fields that miraculously disappeared overnight would never make it to the streets? Can we be anymore ass backwards.....

William_Mary 8 July 5
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& the inverse & consequence of all this are the draconian drug laws that unequally affect the poor & people of color (see especially the differences in sentencing for crack vs powder cocaine). The real drug pushers will never be touched, those most adversely affected by the trade will suffer in many ways. As will whole societies & generations.

phxbillcee Level 10 July 5, 2021

To the westernized governments, drug cartels are like countries. They're useful until someone else becomes more useful, or they step out of line of the agenda. Their money is essential to the market as it provides hundreds of billions to be laundered within to mask the ponsi scheme going on within. And there's always someone, or another group, standing in wait to take the throne.

He or she that stands before us peaching about a drug war is surely the top drug pusher.


Great post. Post these in the Progressive group for more visiblity!

Krish55 Level 8 July 5, 2021

You're more than welcome to use the share button.

I use to occasionally do that, and on the Politics page. After coming under attack by a number of people which seemingly became orchestrated efforts by a select few to denounce me and this groups narrative with disrespect and a lack of intellectual discourse, I've taken a break from doing so.

I also seem to be currently in a personal battle with the site to a point I'm fairly sure the group is being suppressed from being able to defend itself from upholding the group narratives and agenda leaving my members exposed to these types of attacks. Which leaves me open to losing genuine members looking for a sense of a different type of information sources despite my explanation of such in the group rules. So I've decided for the time being to reduce the negativity from the common useless rhetoric found on many social media platforms that obviously exist here also.

This group currently manages to get anywhere from 3 or more members each day joining that I don't now want to take a chance to lose due to the ugly type of disruption those people cause that tends to diminish a persons desire to stay. With my goals to provide a different outlook of how our information is delivered to us, it's factuality, compared to MSCM's manufactured information towards perception management, I feel I have a better chance of keeping those who do return by letting the others fall and remain in their delusional reality.

I can only attempt to lead people to better sources. I can't force them to be able to handle the truth.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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