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The Propaganda Engulfing Jamal Khashoggi

With great fanfare and laudatory reviews in mainstream media, Showtime released the documentary Kingdom of Silence last year about the life and death of Jamal Khashoggi. A cult has been constructed around the person of Khashoggi throughout Western media (but not in Arab media) and the documentary distorts not only the history of the man but even his resonance in the Arab world.


Literally a case of the proverbial (live by the sword, die by the sword) on various fronts, with a heavy dose of ironic to it. And a distortion of history to hide it.

William_Mary 8 Jan 8
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The issue is the sanctuary of embassy's has been destroyed. Do believe the US still has a bee up it's arse over that happening in Iran. Brings into question norms like diplomatic immunity etc

puff Level 8 Jan 8, 2022

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