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YouTube Bans Abby's 'Breaking the Set' Show


With the war on opposing alternative information being exacerbated it's likely more avenues will become victimized. Below is Abby's Empire Files site I use often. Which these documentaries of hers are on Youtube also. I suggest you spend some free time getting use out of them while you can. Everything on here no matter how old it is is still very relevant to todays issues.


How long will it be before Agnostic starts shutting down our groups and deleting our post for opposing the ruling class agendas?

William_Mary 8 Mar 15
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It really is disturbing how many people are for censorship when it comes to views they don't agree with or views they think and/or are told is coming from an "enemy" or someone peddling "disinformation". Who determines what all that is? What happens when they determine that what the people who are agreeing with censorship distribute information or opinions that get censored? I don't think the people cheering on censorship understand how it works. I can't believe that the people who are okay with censorship can't see the problem here or that the people that are censoring have an agenda as well.

Kids growing up today on Twitter etc. are going to normalize people being suspended and banned from platforms for difference of opinions. Twitter already has a feature that asks if you really want to tweet what you typed. I wonder how long before people get their bank accounts suspended or their internet shut off because of it.

Even if you're justified in saying someone is giving flat out should not be censored. We're told fairy tales since we are born. Santa Clause, the tooth fairy, unicorns, and our own government and corporations give us disinformation, but people are too brainwashed to even see it. How come they don't get censored? Ah, that's right, because they're the ones in charge of all this crap.

There are flath earthers, people who believe in chupacabra, big foot, etc etc etc. They shouldn't be punished for it. Hell, most people in the world believe the biggest fairy tale of them all.....God and angels and demons and the devil. This is something that is widely accepted as truth.

America was never really a bastion of freedom like they advertise in all the fairy tales, but it's slowly becoming what America supposedly fought to suppress over the countries history. It's the case of the boiling frog. Most USians won't even realize what's happening and over time it's going to be so normal for them that it's just going to be life as usual. Wake up, brush your teeth, say your prayer to your federal overlords, recite the National Anthem - "Your opinion is my opinion. Government knows best. Dissent is treason. All hail conformity!".

My how the times have changed!

I have a YouTube channel about music, which is hard enough to keep up, but I was also thinking about having a sports channel and a political channel. I wouldn't even bother with a political channel now the way I've seen plenty of those channels being treated by the censors.

I'm about half way through (Ukraine on Fire) which I'll post soon. It goes into a bit of history on Ukraine which demonstrates how fascism originated there from WWl on to today. Quite frankly, with this documentary, no one can legitimately any longer deny how our western governments and their medias have been manipulating our societies. Let's talk about our kids then. As this ideology has been on steroids since 2016, people better wake up to Ukraine real fucking quick. Because this is on par to begin happening everywhere. And they better use this documentary to teach their young adults and teenage adults about it and how it has been playing out right here in the US. Which manipulated side of our society is going to win this war counts on being educated on it. We're going to find ourselves in the very same situation the Donbas regions have been fighting against for 8 years! With only a few that seem to care which our governments and media have made enemies out of.

@William_Mary It's really disgusting how the U.S. is using Ukraine. The innocent civilians being murdered on buses and in the streets etc. The way Neo-Nazi portions of the military in Ukraine are sacrificing and even forcing their citizens to basically fight on suicide missions is disgusting.

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