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In Neocolonial Rant, EU Says Europe Is ‘Garden’ Superior To Rest of World’s Barbaric ‘Jungle’

EU foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell showed the West’s neocolonial mentality claiming “the world needs Europe” as a “beacon” and beautiful “garden” to civilize the barbarous “jungle” in the Global South. He also called for regime change to create a “post-Putin Russia.”

The EU foreign-policy chief failed to mention that, for more than 500 years, European colonialist powers have run the most violent empires in human history, overseeing mass genocides, racialized chattel slavery, ethnic cleansing, and constant wars.


{“After this war [in Ukraine], it will become a period of instability and we will have to build a new security order,” he implored.}

And that new security order closely resembles that of Latin America. When you're done reading this article, you can read that resembling sell off of Ukraine here below.

Zelensky is literally selling Ukraine to US corporations on Wall Street

The Western participants published documents calling to cut labor laws, “open markets,” drop tariffs, deregulate industries, and “sell state-owned enterprises to private investors.”

In an interview with Multipolarista, economist Michael Hudson compared the new emergency anti-labor laws imposed by the Ukrainian government to the brutal neoliberal policies implemented by Chile’s far-right Pinochet dictatorship after a CIA-backed coup in 1973.

“It’s jaw dropping,” Hudson said of Zelensky’s Wall Street Journal op-ed. “It’s like a parody of what a socialist would have written about how the class war would be put in into action by a fascist government.”

“So of course he was welcomed on the stock exchange for abolishing labor’s rights,” Hudson added. “You could not have a more black-and-white example” of class war.


The fascist government of Ukraine didn't only start a war with the societies of the Donbass regions in 2014, it also started a war on it's entire social structure including those citizens that remain under their control.

{“Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe – but Zelensky said it’s not poor enough. He said, you think this is something, wait until our new law takes effect. That’ll really show you what it means to be the poorest country in Europe.”

“But it’ll also be the richest country in Europe for the 1%,” Hudson concluded.}

A country in which when it's all said and captured by the international ruling class, Zelensky will most likely move from as a new billionaire. If he isn't disappeared first for knowing all the crimes he's been collaborate in.

William_Mary 8 Oct 19
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