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October Unsurprised

Journalist Craig Unger has used Robert Parry’s vast archive to help nail down the 1980 October Surprise story, but he diverged greatly from Parry when it came to also criticizing the Democrats.

Author Craig Unger made use of Consortium News founder Robert Parry’s files to complete his new book, Den of Spies: Reagan, Carter, and the Secret History of the Treason That Stole the White House.


Things do change. Often to slowly, yes. Unger's divergence of Parry's previous work to using Parry's vast library. Apparently, Unger now understands that you can't give either party a pass on unethical practices and crimes. The wakening of our youth of recognizing the delusional reality we are forced to live in. Seemingly more each year now. I've posted about the library at Consortium News and Parry a number of times here. The library is a gold mine in terms of information for previous decades as he brought in the first Internet news site. There use to be a link for it at the top of the page, but now it's spread out on a list on the right side of the page.

And as usual, I'll include the memoriam of Parry for those who are interested in learning about him and his history. How Consortium News came about. []

I'm a bit discouraged although that the previous and or current news entities Unger has been associated with had to be mentioned in correlation with Parry and his work. Those that today play a large role in the deceptive nature of the delusional reality so many are engulfed in. Including who he's sitting with. Which is partly why, I imagine, Joe Lauria found it proper to confront him with twisting false propaganda notes within his interview. Unger is using Parry's work to step into the spot light again. The Parry family should have made terms to be made fully aware of how Parry's work would be delivered publicly with the rights to make sure they and the site weren't misrepresented!

{It apparently means a lot to Unger to be accepted by mainstream journalism, unlike Bob Parry, who wanted no part in it. }

Ethics! Something Bob had that few journalist have today. They sell us out on every aspect of our society today. They are included in sending our families out into wars built on lies and deceit, killed for corporate profits and political power.

{Because Bob was a truly non-partisan, neutral journalist, he could call out misbehavior whether it was from the Republicans, such as the October Surprise, the Iran-Contra scandal and the invasion of Iraq, or from the Democrats in Russiagate, the backing of Islamist rebels to try to overthrow the Syrian government and the actual overthrow of the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in the 2014 coup, which led directly to the ongoing human catastrophe in that country.

Calling out the Democrats is something that Unger does not seem able or willing to do, preferring instead to equate a fake scandal with a real one.}

I hope those who haven't read the memoriam that I also posted above to Parry do so. His son Nate with in it covers how the news site has seen the winds change in regards to its followers over the years/decades. Robert Parry didn't see party lines when it came to informing his readers with factual information. Facts don't have a particular party! When it was unethical or criminal, he dissented from those factors! This is exactly what to many US citizens are guilty of. Failure to hold their own party and members of accountable.

William_Mary 8 Oct 26
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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