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Amazing Twitter thread written by a Mormon woman about the male privilege surrounding reproductive rights from a prolife perspective. Interesting, provacative read. If you are on Twitter,
Check out @designmom’s Tweet: []

SaucyCheryl 8 Sep 15
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Yea, I don't think placing blame for a pregnancy solely on men is the way to go about combating reproductive rights and or abortions. Her numerous attempts to break down the semantics of how many it takes, birth control or not, the effects of its use, on and on.... seems to be more of a hatred for the male population. Lets take the first one which is the first and foremost issue of them that basically wraps everything up in a nut shell. It indeed takes 2! Naturally anyways. Now we have to break that down into age groups, in my opinion. Where our most concern should be our teenage years where we are mainly engaged in our sexuality based on hormones and peer pressure, I'm quite likely to give her that as being somewhat right. And I might argue is our societies biggest problem when it comes to abortions. I might even let that carry over into the 20's somewhere for males. My own personal experience tells me I must. But at some point it's each sides responsibility to manage an adult measure of thought and preparedness to conduct a sexual relationship, according to the stage they are at in life and who they are practicing with at any given time frame. Then be adult enough to deal with any unfavorable consequences if practice goes array. As I'm scrolling down I finally see a comment form her,"I don't remember saying "all men", as she left me with the same impression. I find this to be, quite honestly, an issue used in politics our politicians can very well be the target of hers. They indeed deserve it! Being I believe they use it as a dividing factor as they also use it as a monetary advantage. Considering Planned Parenthood is one of their top contributors! Ok, what's missing from all the rants on her post. Not only from her but all the replies! Family and education!?! I rest my case!


OK. I have read it now and I can say 5 stars (out of only 5 possible) and 3 cheers for Gabrielle Blair. She is a very honest and truthful woman. She told the story exactly like it is, but men think the opposite because they want to control women's bodies. After all, if mommy had an abortion they might not be here. Also note that a women's clinic is a proper term for what we all know as an abortion clinic. Politicians deliberately use the wrong term because they know the top 1 percent do not want to pay for a woman's healthcare. In fact, they don't want to pay for anyone's healthcare.

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 15, 2018

I'm not on Twitler. Agolf is.

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 15, 2018

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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