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Blackwater Founder Lobbying for Mercenaries in Venezuela to Oust Maduro: Report


(Guaido’s spokesperson Edward Rodriguez said that the Venezuelan opposition has not discussed such operations with Prince.)

I don't think Juan or his spokes people quite get it. It doesn't matter what they discuss or want. If I was him I'd take a nice stroll through history and take to mind what the US and western Emperors do to puppets once they're done using them past their usefulness. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, and Bashar al-Assad being the 3 most recent victims of this global empire colonialism might have good advice for him and his spokes people. 2 of them might be in graves, but they still provide a staunchly loud message.

(He is reportedly seeking US$40 million from private investors to hire soldiers which would be made up of “Peruvians, Ecuadoreans, Colombians, Spanish speakers.&rdquo😉

Good luck with that! On one hand, 5000 terrorist, no matter how well trained they are, aren't going to be enough for the masses willing to fight for what Chavez gave them. On the other hand, you'll need those other 4000 to 5000, but at what cost to those countries? This is where I go out on the limb. Riots and protest from the people of each country who most don't support such a move. In Columbia's case a large number have family in Venezuela. Columbia has over 6 million people in Venezuela that fled the violence there for the benefits they got from Chavez. Something you never hear from our MSM. Ecuadoreans? Just recently going through a questionable election bringing in a right wing puppet of the US might have other thoughts about going to fight for imperialism.

(In 2007, Blackwater employees shot and killed 17 Iraqi civilians at Nisour Square in Baghdad, sparking international outrage. One of the Blackwater employees involved was convicted of murder in December and three others have been convicted of manslaughter.)

Is this what you want in your new country under your name as you take the fictional presidency as you take that responsibility? In his case, he already has the blood and death of many on his hands. I guess if you're willing to support burning people alive, taking medical care of all aspects from your citizens, and burning food for the lower class and schools, what's a few murdered innocent civilians. Yea, I know the list is quite longer, but those there speak quite loudly of the man leading the opposition. Well, he thinks he leading it.

William_Mary 8 Apr 30
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Adam Schiff has just recommended that Prince have perjury charges filed against him.

Haemish1 Level 8 Apr 30, 2019

I'll keep an eye on that. The link provided had no substantial information, which it lead to the Washington Post, I don't trust. But it wouldn't show me the article with my add blocker on 🙂 Thanks!

@William_Mary please keep us informed on all fronts.

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