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'Hell No': Ocasio-Cortez Denounces Pelosi-Approved Vote on McConnell's Border Bill Without New Protections for Children


{Ocasio-Cortez, however, appeared furious and said that neither McConnell nor President Donald Trump could be trusted:

This Senate Bill will have us write a $4.6 Billion blank check (incl military $) for the border w NO accountability - just a verbal pinky promise.

Trump is not to be trusted with protecting our immigrants. Why must that even be stated? We need hard lines of protection, in ink.}

Well she speaks progressive, but guess what.

House drops Democratic border measure after moderates rebel, passing $4.6 billion aid bill backed by Senate, Trump administration

The House passed a $4.6 billion emergency spending bill for the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, after Democratic leaders scrapped efforts to amend the legislation to add more restrictions on the Trump administration.


102 representatives got to make themselves look like they care. While we just handed over 4.6 billion, how do they say that, yes, with a B, billion dollars. At nearly $800 dollars a day for a child currently living in stand up room only, dirty filthy conditions and cloths, while a large portion of those around them are spreading illnesses, hungry and dehydrated. Have I mentioned cages yet? Yea, that's right. Some of them are living in cages and barely get a moment free outside if they'll lucky.

What aren't you being told? How much of that $800 dollars is going to private corporations milking us and the system. Which is what most of that 4.6 billion is going to go towards also. What else aren't you hearing, even last night in the debates? Anything to do with the real reason we have an immigration problem. Even the people of Mexico are now complaining about the conditions and how their newly national guard are being used at the border.

I have an idea. How about taking that money and putting those people to work! You want to fuck up the properties of US citizens on the border over a wall they don't want. I bet you might find a few that would sell or offer some land to put these people to work building their own small communities. Which would also provide farmers and ranchers good help in the long run. All governments involved laid waste to these peoples countries for the sake of the global elite, at least give them some dignity back rather than kick them while they're down looking for a better life.

84 to 8 in the senate! Jesus fucking Christ! These are people that hook wink the population about how religion is such an important aspect of their lives and for our country. If I believed in that shit I would say their actions are that of Lucifer's minions. Everything they do ends with death and destruction for the benefit of greed. Every thing good you think they do, is a deception towards a means to under play the good in the future. Remember my words! These people are playing chess while they have you on a checker board, they're several years ahead of you. How many times does it take to find 10 years have got behind you? Pink Floyd.

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I'd something more to say.

Then they came after me!

William_Mary 8 June 27
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And, if they fight over the bill, nothing gets done for a month at least. McConnell has made it quite clear that they will do nothing with the house bill.

Rob1948 Level 7 June 27, 2019

Excellent post, I wish I had more to add, something that would wake up the sheeple, something that would get thru the processed junk food sugar haze but I have nothing and no ideas. TY for your post.

There you are. I was worried about you. 🙂

@William_Mary Been busy with the garden plots and a bit burned out. It just gets worse and worse. This billion dollor give away is just another example. If dems did try to hold out for oversight the gop would be on fox so fast condemning them, blaming them for allowing these conditions. and yet we know they are the ones who have done this. It is fucking crazy!!

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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