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'A Message That Would Fit Just Fine in a Paul Ryan Speech': Biden Pilloried for Ad Celebrating Private Health Insurance Industry

"This web ad from Joe Biden attempts to pit working people and generations against one another to perpetuate a broken healthcare system that values health insurance CEOs' paychecks over people's lives."


{Democracy for America (DFA), a progressive advocacy group, condemned Biden's ad as an attempt to "pit working people and generations against one another to perpetuate a broken healthcare system that values health insurance CEOs' paychecks over people's lives."}

This is the classic divide going on here that once was a 2 party issue. It's now within one party, the democratic party. I will argue it's designed to keep the party on the right as close to the republican party without actually saying we side with the republicans. While a tiny splinter group voices opposition. Quite frankly, I still believe most of this group is fake also.

Marcy makes a wonderful point about her family and friends. And about her and her husband. These are some good points about the ACA. Her and her husband fortunately lived a time, within a generation, that enabled the MAGA gang and Trump to become so strong. Lets all hope for their sake her and her husbands companies manage to stay above water and don't pull the rug out from under them like many have had done. But that's where the generation part comes in, and goes out. Because the generations that came after this one are not all getting the same benefits. More and more people get fewer benefits like this today in the job market of lower wages and lack of any benefits that came in as good jobs went out over the decades.

But what again is being left out of this argument? I went into this just recently. I've lived both sides of the story. What is being left out is those who flipped, and still do, the bill for Marcy's family and friends to receive their health care at lower prices and plans of high cost from preconditioned issues at higher cost. Those higher cost got thrown onto people who were forced to go into the government pool. And as certain insurance companies dropped out over time, those cost just kept getting higher with the few that remained. So what? We just leave them people out to dry as they lose their houses, file bankruptcy, struggle to feed their kids? To be put in even a worse place as before? Have we spent any time on rent cost here in the group lately!?!

As I said, I have lived both sides of this. The 2 years I spent paying my own premiums was a god dam nightmare. My monthly payments went up 400% the first year. Another 20% the second year. By the time I went to Mary's company the third year I was saving about $250 a month. Better, for me, but what about those behind me. Now that my company brought back our program I'm still at a little more than the original 400% hike of the first year. I can only imagine what those in the government pool are still facing today. On stagnant wage growth. So the American way now is, tough shit, sorry about your luck!?! It sucks to be you?

I was and still unable to save any real money for retirement. For 3 years I couldn't do shit to my house to keep it up. Fortunately nothing major went wrong in that time frame and I was able to keep up with bills, although barely. I spent nearly 14k in insurance and medical expenditures in that 2 year period as a single person. And I know there were families spending as much as $1500 a month or more. I can only imagine what they pay today. Many of my fellow co-workers opted out and paid the fine, they couldn't afford it. So the American way of the ruling class has converted down to us towards looking at each other as they look down on us. Both parties have brought this on us!

William_Mary 8 July 27
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