7 3

I'm coming to the defense on this one. Facebook posted this meme and claimed both of Trump's remarks a day apart cannot be true. I disagree. They are both true. Trump says we have the "best economy in US history" and if he is speaking of the top 1 percent it is indeed true.

As for cutting pay raises the next day in "times of economic hardship" this is equally true. You just have to know how to read things. Trump told the truth.

DenoPenno 9 Feb 17
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As far as I am concerned, if the economy is not great for me and other middleclass and poor people, the economy is just not great. The stock market does not show how well the economy is really doing.

ashien1965 Level 3 Feb 18, 2020

True. The stock market only shows how the wealthy are doing 😟


The economy is great from his point of view. Look how much money he has made from tax payers at his hotels, golf courses, and resorts while using them for official business. He's raking in big bucks on over inflated rates from who comes in from other countries while also over charging the tax payers.

But our representatives can't find a legitimate reason to impeach. The pieces to this puzzle aren't missing, as much as they are hidden and mixed within another box.


Yes, you are correct, but if one has half a brain, and thinks for themselves, then we should all want this motherfucker dead. NOW YOU KNOW THE WHOLE STORY. Paul Harvey

nogod Level 7 Feb 17, 2020

The economy is always great for the well off. Not so much for the middle and lower classes.


In Trump’s mind it’s whatever he says. What others say doesn’t matter.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 17, 2020

If I was trading the S & P or Dow back in September when trump made billions for his buddies shorting futures yeah, I'd be a happy camper. For 90% of Americans it is a struggle.


The economy is worldwide, and the one percent cheat the rest of us. The economy is awful.

EdEarl Level 8 Feb 17, 2020
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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