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Children vaccinated without parental knowledge.
Shouldn’t parents decide what’s best
for their own child?


Wildgreens 8 July 26
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FDA Safety Surveillance

Wildgreens Level 8 July 29, 2021

It should be a parents choice whether they vaccinate their children or not.

Secur Level 5 July 28, 2021

@Wildgreens: please provide evidence that children are being vaccinated without parental knowledge. The article you cited is merely an unsubstantiated accusation.

BitFlipper Level 8 July 27, 2021

i didnt bother looking for Boston, but there ya go!

@bbyrd009 are you the spokesperson for @Wildgreens?

@BitFlipper pardon? did you want some evidence of what you asked for, or no?

but to reply to your q here, im sure if wildgreens and i talked long enough, we would find areas of disagreement too? 😀
i have no probs with ppl who disagree with me tho; at least until they take gwendolyn’s path, the zieg hiel shit, then im out

@BitFlipper answer #2
i just thought you asked a great question, went and found out for myself, and thouht you might appreciate the link maybe?

It wasn't an article it was a video. You can also research yourself.

Did you bother to take a look at the short video with
Dr Gold? You can research yourself like Jessica suggested.


The willfully ignorant and the dangerously stupid have no right to dictate what medical treatments their children receive.

Your question is absurd: it assumes that all parents are mentally competent.

anglophone Level 9 July 26, 2021

Amen to that.

My point is that ONLY parents should have the liberty to decide what’s best for their child, not governments.
Just like what’s happening in the video shown.

@Gwendolyn2018 Hear! Hear!

@Wildgreens i tend to agree with you, with the caveat that imo parents should also be held responsible for their childrens health/death

@Gwendolyn2018 gnostic much?

@Gwendolyn2018 oh, im thinking a couple of life sentences would change things plenty quick? thankfully it usually doesnt have to get that far nowadays, i don't think

“Depends on how you define "gnostic”
yes, its just all so confusing, huh
he who says he knows anything, does not…

@Gwendolyn2018 yes, i agree there, it isnt applied as much as it miht be, maybe…but then ppl who have lost a child are usually pretty anguished enough, i guess? Plus, they obviously are denying themselves of their posterity…

glad im not in that boat, for sure, having to make that decision, but i suggest that most of these situations are parentally self-inflicted anyway, although i feel for the kids though

@Gwendolyn2018 oh, don't mind me, obv i still have buttons lol…its the fascism as the default state thing is all…


If the parents are that stupid (like this post)..... No


Are you fucking kidding? Look around at all of the morons out there. Over 72,000,000 people voted for Trump. Most were raised by "parents".

Sticks48 Level 9 July 26, 2021

There have been parents who let their kids die for lack of medical treatment they didn't understand

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2021

Not allowing them the vaccine is child endangerment

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2021

That is your view. We are all entitled to it. That should be a decision between a Dr & parent not government.
That’s the point of the video.
If there’s child endangerment Doctors usually report that.

i would say that allowing them the vaccine might very well be child endangerment, but regardless bob, that was not the subject anyway right

@bbyrd009 I will jump right into the jungle. You mentioned Rockefeller, they probably have no clue who that is. Another thing, you never hear about the vaccine injured children. I used to be a kindergarten teacher, and I have met and taught many of them! If vaccines are so safe, why did the government pay 4 billion in damages? People don't truly research.

@Secur, @bbyrd009


Obviously not or the state couldn't take kids from their crappy parents and put them in foster care.

@Gwendolyn2018 I had her blocked for an age, but once a year I unblock everyone as part of my anthropology study. Today I unblocked.

@Gwendolyn2018 It's science, it's anthropology!

Most parents are good parents for the most part. Most parents are not out to hurt their children.
I understand there are crappy parents Willow_Wisp.
Different people have their own definition.
Different people will have different opinions.

@Wildgreens but you are talking to closet fascists, see, gnostics all, who all know better than the parent, all marching in files and rows, all talking “its like this and like that and like this”
so your coat of many colors will of course be trampled upon, and the rockefeller model of “disease comes from outside” will be enforced, and no dissenting will be tolerated! zieg HIEL!

imo you should run, run as fast as you can from these religious nuts, all sucking the rockefeller penis…but im sure we will be put on block here any second anyway, since they can't abide the truth for long; your immune system is just absolutely designed to overcome coronaviruses, and if one is so degenerated as to succumb to a coronavirus then they certainly should not be in the gene pool anyway, sorry bitches but the truth is just kinda harsh like that sometimes

@Wildgreens I disagree, then again I come from a horrible Christian home where my self righteous father insured his salvation by not sparing the rod for fear of spoiling the child, and I was that child.
By law he would have been imprisoned.
Screw everyone's opinions including yours and mine, that's why we have LAWS, which are carefully crafted in light of everyone's opinions and those opinions are given all the consideration they deserve. People that beat their kids are criminals, it doesn't matter if you're a Christian, have a different opinion, or just have strong feelings, it's why we have LAWS, why we're a nation of LAWS, why Trump lost because by LAW he fucking lost, no matter how much a bunch of terrorist Republicans hate it.
Jeez, people don't seem to have the capacity for even rudimentary thought or self awareness.

@bbyrd009 There are alternatives in dealing with the common cold.

@Willow_Wisp You sound like you need therapy dear. This post has nothing to do with politics.

@bbyrd009 You are completely right, fascist. They don’t even know what an immune system is. Let them enjoy their Graphene Oxide and mystery ingredients.
Survival of the fittest. We shall see who will be the ones that will be standing, when this “covid nonsense is over with”. Good luck folks! Enjoy being part of the experiment.
It’s anthropology & science right?🤣😂

@bbyrd009, @Secur Correct! with ingredients that you can pronounce! I have a recipe if you guys need it. If you guys have a different one please share.

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