11 5

I'm thinking of getting out of trollers and scammers. I made a post about studies showing vegan men to be less criminal natured. The only responses seemed to be from bullies trying to get me to believe that omnivore men are not more likely to be trouble. One insulted me for not believing his lame argument video to become omnivore, again acting like I just don't listen. They didn't have any evidence and kept claiming mibe wasn't from reliable sources with no convincing arguments of their own. I blocked them all.

WarmFluffy 7 Nov 26
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sounds like you get offended to easily

I can see how it might appear that way, but the motive isn't offense. Since I blocked them, I guess problem solved if I go back.

@WarmFluffy if the problem is solved, why are you still complaining?

@coralisthree why are you seeing me as complaining? It was simply a constructive comment.


even though you have reasons and have chosen to eliminate the flesh of animals, note that we have canine teeth. Humans are omnivores simply to assure our survival. There are good reasons to avoid many flesh foods: disease is one. But cooking red blood flesh by charring is a great case of how to get cancer. Carbon:carcinoma:carcinogenic:cancer:tumor - pancreatic cancer

Plant1010J Level 6 Nov 26, 2018

Thanks, I know we have canines and can eat animals. The issue was denying increased risk if antisocial behavior us more prevalent among omnivores. Actually our teeth look more like frugivores and the first anthropological studies now show a diet of insects. The thing is veganism when balanced has lors of benefits including less criminals.


One should look at animals that are herbivores. Elephants, Giraffes versus lions, wolves and on. Diet can make a difference.
I am having a problem with the word omnivore. This literally means a varied diet. As a pescatarian I have a varied diet (mostly vegan with the exception of some fish). If one is going to use a term to offset vegan or herbavore maybe one should use carnivore instead of herbavore.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 26, 2018

The trouble is, it's impossible to know if someone feels strongly about one term or another. Carnivore means all meat.

@WarmFluffy Carnivore includes foodstuffs that are not meat. I doubt there is such a thing as a pure carnivore.


My understanding is that vegetarians and by association vegans are less likely to be addicted to alcohol and exhibit violent behaviour. Seems a good endorsement for veganism to me!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

I didn’t see that post yet but it sounds plausible... kindness begets kindness. I know lots of good people that eat meat but virtually all the questionable people I know do as well. The vegans I know are all very kind people. Naturally exceptions on both sides must exist but if you want to find kindness find people who support kinder ways better for people, animals and the planet... and that’s a vegan.


Admins SHOULD NOT protect mentally ill people here nor "believe" false charges. ....


Veggies are good... Just ignore them... Most people in that group are paranoid anyway lol


That group is lame , btw, a bunch of wannabe detectives. Lmao!

CaroleKay Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

Go you! ♥

CaroleKay Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

Try not to respond to them, they don’t deserve your attention and probably don’t understand what compassion is.

SteveUK Level 4 Nov 26, 2018

Thank you. There are a bunch of troublemakers on this site and they just seem to troll different groups just to argue.

EricJones Level 8 Nov 26, 2018
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