10 6

How long have you guys and girls been vegan? It has been six months for me and I love it. I feel it to be the best decision I have ever made for myself. How did your friends and family react to you being vegan? I live in the midwest, so oddly enough, people here reacted more to my being vegan than my being an atheist. Lots of negative comments and lots of wise cracks were heard.

Aeonia25850 5 Aug 1
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I have been Vegan 2.5 years. I feel so much better. But now the world view towards the treatment of livestock really bothers me.


When we finally became vegetarian my partner and I did it slowly. There was no family and some friends (Seattle is a vegetarian friendly city) went along. I am a health freak and took a blood test which showed some foods as causing an asymptomatic reaction and have cut them out or reduced them so am mostly GF and vegan. My late partner was vegetarian for health purposes but after meeting me she became an in-your-face vegetarian. Most of my friends are vegan and the ones that aren't say nothing.

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 22, 2019

Hi Aeonia. I have been living an ethical vegan lifestyle for 31 years so far. Family was never supportive and some mocking. My friends have always been vegan too, as far as I can remember. I cannot become friends with someone who does not share the value of not contributing/supporting animal cruelty.

Definitely my best decision too, next to not having children.


I’ve been vegan for 9 years, vegetarian a year before that. It’s not just about what I eat either. My friends tend to be accepting of it but I never ask to be accepted. I’m working to change the world. I choose not to eat with people who eat animals. Some of my family members are fine with it, some think it’s weird and think it’s necessary for humans to eat meat. Some people choose to start arguments with me when they ask me why I’m not eating the meat dishes and all I say is that I’m vegan. They tell me I’m shoving my beliefs in their throats when haven’t even said anything. I get fast food enthusiasts suddenly become health and nutrition experts telling me all the deficiencies I will have. For the most part, generally people around here don’t have or give an opinion about my veganism. And I live in cattle country rural Alberta.

graceylou Level 8 Aug 9, 2019

True bigots have their preferences.....there are cruel carnivores ready to shove bacon up our noses WHO ARE the height of my American Atheist popularity 1984 ...bigots complained more about my sign: EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL front page Des Moines Sunday Register photo of PRIDE MARCH.....complained more calling me a faggot lover though we are all straight Atheists at work.....they were all in the closet where they claimed gays should be neither seen or heard WHILE OBVIOUSLY our civil rights goals today are closer to victory than 35 years ago


I am a flexitarian. I stay vegetarian when I'm alone, but when I eat at my kids homes or cook for them I do eat and cook meat. I eat much less meat. There was a while, about 3 months that I was vegan except for the occasional meals with the kids. I have been the mostly vegetarian for 2 or 3 years. My girls don't care what/how I eat, but I try to be a good guest/hostess. The partners of my girls are pretty firmly in the meat eating camp. I stopped eating meat and animal products mostly because of cost (to me and the planet), and I just wanted to be healtier.


We've been vegan since the early 2000s.
I hope you're comfortable with the lifestyle and stay with it. It's worth paying a little more attention to diet and not assuming health as we age. At least in the US our society isn't entirely set up to automatically support us yet. But we've found it's by far worth it.

We had a very close friend staying with us who was a strong vegan for emotional reasons. We weren't eating much meat anyway and it was easier to keep meat out of the house for everyone's comfort. She lives in SC these days but we decided to stay with it and never went back.

We aren't as rigid about it as she is -- if a someone mistakes a restaurant order say, I'll eat the food rather than throw it out.
We just try to live the good life and do what we can to help each other and aid anyone else we can 😎

RichCC Level 8 Aug 1, 2019

I'm very comfortable with it. My only regret is not having done it sooner. The first thing I noticed was my energy level shot up and my weight dropped. Working out and running has gotten a lot easier. And there is so much of a variety of foods to eat. I don't miss meat or dairy at all.

Glad to hear it. Welcome to the lifestyle I suppose (even if it's apparent you've been here a while). 😊

We found that an awful lot of foods taste better when you do without the fat coating in your mouth.
And we also enjoy exploring the food. We live a more or less the country life so I have an outdoor pizza oven and my wife has a smoker/grill.

It's still a little surprising how many people assume the meat diet. The TV cooking channels are consistent disappointments (but I still watch them for ideas).
I hope the vegan choice will become the norm rather than the exception fairly soon. I'm not sure how much longer our growing population and finite resource pool will allow anything else.


I'm a flexitarian , mostly veggies but I also eat animal products occasionally... I'm feeling good getting back to my standard diet since baby j was born...


We make decisions that we think are good for us, no matter what others say. I do not want to become vegan. I don't eat red meat, turkey, goat or fish, I only eat chicken. t may become vegetarian but not vegan.

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 1, 2019

Congratulations on the decision to go Vegan. I went vegetarian in January, as I still like to eat eggs. I've never felt better. I've had some snarky comments from a few family members, but all my friends have been supportive.

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