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My response to "It's well established that humans are natural omnivores".

It's not a well established fact that we are omnivores. Our mastication is like that of grazers, we have finger nails to peel not claws to pierce, our teeth are flat and our intestines long, our tastes buds don't taste protein just like felines can't taste sugar but can taste protein, we don't usually find blood covered roadkill appetizing or anything that has signs of life, we get ill eating raw meat as our digestive enzymes can't process it and actually become cancer causing when overtaken with meat metabolizing bacteria but the oppersite cancer fighting bacteria colonizes when we eat adiquate amounts of fibre which isn't found in meat. Can't digest fibre either yet it's good for our digestion because we still need it to be healthy. Finally humans that are vegan reverse chronic dietary illnesses and live longer compared to any other diet. So your claim doesn't stand scientific scrutiny on the meta level. I'm sure you can find articles that prop up meat eating but you need more that a few articles to brush off the plethora of evidence saying humans are natural herbivors. It's like saying humans are natural flyers because we can now fly with the aid of an aircraft. What's natural about cooking and preparing the meat like we do discarding so much of the animal that no other omnivore would waste. There's also more evidence I've yet to mention.

JoelLovell 6 Mar 25
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We HAD to become scavengers and thieves at first, then hunter gatherers.
And even our closest living relative today, the Chimpanzee, hunts regularly
We have flat teeth and nails because we don't need claws and fangs. (Teeth and nails from when we were mainly herbivores.) We have tools. Homo erectus got the bright idea to cook his food, and we've been cooking dependant since. That is why we are no longer able to digest raw meat properly, though I still love Sushi. While you're at it, try eating a raw eggplant or potato. Urp...

Leafhead Level 8 Apr 3, 2018

When I state that we are herbivors I'm talking about our natural tendency to seek food that is gathered and not hunted. To hunt one needs to make adaptation and doing so is part of evolution when you mention a few vegetables that are best ingested cooked doesn't break the arguement. It's still not as toxic to humans as introducing raw meat into out digestion. Raw potatoes and other foods like it actually would just be avioded because of toxins solanine in the case of potatoes that's poisonous raw or cooked people however can and do eat raw potatoes it's just more risky of having toxic residue, only some veg have this defence. We cook vegetables to breakdown there defensive enzymes yes same with meat but meat actually releases more carcinogens when cooked IGF1, PAH, HCA along with the cancer causing flesh eating gut biome to populate your colon. This is your bodies way of screaming incompatibility. Good old greens have the oppersite effect.


Not a vegan but long time vegetarian, one who will not serve nor eat meat/ fish. That said, I am afraid the natural supplements I take are not, therefore I have to hedge my bets here in a rather guilty manner. I do not want to take any meat based products, period, as I am sure most of us here would.
My daughter gave up meat age 7, we had to wait a bit, to discuss it, and a 7 year old may not always know what actually constitutes meat. She stayed a vegetarian for about 15 years before moving to NYC. I think she eats little meat now.
Eating more and more raw greens in various forms. Chopped kale in big salads. Microgreens and sprouts in salads. Natural green powders added to V8 juice.
Feels to me as though this is some sort of fountain of youth. I do stay active, lots of gardening, walking and also weight machines @ gym- not the girly little weights but fairly heavy ones, and I take it seriously.
I think the greener diet is good for your general health and your skin.
Mother developed a yen for unclean meats when she was about my age, sausages mostly, and died of stomach cancer age 73. Wonder if there was a connection. All those nitrates/ nitrites.
I know this is sort of a weird thing but I am wondering why Whole Foods is called that! It is no more a whole foods store than Safeway and I can't find microgreens, sprouts, any of that stuff, even fresh salad fixings, most of the time! Maybe once or twice a month and they cost double the price at Trader Joe's. At least Safeway does have them usually. What I DO fid at WF: upscale wines. $35 face creams. A big butcher depatment (!!) Six packs of cola. So yeah if I were queen I'd probably make WF change their name to Molly Stone II!

monique Level 3 Mar 25, 2018

Being an omnivore simply means we can eat a variety of food stuffs not that we have to. It has been shown that a low caloric intake leads to longer life. Billions of people throughout history have been vegetarians/vegans and have thrived. Body builders are vegetarians as well as a complete cross section of the human population. I chose to be a vegetarian for health purposes (to avoid the many chemicals) and, primarily, for moral concerns. It is not easy but nothing worthwhile ever is.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 25, 2018

Agreed. According to Loren Eiseley, we became mammals because of the flowering plants . . .not because we ate meat. (Read The Immense Journey.) Also, without grains, there would be no civilization as we know it. Cultures that can grow and store an abundance of grains can build complex societies and have time to create technology. (I'm not sure if that's totally a good thing.) Regardless of any of the above . . . it's time we became more humane and stop the mistreatment of animals, stop exploiting Earth's resources, and make sure that all humans have enough calories to sustain themselves . . . this can only be done with a whole-food-plant-based diet.

Hope4Zoe Level 6 Mar 25, 2018

I’m 2 1/2 years vegetarian and vegan for the last four months, I feel so much better... One who pays attention to how what they eat makes them feel will eventually figure out that we are not meant to eat meat. It’s breaking with cultural norms that holds a person back. People who concider themselves freethinkers, lovers of science and supporters of truth should be understanding this better than most. That said, I’m finding many people on here that use atheism like religion, an excuse to stop thinking. If you think, reason will tip your hand and you will need to change to be congruent with your new found evidence, but that takes effort and most people would rather keep taking Tums until their Quadruple bypass is scheduled.

That's so true I feel so much better since turning vegan although that's anecdotal there's also vast evidence to back it up. I understand that I have biases but before I turned vegan I vowed to myself to be a slave reason. I will not reverse rationalize to comfort my predilections and conclusions. That's true logic, that's real science. The people who reject evidence without earnest considerration are intellectually dishonest.



Ooh I like that thanks that's helpful for me

You are very welcome!

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