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I believe I will stick to being a vegetarian, I don't think I can give up my eggs and my butter and become a vegan. My son and his partner are vegans and that is fine I just cannot give up my addictions to eggs and butter. I can do cheese every once in awhile not too big on that.

Sheannutt 9 May 21
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I used to say I that I was concerned around the meat, egg and diary industries, but I really like the taste, I could never give up rare steak, poached eggs, bacon, cheese.

Then I realised what I was saying was, "My desire for something that tastes nice, is worth animal suffering" and I couldn't say that to myself, let alone out loud, so went vegan overnight.

Rather conveniently I just received this link in my mail, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau: "From Excuse-itarian to Vegan: Addressing the Blocks and Debunking the Myths that Keep People from Making Changes"

The audio is a bit choppy at the start, but settles down.

Broug Level 3 May 22, 2018

Good on ya! I really wouldn't worry too much about going vegan right now. We all do what we can when we can and each little bit helps 🙂

JimmyM Level 7 May 22, 2018

I eat less meat. I eat some dairy products, eggs on occasion, but most of the time I avoid meat. I'm more likely to eat fish than any other meat. I try not to be rigid about it. I have enough food issues, if I feel deprived it can trigger a binge.


Have you tried vegan butter? I actually used to use it back even when I was eating meat lol. I love vegan butter 🙂

@Sheannutt all brands are definitely not created equal. If you decide to make the switch I would try different brands and/or, and this is going to sound funny, but try mixing cow milk butter with the best brand of vegan butter you can find....start with a little amount and gradually increase the ratio of vegan butter to cows milk butter. Just an idea, I know it worked for me when I weaned myself off sweetening things such as my tea and smoothies. Your pallete can adjust, it just takes time. 🙂


I understand and feel the same way. But, after a blood allergen test I found I react to eggs and dairy. There are lots of replacements, though. Ground Chia seeds are a great replacement for eggs and there are lots of dairy/cheese substitutes. Silk has a new high protein nut milk that has more protein and calcium than regular milk. It is also thick like cream and cheaper than milk.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 21, 2018

I totally think that replacing eggs in baking is pretty easy to do vegan, but could see that if someone really likes say omelettes or scrambled eggs it might be harder. I've found tofu scramble to be a great replacement for scrambled eggs. I haven't tried the new vegan eggs that you can make omelettes and stuff with so can't comment on those. I'd say to keep experimenting and trying if giving up those things is something you are set on doing. Best of luck! 🙂

@livetodiscover I always pre-soak and sprout my beans. A vegan friend said that using the water from soaking garbanzo beans is a good egg replacer. I bought a coffee grinder to grind my Chia, Flax seeds and other spices which I try to use whole instead of pre-ground.

@Sheannutt Rice milk is too thin for me. I prefer coconut milk. Try the Silk brand high protein milk. It comes low sugar, higher sugar, chocolate and vanilla. I prefer the original low sugar.


One step at a time.

mtnhome Level 7 May 21, 2018

Whatever you enjoy eating that is healthy should be ok. I think you seem to take what you eat as important. I eat butter made with olive oil.

@Sheannutt giving up sugar is so hard!

@HippieChick58 totally! I think it's great that we celebrate what we are able to do! Of course we can still keep aiming to meet other goals for the future too, but I think it's super important we all celebrate our victories now!

@Sheannutt there is a plant sugar Stevia.. You can cook wit it. From the orient and been around a couple centuries.I do not use much sugar, but I like this,

@Sheannutt I gave up sugar and lost about 50 pounds. Then changed jobs and the new office kept feeding us, and the stress! I have put 15 back on. And I'm in the process of taking that off again.

@Sheannutt I use raw local honey, and I know this is controversial but I find it helps with my allergies. I also use stevia, just planted a new plant last weekend and will extract it and also dry the leaves later on.


I totally understand I'm the same way.

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 21, 2018

It's all about desire.

EdEarl Level 8 May 21, 2018
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