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Feeling unsupported.
So in March after reading "How not to die" by Dr Michael Greger I decided to go more to a whole plant biased diet, no meat no cows milk, and little eggs and cheeses. After that I also watched "What the Health" and "Fat, sick and nearly dead. A with reading some other books like "Pandora's lunchbox and "Body Book" among others. And then worked on trying to get all eggs and cheese out. Of coarse family and friends as well as some strangers when I would go out and try to order at restaurants would ask I decided to have the eating habits I have. I tried getting away with "for personal reasons" but when that doesnt work I don't go into how they hurt the animals or how inhumane and what they do to forest and places to get farm land. I go with how the meat an animal products actually react in your body and what with does inside the human body based on things I have read. No one ever believes me and the conversation usually ends with them saying something like, my whole family eats meat and nothing has happened to them or your just reading stuff that is interpreting it so get a shock that isnt what really goes on. I wonder if everything they think they see on TV is real and also do they ask if they don't really want to know? I feel drained from trying to explain it and was curious what others here might say to people who ask they have chosen to be veg or vegan. I think people when they ask they just want me to say animal rights so they can brush it off they don't really want to know that all that processed food they eat is so far from food that their bodies get nothing from it.

And sorry for the rant on a Monday morning.

seasalttravel 5 May 29
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I am vegan and a big fan of Dr Greger,Dr Ornice and Dr Ethylstein.Please don't feel sorry for the rant because these are all facts.I have taken step further-no oils and nuts either.I feel great.I am 6 feet tall and weigh 165 lbs(same weight from my university days)I lost 35 lbs in last 4 yrs without any efforts.


You're headed in the right direction by stating that you know that those processed foods are no longer foods.
I attended a lunch last friday where meats and pies were offered. I just attended to meet my neighbors. I didn't see anything edible. Many people asked me why I hadn't sat down with a plate of 'food'. I am way too old to be cutesy and shy about my food discipline. So my reply was, " I don't eat that crap".

Plant1010J Level 6 May 31, 2018

It is often difficult to climb out of boxes and even more difficult to get others to do so as well. My nephew once asked my late partner (who was the director of his elementary school) why she was a vegetarian. She explained in detailed and clear terms and he listened respectfully (he was 18 at the time). Afterward, he said he could never become vegetarian and she responded, you mean you don't want to be a vegetarian and he had to agree. We can do most anything once we put our mind to it. Sometimes we have to be content with just planting seeds and hope some may germinate.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 31, 2018

Rant on. It is cathatic. So I refer to "meat" as cadavers, carcasses,& corpses. That says alot in one word. Then the carnivore word. Carnivores hunt & kill their own food. Scavengers eat...see previous words. Scavengers are necessary to clean up the corpses, but don't say you are a carnivore unless you hunt & butcher your own food. Then therre is corporate procesased food. I do not consider brown & white items food. Colors are food. Then there is the abusive, toxic facory farming issue which you can just elude to as most folks are aware but only peripherally. If these folks don't wish to know then why do they ask? I usually think of it as an opportunity to educate. "Your whole family may eat meat", but America is an obese nation. Long term affests are diabetes, cancer, brain deterioration, heart disease..... Brown & white food do not have nutrition. Color does. Long term denial of necessary nutrition results in start naming all of the diseases that will rresult in the future. Explain you choose this for yourself & do not impose it on others. Keep it simple & suggest some research sites. But do they really want to know or just to absolve themselves of their nefarious eating habits. Sugar is an inflamatory drug that should be a dessert or a reward on ones birthday or special occasions. Not after every meal & all day long. Water is the fluid of choice. Not soda. Corporations have indoctrinated this country & the world emmulates us. Good luck.

Mooolah Level 8 May 31, 2018

I generally tell people that I'm vegan because "I'm a Chef, not Mortician".
Why do you owe anyone an explanation? Just tell them that you don't believe in harming animals...and that you don't want their blood and suffering on your hands.

I just tell people that it's an ethical decision. I cannot support the level of abuse in the factory farms.


No need to ever apologize about our feelings because we feel the same way that you do.
This is our place to rant and feel how ever we choose.

Wildgreens Level 8 May 29, 2018

Just be you, do what you do. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. You can just say it’s for health reasons and for compassion for animals. If they seem genuinely interested in learning give them references/sources to look up. You can lead by example. Be healthy, cook and eat delicious food, live an enjoyable life. I find that that is contagious. When I went vegan most around me thought I was crazy. By now my SO is getting close to being vegan himself. He loves what he eats and has lost 30 lbs in just over a year. Most of my friends now eat less meat and drink more plant milks.

Definitely reach out online for support. There are many of us out there. A lot of us have good sources and links to send to non-veggie friends if they question you on anything. There are veggie meet ups, potlucks, fests, etc. in most cities if you are looking to make friends. Good luck and stay strong. We are here for you.

graceylou Level 8 May 29, 2018

Thank you, please feel free to message me the links if you have some

@seasalttravel I will have to find them but most links are specific in topic. Do you have any specific things that you need reference for?


You can't change other people. That's the bottom line.

Regarding Micheal Greger. I disagree with some of his stances. He dismisses gluten sensitivity in a really patronising and hypocritical way, to say he's battling the dairy and meat industry.

He also ignores the problem of pesticides. I've asked his site if eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables poses a problem to human health over the long term. (I've read a few scientific studies (there's not many about) which link pesticides with malignant tumours found in some Chinese citizens.) His site didn't answer my question. This is a valid question. Do pesticides outweigh the benefits?

I'm conflicted about eggs too. There is no definitive evidence either way. I still eat them. My only issue with them is ethical, but I don't think they're harmful if consumed occasionally.

If you join a vegan group on Meet Up that might help you to feel more supported and less alone in the world.

thank you

On the subject of eggs, I am having difficulty giving them up also, but I've done extensive research. Many of them are now marked "Cage Free", but it's not true. Most of the egg producers pack the poor things into dark sheds with no opportunity to live like a chicken is supposed to. And don't even get me started on what happens to the male chicks when they're a few days old. So I assuage my guilt by eating eggs marked Pasture Raised, Certified Humane, organic and Cage Free. "Certified Humane" on the package means that the facility has been inspected by watch groups. None of them are perfect, but I do the best I can.

@TheoryNumber3 are you in an area to have your own chickens, geese, or ducks...for their eggs? that way you have the assurance that they are as healthy as you want them to be.


Thank you for that. I'll try and keep that in mind.

It reminds me of the RSPCA (a useless organisation) who stamp their seal of approval on things like pork sausages. I kid you not.

It's laughable.

@Plant1010J No... I live in a planned community. We can't even change a lightbulb without committee approval 🙂

@Ellatynemouth Exactly. I also shop cruelty free, and when I call a company that isn't on the Leaping Bunny approved list to get their position, and they read me a BS statement about how they do not test on animals unless required by law (as in China)... I tell them that I'm thrilled to know that their ethics only extend to the profit line. Idiots.


I wish everyone were like you. It does make me angry when companies treat their customers like idiots.

@Ellatynemouth Yes I agree... and I do tell them that when they decide to do what's right and not just what's profitable, I'll patronize their company but not until then . The irony is China ships us poisoned pet food, melamine in baby food and flammable nightwear, but they require animal testing on cosmetics?

And then there's all these products labeled "NATURAL". People think that's a benefit, when in fact it has no legal meaning in relation to food. Natural my butt. You read the label and the stuff is full of chemicals, artificial colors and god knows what else.


I agree again. That's a good point about animal testing yet risking public health with dodgy goods.

The thing about food manufacturers hiding things like MSG behind terms like 'yeast extract' etc drives me crazy with anger. How dare they. I'm the customer. They are receiving my money so I have a right to know exactly what I'm eating.

Governments are complicit.

@TheoryNumber3 Ah yes, I have lived in one of those. The color of the house, the type of siding, the type of outdoor lighting and its positioning, hide your RV, the height of your fence...

@Ellatynemouth Really interesting article. Did you know there are 90 different names for MSG?


I would not be surprised. Our governments are traitors. Food enhancers are one contributing factor for weight gain.

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by devayogaMy vegetable garden

Posted by WildgreensBeing A Vegan

Posted by WildgreensBottled water 💦

Posted by WildgreensReal Medicine

Posted by JackPedigoA new company (seafood) in the plant based ‘meat’ options, which includes types of fish.

Posted by BDairWhy was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

Posted by WildgreensMy new group is called covid cult. The information MSM doesn’t want you to know.

Posted by BDairBrilliant tip.

Posted by WildgreensFDA Safety Surveillance

Posted by WildgreensI knew this was going to happen.

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

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