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How else do you use chia seeds ? I put them in my smoothie. I just don't know what else to do with them.

Wildgreens 8 May 29
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I make "fruity oatmeal"for breakfast. Pureed fruits mixed with a couple tablespoons of rolled oats, chia seeds, flax meal, with honey, and yogurt. I make a week worth of bowls on Sunday, they are refrigerated until I pull one out and stir it up. Quick, nutrish, and yummy for an instant breakfast.


As an egg replacer.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 29, 2018

The pets, honestly. Mostly the pets


Soak them in fruit juice --- sort of like a jello. Make soy milk or nut milk pudding. Add them into almost any batter.

thislife Level 7 May 29, 2018

I love making chia seed pudding!

A recipe like this is great. Then I top it with fresh fruit like mangoes or strawberries, etc.


Would you mind sharing the recipe for the pudding?

Thank You ?

@TheoryNumber3 I use the one listed on the link. Off the top of my head I think It's 2 cups of non dairy milk, 0.5 cup chia, 2 tsp? Vanilla extract, and 1 or 2 tbsp. Maple syrup. I think the liquid to chia seed is probably the most important part. The rest is flavoring. 🙂

@livetodiscover That sounds delicious. I just printed it. And I have all the ingredients in the house. I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow! Thank you.

@TheoryNumber3 I just ate some today topped with fresh mangoes. It was amazing. 🙂


Salad, soup, baked goods, toast with jam, ice cream, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, squash, rice, just a sprinkle is all one needs on everything.

Mooolah Level 8 May 29, 2018

I can't remember which recipe I used but chia fruit jams are easy to make and quite delicious. I've made them with different berries, and even mangos. Here's just one recipe.


graceylou Level 8 May 29, 2018

That just sounds super duper delightful ?.

I've heard of this. Need to try it! 🙂


I use them in overnight oats, chia pudding, fruit "jams", or just sprinkle them in my cereal, stir fry, pasta, tofu scramble, potatoes, etc.

graceylou Level 8 May 29, 2018
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