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Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Why do people consistently mention RBG's dying wish , as the Notre Dame faculty members did? Do they not realize how illegitimate personal wishes are in these circumstances? Is our government meant to function that way? I do think there are some legitimate concerns that need to addressed in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 26, 2020:
@Paul4747 Would the Dems have done the same if the shoe was on the other foot? I think so. I think there is going to be a huge R sweep this time too, but I think the Dems just did so many things wrong. To have the Rs possibly gain everything is too much, but really whose fault is it? Although it's possible it will go the other way. It remains to be seen. Depending on which polls you listen to you get completely different outcomes. This outcome with Barrett may effect voter choice too.
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Why do people consistently mention RBG's dying wish , as the Notre Dame faculty members did? Do they not realize how illegitimate personal wishes are in these circumstances? Is our government meant to function that way? I do think there are some legitimate concerns that need to addressed in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 26, 2020:
@Paul4747 And it looks like she will likely be confirmed tomorrow.
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Why do people consistently mention RBG's dying wish , as the Notre Dame faculty members did? Do they not realize how illegitimate personal wishes are in these circumstances? Is our government meant to function that way? I do think there are some legitimate concerns that need to addressed in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@Paul4747 From all of the explanations I have heard Barrett give she is bound by procedure to NOT give specific opinions. So WHAT exactly is expected of her in terms of response? No matter WHAT she says it will be torn apart and sharply criticised. I mean look she uses the phrase "building the Kingdom of God", and ppl are "troubled" by it, criticising it. She did not say something about furthering the cause of evil, so why are ppl acting as though she did? Ppl ARE allowed to believe in God in the US in 2020, right? Or does that freedom no longer exist in non-believers' minds? This is the problem with "living document" ideas. Next thing you know all of these basic rights will not exist and there will be plenty of justifications and reasons why doing so was actually a good idea, kind of like when antifa wants everyone else to just shut up. It's being done for everyone's good, right? NO. The originalist perspective certainly IS important. It is a very valid pov. KNOW your history. "What sources do you use? The constirution...." To all the sourced you listed "Yes". Understanding the times, the thoughts, the challenges how it all related, it can give us some level of guidance and perspective in our current day. Why wouldn't it? Do you think this knowledge of history gives us nothing? I'm not aware enough of the constitutional issues and where we stand right now with technology. Exactly where the issues are. I don't know enough about the newest technological advancements, I don't know what the precedent says, but I have a huge problem with these ongoing successful cyber attacks. "We don't want ppl to lose confidence in the integrity of the voting process" they say. But how do they think confidence has not already been lost? This is certainly not the first time it's happened, though it probably is the worst time. Where is the right to privacy? Aren't states and localities hugely violating ppl's rights with each data breach? Why doesn't this get fixed? At this point in time I think a horse and buggy, and regular mail, and offline voter records, and getting as much personal info off line as possible would be a much better option than doing nothing or feeling confident in the current system. The systen as it currently exists seems almost as though it's designed to completely destroy the idea of privacy altogether. As far as Barrett's views on Roe, I do not know exactly where she stands. She has a duty to decide cases using all the knowledge she has gained and using her very best judgement; religious belief cannot cloud that view. Discussions and decisions on abortion must always be predicated by the harsh realities of unwanted pregnancies, as human beings are not like animals that deposit young in the wild and leave them to fend for themselves as other ...
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Why do people consistently mention RBG's dying wish , as the Notre Dame faculty members did? Do they not realize how illegitimate personal wishes are in these circumstances? Is our government meant to function that way? I do think there are some legitimate concerns that need to addressed in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 23, 2020:
@Paul4747 I never said brush her words aside. She was not in charge of selecting her replacement, so in that sense it cannot be a deciding factor. Unless all politicians and judges will now capitulate to the opposing viewpoint, I don't expect it from anyone. I will not attempt to defend the words and actions of two politicians, McConnell and Trump. These words of Trump's that you quoted are very typical of his style. His frequent attacks on Pres. Obama do come across very negatively to me. Trump seems to want to undo everything Pres. Obama accomplished. But if they are successful in undoing ACA, (I am starting to feel strongly they will NOT be) and this goes back to Barrett, it may be their own undoing ultimately. The American people do not want that, and it is our government afterall and should reflect that. I am not knowledgeable in the various schools of thought in constitutional interpretation. Originalism and textualism are new terms to me. It is quite the time to delve into these topics though, isn't it? The right to privacy is a very important one in this day age and especially when you consider the (once again!) flagrant breach of public privacy voters have just undergone as of this most recent cyberhack of registered voters. Now is most definately the time to think about those initial views on what our rights were at the founding, how they have changed over time, and what they are now. This is discussion you never hear. I wonder, if you review the entirety of the confirmation hearings does any of this ever even get discussed? Maybe noone ultimately cares about this most fundamental idea and the difficulties posed in this 21st century of overreaching technology, but I say let's hear from the constitutional originalists here! Maybe Barrett is exactly what we need then. As far as Roe, I don't know exactly what Barrett has stated in that regard, I find it hard to believe that some of the ideas suggested by Dems would ever even be up for consideration. The other landmark case frequently sited, Griswold, well, it's not the 1800s anymore and I think everyone knows that. It feels like some of the questioning on Dems side of Barrett was so far detached from reality, it once again made the Dems look like they are trying very hard, TOO hard to make her look bad. It reflects poorly on the party. (On the contrary to that idea, the clip I posted above felt like a very positive exchange and I give both credit for that). I personally feel the more I hear of her, I cannot find much to criticize. I also think she's not there to just do what Trump wants and to suggest that she is is an insult. Additionally with regard to reproductive/ pro- choice rights, Barrett IS a female. She can view the issues from that perspective and that should give Dems some level ...
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Why do people consistently mention RBG's dying wish , as the Notre Dame faculty members did? Do they not realize how illegitimate personal wishes are in these circumstances? Is our government meant to function that way? I do think there are some legitimate concerns that need to addressed in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 22, 2020:
@Paul4747 Here is how it works "The Supreme Court consists of the chief justice of the United States and eight associate justices. The president has the power to nominate the justices and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate" Where are we told that justice's opinion on their replacements matter? Her opinion does surely hold weight, but not inside this process.
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Why do people consistently mention RBG's dying wish , as the Notre Dame faculty members did? Do they not realize how illegitimate personal wishes are in these circumstances? Is our government meant to function that way? I do think there are some legitimate concerns that need to addressed in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 22, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Your words " knows jack shit ", didn't further my understanding of the other case and how her position she takes here relates to it. It would be really nice to keep focused on the subject, not inaccurate personal opinion.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Send that check out to Americans who are being hard hit. The rest can be debated at a later time. You know what is happening
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@JeffMurray "A decisive economic response"? Maybe he should start by giving someone in the House a phone call then? Some news reports suggest if it doesn't happen now it will be months, what are they waiting for? It's like deliberately breaking it, to look like you fixed it later. Dems holding up aid right now is wrong. Another previous response of Biden's back as VP during H1N1, his off the cuff response at the beginning sounded good like he knew what needed to be done, but then because it wasn't what suited the intetests of big biz, it was backed away from. This what I mean, the same criticism I have leveled before, if the Fed gov can't figure out how to respond aporopriately at the BEGINNING of something like this at THIS point after all the funds they have had access to, my hopes they will ever figure it out are very, very small. I understand the ideal is all Americans having access to healthcare. In reviweing statistics yerday, some of the uninsured have choosen just not to have it. Ppl have that right. As far as Rs, when they REMOVE protections and ppl LOSE healthcare, it only makes the party look VERY BAD. It becomes the party that is working contrary to overall public health and that's just a very bad look. Dems could bring all of it to light, and just make Rs look terrible, absolutely terrible.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@Mcflewster The response I last left, left out a huge amount. It was rushed and this is too. The main point is - Yes, science can help a tremendous amount in solving world problems. That is true. How much of that needs to happen through increasing belief in scientific principles and lessening religious belief is not something I feel I know at this point. I think it's best to stick with the educational/helpful aspects and let others find their own way.
[pbs.twimg.] Science matters. 😕
CourtJester comments on Oct 13, 2020:
The science tells us that masks are retarded. It’s the flu with media buzz.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Okay so explain Hong Kong.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@JeffMurray And I will say this again Republicans, better not dare think they are going to do away with healthcare protections put in place by Obamacare. The American ppl do not want that. The Rs may gain a lot of political seats this time around, but Americans do NOT want that. As fast as they are voted in, OUT they will go! Ppl are tired of this constant upheaval. And doing it in midst of pandemic would be the WORST political error a side could ever take. Not that there would ever be a good time to do that. That move could potentially destroy the party for good. Healthcare could be vastly improved, in terms of lowered costs. Government needs to stop with this constant redo of basic ideas. It's inefficient. Obamacare is imperfect but acheives a lot of goals in our current system, nobody has offered anything better have they? All I have ever heard was ppl complain about Obamacare. It's whining! Obamacare was good policy! According to this, "Meanwhile, recent Census data show that the number of Americans who are uninsured increased by 1.9 million in 2018, after reaching an historic low following passage of the ACA. Still, 91.5% of people were covered by health insurance last year" so in 2018 we regressed. It's problematic. We should not expect to see LESS ppl covered. That's a failure, but it isn't an abysmal failure. There could be logical explanations. I believe the Rs know what is at stake if it continues down that path.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
oldFloyd comments on Oct 14, 2020:
So I voted in person yesterday, my commendations to the board of elections in lake county Ohio with a professional way in which they handled in person walk in voting, all persons involved deserve a thank you. Safety and security was Paramount. 😁
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@oldFloyd I'm not disappointed. A return to normalcy would be a very, very good thing.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@JeffMurray Can you kindly link the team's current plan? Similar to the link in this subthread from medium that's posted above, but the current plan. Thanks.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster Science is an extremely useful tool. Any time you use electronics or take medication or use any other item/concept derived from science your actions are validating that truth. But science isn't everything and don't expect it to be. I will agree with a large part of the science part myself, but I'm not fooled by it either. I think that would be considered mainly positive in your estimation. This is grown into a lengthy back and forth post. I don't think there is any more to say. I'm not an atheist, btw. But I am prone to tangents at time.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster I don't know. You are trying to start scientific inquiry. You will not get it through that process. Way back? I don't know. It's just different. Religion goes way back. Even when societies try to eliminate it, it can't be erased. It is so often cause for strife. I think there is a branch of psychology dedicated to that study, that seems to validate the human need for religion. Anyway, that's just science too. I mean outside of science.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster Some of the religious beliefs in India are very interesting too; they can encapsulate some essence that science never will.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@JeffMurray Listen. Other topics, GO AHEAD, take your time, critique your opponent. But when it comes to an issue like this, I don't want the precious two minutes squandered trying to make your opponent look incompetent. That's what an incompetent person with no real plan would do! Talk about something that really sets YOU apart, your team. What do you have to offer? By the looks of it, what we're presented with, not much. Just criticism. I want plans, innovative ideas. Tell me what sets Harris /Biden apart? If they come up with good ideas, I will give them credit. Something that will completely change course I will acknowledge it, that it's useful.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@OldMetalHead Why are you posting something THIS old? It's October. The election is in Nov. A LOT has happened since Apil! Where is the current outline? I cannot read something this old as I feel it's outdated. And what are "Apollo-like moonshots"? What does THAT mean?
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
oldFloyd comments on Oct 14, 2020:
So I voted in person yesterday, my commendations to the board of elections in lake county Ohio with a professional way in which they handled in person walk in voting, all persons involved deserve a thank you. Safety and security was Paramount. 😁
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
So no armed groups out there yet? Probably done through city hall/village? The news is saying there will be armed groups out there on election day. I heard for WI, MI, and PA. Also heard separately MN. These are swing states, so the idea is to ensure the integrity of the vote, i am guessing. Has it ever been to this extreme before? Why does the very act of voting feel it is being mixed in possible violence? It's out of hand, that's why.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster The Qs in science will never be fully solved. And humans will never run out of ingenuity, though we may die out as a species at some point. Science can help us solve many problems, yes. But science also cannot erase human elements such as wanting to pray and religious belief. Life is not just some great big empty scientific process afterall, well not in my mind and not in minds of most ppl on this planet.
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 14, 2020:
How do you feel the Harris/Biren team will improve the covid response?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Well I personally was disappointed in Harris response at debate upon questioning of this very matter. She choose to spend 80% of her two minutes criticisizing Trump than explaining her plans in less than 30 seconds. That's like going to a Dr. office and listen to him blame you for you own illness. They should be laying out plans at this point specific details. I do not completely disagree that some conservatives keep pushing this anti-mask agendea. In fact in my state conservatives were just shot down with their legal pursuit of ending the mask order Gov has mandated. I find this conservative approach quite reckless. And especially when yoy consider our case rate and fatalities are rapidly increasing, it comes across as very poorly planned, no thought to public health. Though Trump himself does not disapprove of states issuing mask orders or the general idea of wearing a mask.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster Science does have it's limits! Can we agree on that? Just look at covid response. It's 2020 and there is often flip flopping on the recommendations. On the whole it's trustworthy, but never perfect. And let's not forget this man's effigy was not the first or last. There was the big balloon flown in UK, and I'm sure, many, many more. Though UKs balloon was not meant for worship or to be complimentary.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Mcflewster I would never make a general assumption someone's religious beliefs are wrong for them. Maybe the Trump statue worship was exactly what he needed. Was it relating back to big biz interests or more relating to a desire for peace in his nation? I don't know exactly because I haven't researched it. I do know the nation of India needs peace in that regard. Every nation does. Additionally, we shouldn't attempt to infringe our ideas on others. Science only goes so far. I do agree applying science can be highly useful, but should a society ever tell citizens they are unable to build statues of others and worship? I would think, no, never, as it opposes freedom of relgion.
Today’s Supreme Court Case Threatens to Turn Nonreligious Americans into Second-Class Citizens.
rainmanjr comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL. They're not going to give Muslims such a victory. They might not even allow Muslims to remain in the nation if 45 wins.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@rainmanjr I will say for the time I agree with AA. I mean agree in the legal sense of a counter position. That could very likely change. My personal opinion is not the same. This case is bothersome to me though. I don't understand how it even falls under any type of religious protection as it's not like practicing religion was ever hindered. It was ASKED, but never happened. I do understand the need for the FBI to not have this unchecked power with the No Fly list, but being able to sue for monetary damages, individual officers, it's just wrong. Now when you do some further reading, the assumption is it's somehow an underhanded racist tactic that was being used on these men. That's what I read. However, in my mind, irregardless of religion, or race, if the FBI asks for assistance from a citizen or resident, I would imagine there would be a sense of duty to comply, a sense of national loyalty, or either a strong reason against. I understand it restricts personal freedom, but really the issue is a matter of flying, and not religious freedom. At no point was religious practice prevented. For instance having the ability to fly is a special right in and of itself. Looking at what our international travelers brought back home earlier this year and that the nation must now all pay the heavy cost for (the human cost and the economic impact is beyond belief!) I don't feel it is a right that comes without responsibilities. The individual's right to fly is much less important than the safety of the group, the nation. Good leaders, law enforcement understand that and work to make it happen. And I will reiterate unchecked power by fbi is not good with this list. There should be some stadardized review, uniform procedures, that warrants placement on the list. It should have oversight by an internal group. If the individual is a "hardworking, honest man" as described the one man was describef by FBI, he should not have to contend with this.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 13, 2020:
@Mcflewster The block? Me wanting to understand the position of those that support Trump in India, can in no way be construed as a block. In fact the individual I read about was so staunchly in support he had constructed a 6 ft statue of Trump and prayed to him. There must be some extremely intense feelings there, obviously. And those feelings are not unique to him as I understand. India is comprised of nine major religions and the current PM has aided the protections of the various faiths. Trump has a positive relationship with PM and has built growing support among Indian Americans, who are traditionally more in favor of Democrats. Now this may not be exactly what Dems want to hear, but it's just what it is. One part. And I also feel I should restate the fact that I do not have an indepth knowledge of internal politics of India. I know religious conflict can be hugely devastating in parts of the world and I personally think ppl should aim to get along. Yes, wanting to understand people is natural, I mean regarding your emigration. Keep working at it if it's important to you. I don't know who the person above is in the picture. I probably miss context and references others already get. That's fine with me. Have a good day!
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
RichCC comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Probably. The current reality is that we have a two-party(insert sarky comment here) system in the United States. My impression is that they have done a reasonable job trying to stay impartial at least between those two parties. When they start to deviate from that, it will be time to act. Feel ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@RichCC Be careful because now you yourself are starting to sound like a commercial. It's wrong and should be fixed.
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp "No"
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@wordywalt Oh please, Wordy, at your age to not have fully embraced the neccessity of dignified communication in political debate and the full, multi-faceted discussion of ideas, leaves your entire facade that you put up in public social settings as being a knowledgeable, well intentioned individual, in reality, a completely mishonest ploy. Get real!
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Strange? You think the system is okay as is? Please tell me how you arrived at the answer "No".
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
It's interesting that you are both very much okay with not hearing other POVs. Is this typical Biden supporter mindset?
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
It's interesting that you are both very much okay with not hearing other POVs. Is this typical Biden supporter mindset?
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
RichCC comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Probably. The current reality is that we have a two-party(insert sarky comment here) system in the United States. My impression is that they have done a reasonable job trying to stay impartial at least between those two parties. When they start to deviate from that, it will be time to act. Feel ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@RichCC Does it make a disclosure of this sort? I have never seen an acknowledgent that debates are actually large scale infomercials. The first couple sentences on its website seems to play up the idea of free debate in service of electorate. Also, it is quite possible that even with full debate we would still mainly seek R or D positions. As much as ppl disparage big money, we can't say it has absolutely no place in society. I just feel that fuller debate would be beneficial to all.
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
wordywalt comments on Oct 12, 2020:
It does not own anything.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@wordywalt Whose consensus?
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
RichCC comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Probably. The current reality is that we have a two-party(insert sarky comment here) system in the United States. My impression is that they have done a reasonable job trying to stay impartial at least between those two parties. When they start to deviate from that, it will be time to act. Feel ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
What about the white supremacist debate question? They are making fools of this nation. The next debate should include the phrase capitalist pigs in order to be fair. Something like, "How will you protect the nation from the self-serving interests of capitalist pigs?" That would be very fair, well inch us closer to fairness anyway. I think it's something most ppl want to know. What do you think? And for the record I do believe in free markets with some government restrictions where neccessary. I don't believe in the merits of institutions that prevent full debate, however.
Does the Commision on Presidential Debates own a monopoly?
wordywalt comments on Oct 12, 2020:
It does not own anything.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
It owns the political debate that is most visible to American public. Is that nothing?
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Alrighty then, I'll start: drump is doing a great job!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
I read an article today about a citizen of India who was a very big fan of Trump. I never realized there was an international following as well. It would be interesting to learn more on that topic. I know nothing about the internal politics of India, so I can make no comment in that regard.
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.
barjoe comments on Oct 12, 2020:
HL Menchken was a bad guy. The diary of H. L. Mencken is filled with Anti-Semitism, Racism and Nazi leanings. Why would you site him as a source?
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@LenHazell53 Correct. Perhaps we stand to learn the most from those who ruled from the abysmal pit. The comment is yet another jab at the idea of democracy, the idea of sovereignity being the right of the ppl. It's spoken like a true authoritarian would speak, either that or it really is just a joke.
MN elections will be monitored by third party sources! Now let's just hope agents are fluent in the ...
barjoe comments on Oct 10, 2020:
I suppose you'd like to reinstitute literacy tests in order for a citizen to vote.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 12, 2020:
@barjoe Yeah, all of them. I've decided I personally will make the final decision on who will be President. So, all further debate and protestations are unneccessary.
MN elections will be monitored by third party sources! Now let's just hope agents are fluent in the ...
barjoe comments on Oct 10, 2020:
I suppose you'd like to reinstitute literacy tests in order for a citizen to vote.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
@Jolanta This is not just a personal concern of mine. This is something that should be addressed to the nation. I doubt I would get a response myself anyway.
MN elections will be monitored by third party sources! Now let's just hope agents are fluent in the ...
Theresa_N comments on Oct 10, 2020:
All I can say is "Uff Da."
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
Don't know the expression, but I think it sounds just about right.
MN elections will be monitored by third party sources! Now let's just hope agents are fluent in the ...
barjoe comments on Oct 10, 2020:
I suppose you'd like to reinstitute literacy tests in order for a citizen to vote.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
I would like to know how our government ensures the integrity of the vote in instances such as these. We have a greater responsibility to vulnerable communities to ensure election integrity. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who represents the area, should be able to tell us about it more in depth as this is an issue her district contends with . I disagree with her position on certain issues, but as a respected member of our society who is to uphold our country's highest aims, she must have some significant input to the discussion. What does she say about it?
Why is Dem controlled Congress abusing the poor at this point?
LovinLarge comments on Oct 10, 2020:
The bs is deep this morning!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
No, it was yesterday that she came out with it.
Why is Dem controlled Congress abusing the poor at this point?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Why are you not looking at this behavior and realizing that the Dems are no more concerned about the peasants than the Repubs? They both serve the 1% rather than the masses, that is why the Dems are currently more interested in getting more power than saving the the poor.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
Well I hope somebody figures out that mess in MN. To be having funds stolen that long and NOONE has put a stop to it? It's unacceptable.
Why is Dem controlled Congress abusing the poor at this point?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 10, 2020:
"Dem controlled Congress"? You are seriously confused!
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
Yes. I do often use the term incorrectly. House. I think of the House when I say Congress, but they are indeed controlling the situation in Congress with initiating it, aren't they?
Serious concerns of corruption in MN.
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I have a difficult time with people using Facebook and watching Fox News, it's all part of the same strategy to enslave you, but by all means keep risking your mental health by diving into those cesspools. Just don't expect me to follow those links into darkness.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 10, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Wisp, focus on the issue. I can go into the whole FB discussio another time. In the first clip there is a gov proceeding about how gov has consistently been unable to prevent mass fraud in MN childcare reimbursement. One article I read it's involving tens of thousands if $$ going back to at least 2016. This clip from 2020 discusses need for anti-kick back legislation related to this. What do you think it means? I'm no legal expert, but common sense dictates someone is massively pilfering government funds in MN. So do you trust everything is copesetic there in terms of government processes?
Serious concerns of corruption in MN.
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I have a difficult time with people using Facebook and watching Fox News, it's all part of the same strategy to enslave you, but by all means keep risking your mental health by diving into those cesspools. Just don't expect me to follow those links into darkness.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
They are clips of government proceedings. What are you saying?
Today’s Supreme Court Case Threatens to Turn Nonreligious Americans into Second-Class Citizens.
rainmanjr comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL. They're not going to give Muslims such a victory. They might not even allow Muslims to remain in the nation if 45 wins.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@rainmanjr Not sure. Havent read it, not familiar. You are probably more informed here.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
barjoe comments on Oct 9, 2020:
James O'Keefe is a scam artist and a shill for the right wing who stages encounters and releases them fraudulently. He's been charged criminally and also has had civil judgements against him. He's a total fucking piece of shit.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@barjoe I think most are fellow citizens. They are voting. Yes our ppl.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
barjoe comments on Oct 9, 2020:
James O'Keefe is a scam artist and a shill for the right wing who stages encounters and releases them fraudulently. He's been charged criminally and also has had civil judgements against him. He's a total fucking piece of shit.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@barjoe We should all care. These are our ppl. This is our country. These are our laws.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 9, 2020:
You said "And the local government talked about defunding police recently?" So you have your head all together too far up your echo chamber ass. Fox, aka fascist News lies to you. No one wants to defund the police, maybe stop giving them military war equipment.. Maybe have mental health ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp You can eithet see something is wrong and choose to ignore it, or maybe you just don't see it. But you can see if you look it's not right.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 9, 2020:
You said "And the local government talked about defunding police recently?" So you have your head all together too far up your echo chamber ass. Fox, aka fascist News lies to you. No one wants to defund the police, maybe stop giving them military war equipment.. Maybe have mental health ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Wispy, look closer.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 9, 2020:
You said "And the local government talked about defunding police recently?" So you have your head all together too far up your echo chamber ass. Fox, aka fascist News lies to you. No one wants to defund the police, maybe stop giving them military war equipment.. Maybe have mental health ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Wispy, pay attention! There is more and btw I have not heard the entire story broadcast at all nationally. Also, city council action was abandoned. So they did NOTHING. Keep up to date. And those specific words were quoted from MPR, which is traditionally more left leaning. Side note:Your approach in speaking to others could be vastly improved. Respectul communication involves mutual participation.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 9, 2020:
You said "And the local government talked about defunding police recently?" So you have your head all together too far up your echo chamber ass. Fox, aka fascist News lies to you. No one wants to defund the police, maybe stop giving them military war equipment.. Maybe have mental health ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
"The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously approved a proposal to change the city charter to allow the Police Department to be dismantled, following mass public criticism of law enforcement" Welcome back to reality, Wispy. This is ALL you get of this whole entire convoluted story - a little piece.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
barjoe comments on Oct 9, 2020:
James O'Keefe is a scam artist and a shill for the right wing who stages encounters and releases them fraudulently. He's been charged criminally and also has had civil judgements against him. He's a total fucking piece of shit.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@barjoe Carpet baggars or strategically exploited?
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 9, 2020:
You can read anything. Ballot harvesting. Is that like the hanging chad? Is it the left into this or did it apply in GWB's election so we did not end up with Algore? Then we have Alex Jones and his talk of child actors to sway things into his view. Actor portrayal is real. TV ads have them all the...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
I don't know why numbers are different? You are right, I could be misunderstanding numbers. I AM NOT an accountant, but in a separate post I just made that I can link the ppl of state of MN are asking "What is going on in Dept. Of Human Services?" It's an open Q in community. It's not me. Whether I ask Q or not is irrelevant. It will likely be asked until someone answers as it's an open anomaly. Do citizens ask these Qs? Yes. I do very much believe actor portrayal is the norm. In fact I can see a lot of it going on. But you can often see the entremanure for who that person is. Well hopefully. Alot of the other stuff, yes, I agree. The immigrants are very much at risk, ppl could exploit this hugely. That's why I want concrete answers from our gov to know what they are doing. I want reassurance all parts of this are being kept within standard. I don't even hear media address it.
Today’s Supreme Court Case Threatens to Turn Nonreligious Americans into Second-Class Citizens.
rainmanjr comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL. They're not going to give Muslims such a victory. They might not even allow Muslims to remain in the nation if 45 wins.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@rainmanjr I don't understand the reference. I haven't thought this through enough. I have wondered if maybe I DO agree with AA, but I'm not sure. I probably should not have commented it the first place, until I understood it more.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
barjoe comments on Oct 9, 2020:
James O'Keefe is a scam artist and a shill for the right wing who stages encounters and releases them fraudulently. He's been charged criminally and also has had civil judgements against him. He's a total fucking piece of shit.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
Additionally, was reading a text that breifly discussed the historical political/economic climate in Somalia. I am not very knowledgeable, but given the apparent difficulties, the context these citizens have previously known in their homeland, I would say they are a highly vulnerable community.
68% of Americans are significantly stressed about upcoming election.
barjoe comments on Oct 8, 2020:
I'll be 63 November. I'm looking forward to get Medicare 2022 and Social Security 2023. Trump is re-elected will effectively defund SS and Medicare by 2023. Aside from destroying our freedom he'll destroy my life.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
I think you'll be Ok.
Today’s Supreme Court Case Threatens to Turn Nonreligious Americans into Second-Class Citizens.
rainmanjr comments on Oct 7, 2020:
LOL. They're not going to give Muslims such a victory. They might not even allow Muslims to remain in the nation if 45 wins.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
This case does involve atleast one Muslim as I understand, but what does it open the nation up for irregardless of religion? I think the judgement needs to separate personal liability out. It needs to be handled under a separate ethics pathway. So I think that my opinion would differ slightly from that of AA. I will admit I haven't read all the details. It is an interesting topic though.
In a recent Veritas expose, claims, that the left call whole heartedtly false, involve ballot ...
barjoe comments on Oct 9, 2020:
James O'Keefe is a scam artist and a shill for the right wing who stages encounters and releases them fraudulently. He's been charged criminally and also has had civil judgements against him. He's a total fucking piece of shit.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 9, 2020:
Okay. Do you think the numbers add up? In this article there is only $11,000. How many more facilities could there possibly be too add up to $100M? Fairly simple to backtrack this type and $ amount of fraud right? You figure out who the state agency is sending checks to. And the fact that your main focus is the credibilty of Okeefe? Open your mind. Let's say Okeefe IS NOT credible for this discussion. Do any of the other facts raise alarm bells to you? To ME they do. What is going on there? Even the very Senate hearing. Are they really THAT BAD at basic multiplication, math? I mean what is the state of MN total budget for childcare allotment? It's bringing many gov/law enforcement entities under questioning, in my mind, for their competence and compliance with even basic capability. Is the government a COMPLETELY SHAMBOLIC institution at this point? I don't know. I am reading these articles, an observer. Who knows? Possibly I do not understand it correctly. Or maybe law enforcement feels afraid to do its job because of cases that are at US Supreme Court level like Tanzin v. Tanir. They might get personally sued for upholding US law.
US law and religious freedom
Freespirit64 comments on Oct 7, 2020:
It's a good read, but under it all, completely maddening that we spend so much time over mythologies that have yet to be proved. I mean, if we can have a Muslim travel ban, why don't we have a travel ban on Christians too? Oh, cause this is Murica and we be a Christian nation....ugh....
Flowerwall replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@Freespirit64 Sure, I understand. I'm not here to misrepresent facts from history, the way our government is currently misrepresenting the mass civil unrest that feels an awful lot like terrorism in present day. Suspects tied to international terror involved in MN mass unrest and no mention of this in updated lists on terrorism in US? It's LIES, PURE LIES. It also feels like journalists are not doing their part to examune this. Given the timing, the proximity of election, wouldn't it be important to discuss? Do we even know how widespread it is?
US law and religious freedom
Freespirit64 comments on Oct 7, 2020:
It's a good read, but under it all, completely maddening that we spend so much time over mythologies that have yet to be proved. I mean, if we can have a Muslim travel ban, why don't we have a travel ban on Christians too? Oh, cause this is Murica and we be a Christian nation....ugh....
Flowerwall replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@Jolanta It's interesting how wikipedia page makes no mention of recent events in US even though it says "In the United States a common definition of terrorism is the systematic or threatened use of violence in order to create a general climate of fear to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change." In India there is discussion of how mob violence should labeled as terrorism. It is spoken of as "murder of law". In the US it's just what we do? It's okay? Absolutely no mention of recent mob violence. It's making me think I'm being lied to. How about you?
US law and religious freedom
Freespirit64 comments on Oct 7, 2020:
It's a good read, but under it all, completely maddening that we spend so much time over mythologies that have yet to be proved. I mean, if we can have a Muslim travel ban, why don't we have a travel ban on Christians too? Oh, cause this is Murica and we be a Christian nation....ugh....
Flowerwall replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@Jolanta Please list as many specific instances as you can. Why do feel the need to label "white"? Is there an exact reasin for it?
US law and religious freedom
Freespirit64 comments on Oct 7, 2020:
It's a good read, but under it all, completely maddening that we spend so much time over mythologies that have yet to be proved. I mean, if we can have a Muslim travel ban, why don't we have a travel ban on Christians too? Oh, cause this is Murica and we be a Christian nation....ugh....
Flowerwall replies on Oct 7, 2020:
Well sure if certain sects were responsible for increasing levels of terrorism, sure. Have we seen widedpread terrorism in US recenlty?
What secularists can learn from the religious right about accessing power.
MizJ comments on Oct 7, 2020: I posted this a few minutes ago, it's from Columbia Law.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 7, 2020:
Your link is not working. Are you able to fix it?
Something a little philosophical?
Flowerwall comments on Oct 1, 2020:
This painting reminds me of one I came across recently. I really liked it, the painting technique was excellent, like yours, just a tad dark. There was yellow in that painting, but then a lot of dark black or brown. Of course I will never remember the title or artist. You should definately keep it ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@jedimasterpaul On second thought, I don't know. Maybe the dark colors here are extremely neccessary. Could the same effect have been produced with lighter colors? Probably not.
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe "Republicans justify cold blooded murder." This a very inflammatory, and very largely untrue statement. Where are Barr's secret police? Where are the secret police victims? It's easy to make these claims because noone can see it. Stop exaggerating to make ppl think things are there that are NOT there.
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe As far as Chauvin, I have already posted my thoughts on that. Originally, I felt very strongly against the officers treatment of Floyd, but after toxicology shows fentynal and the other drug mix, Floyd bears a large responsibilty in his own death. Fentanal is a very toxic substance, even without officers around him it was very possible he would have died anyway. Breonna Taylor case is very sloppy police work. VERY SLOPPY. It lacks a basic thought for general public safery. There should be scrutiny of how police pursuit of suspects is allowed in that manner. Is it the individual officers fault? I think it was a horribly implemented plan. They were in a multi unit apartment building. More ppl could have possibly died. I am not knowledgeable enough in riot control to say whether I approve or disapprove of the exact handling of crowds in various situations. It was bad optics at points, these violent techniques should never be a first line tactic against peaceful assembly. Use other measures first. This is not an authoritarian regime. My opinion changes when acts of violence are being carried out by rioters. So this is where I stand with regard to these issues. Not all ppl are going to make right decisions all the time. And the Democratic party is a prime example of that at current. Dems need to correct their own party.
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe Okay, so that message needs to broadcast loud and clear to the factions in Dem party that support or look the other way from it. No violence! You will lose support on massive scale when you don't prevent these tactics.
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe So your supposed to NOT react if you have a gun pointed at your head or get hit with heavy object? Just mentally prepare yourself for death? Is that how you recommend ppl react to attack?
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe Listen I don't advocate violence. But I also SURELY do not advocate dereliction of elected duty or using the constitution as a "when it suits you" document. The first amendment SAYS peaceful assembly. So you must then think it's all okay, phycally assaulting others, arson, theft, creating blocked thoroughfares, making it difficult for ppl to go to work to provide for family. You are okay with senior citizens feeling frightened and having their medical resources destroyed?! You think lawlessness is A-Ok. The Q I asked was, if Trump didn't make it "Would the destruction then be wasted or was it not a waste?" Please adrress it or it will appear you are clearly in favor of it all.
Pres has covid. Three US senators have it. 18 members of Congress. Who else in federal government?
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I think Bill Barr will turn up and at least a couple more US Senators. I still am not convinced that Trump has it, think it's a political ploy to help him get re-elected.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe I don't think anyone's viewing him as a martyr, well maybe some. I do wonder about the steroid treatment he was given. From what I read it seemed like a bad medical decision, but then there is the arguement it's aggressive treatment because of the importance of the person.
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe Additionally you did not snswer the Qs. "What do you think, yes or no? Would the destruction then be wasted or was it not a waste?"
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe Kyle Rittenhouse represents people who are fed up with the political mayheim our government has allowed to ensue. I have heard he was being attacked with an object and had gun pointed at his head. What reasonable citizen would not feel an imminent need to engage in self-defense? But let's not focus on the actions of one young man when the real mass injustice is the media propaganda of Blacks being racially targeted by white supremacists, the $$2Billion in property damage, the failure of our gov (mainly Dems) to adhere to out constitution (PEACEFUL assembly), and the mass number of criminal acts that will go unpunished because Dems say yes to mob violence. Dems do NOT have a right to defer from constitution not for ONE minute.
Pres has covid. Three US senators have it. 18 members of Congress. Who else in federal government?
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I think Bill Barr will turn up and at least a couple more US Senators. I still am not convinced that Trump has it, think it's a political ploy to help him get re-elected.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@barjoe Barr has tested negative more than once. I can't imagine all the people involved in lieing if it were a real cover up. Why would it be a cover up? What's the purpose?
What happens if a candidate for president dies? []
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He would still be on the ballot. Dead people have won elections before.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
Well if Trump were to somehow not make it, I wonder if Dems would regret the $2Billion in property damage they have caused recently with riots. What do you think, yes or no? Would the destruction then be wasted or was it not a waste?
Pres has covid. Three US senators have it. 18 members of Congress. Who else in federal government?
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I think Bill Barr will turn up and at least a couple more US Senators. I still am not convinced that Trump has it, think it's a political ploy to help him get re-elected.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
A political ploy? No way.
Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘There’s No Such Thing As Separation Of Church And State’ |...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
WRONG! Of course there IS a thing. It is one of the FUNDAMENTAL precepts of the founding father's little document called the CONSTITUTION.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@Triphid I didn't read the article first time through, but now have. The freedom of religion in the constiturion is the right to have free religious choice or not practice at all, this is basic teaching for new citizens and students. He has probably been out of school too long. Either that or, yes, he is just trying to escape a basic reality of how our gov is meant to function.
How to start a conspiracy theory: Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Now they are saying he was treated with steriods, which isn't advisable in mild cases.
How to start a conspiracy theory: Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay I might ask another time, but thanks anyway.
How to start a conspiracy theory: Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You are involved with administation here? Can I ask a Q?
How to start a conspiracy theory: Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay There is so much garbage on the internet it is hard to believe. They post videos just to make ppl think all of this awful stuff is going on. Anyway, the oxygen level Q is important and hopefully reportes will press the issue.
How to start a conspiracy theory: Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Also, I think the public has a right to know if the oxygen levels ever reached concerning levels.
How to start a conspiracy theory: Remind people that under HIPAA regulations, doctors are only ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We don't know the exact condition. I think there is an agreed upon rule at the top to give generally accurate information without specific details.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Time will tell. I think I read, (you posted?) somewhere, there is only 4% mortality rate for his age group.
Trump’s infection is part of an ominous national trend as cases rise in most states ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Thankful I live in CT, again... masks required, fines for not wearing one whether customer or employee, heavy fines for visiting the state (up to $2500!) without quarantining. (and trust me, I Live to turn your germ-carrying ass in to the authorities!)
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
I was just watching two online personalities describe CT as a shithole. I can't say myself, never been. Wonder why they said that. Eh, I looked it up. Looks like CT ranks as 10 or 12 as a good state to live. It must have been their personal disliking if it.
Why is the government and news media not doing a better job of managing this virus?
Silver1wun comments on Oct 1, 2020:
The population figure for USA is 331,000,000 It doesn't include illegal residents and is therefore understated. COVID19 death death figures conversely, have been inflated because of a number of factors; not the least of which is more money if COVID related, from the government. Even if we ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@racocn8 I am sure there are one or two issues you can agree with a more conservative viewpoint on? There has to be, but I feel positive you won't admit it. That's fine. We can spend trilliond and then raise taxes and then after our economy has crashed and we see extreme poverty all over the country it'll be time to remember the good old days of prosperity. I have said before and will say it here, I am a Dem at my core, but cannot support the ideas in the current state it's in. Dems need to take a time out and rethink their platform and tactics. And that's just reality. All the name calling won't change that reality for Dems.
You know what type of person would rejoice in one of their political rivals catching a deadly ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 3, 2020:
So judgemental.. Based on a singular issue...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay It's bad that it was just pushed like that, put out there in that way. It's terrible. If it was not that it should have never been presented as such. I do believe it may be true there was no mockery in the disability incident as he is also appearing to flail his arms in this video you posted above regarding Clinton. The Clinton mocking is not typical presidential behavior, it comes across as either childish or someone who is exasperated with a situation. He is in a very similar situation now himself with the covid infection. I'm sure there will be plenty of negativity. Maybe not from Biden because his people say "negativity will lose votes", so it's the winning tactic of the moment, but where was the possible future leader when the riotous madness was in full swing all over the nation? I don't remember hearing ANYTHING from Biden at the time and "Silence is Violence", right? That's what people say.
You know what type of person would rejoice in one of their political rivals catching a deadly ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 3, 2020:
So judgemental.. Based on a singular issue...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Yes, he was a bully during his initial campaigning. When he mocked the disabled reporter as well, though, I just read something that said media lied and took his imitations of a flustered man and presented it as mockery of a disability.
Facebook, Twitter And TikTok Say Wishing Trump's Death From COVID Is Not Allowed : Live Updates: ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Let's follow the decisions of others.. Let's be sheep.. Yes? No.... The truth is, many people hope Trump dies... And suspend someone's account would practically turn this community into a ghost town.. And I don't think it's fair or right that an account be suspended because of something ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
I agree with you, though I personally do not agree with expressing these sentiments of "wishing ____ dead". I am sure in the most authoritarian nations people are very guarded in what they say online and everywhere. To a certain extent it's where social correction should be coming in from others, I know there is a term for it in sociology, the process I am thinking off, but this is how it should be addressed not through censorship. And because this doesn't happen nearly enough in our modern culture it creates a wide array of problems; society is going off the rails for this reason.
Again the obstructionist republican Fascists are not willing to help those who elected them!!! ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 3, 2020:
"If you vote for any republican in office or running for office you are deeming yourself and your family to indenture enslavement and perpetual Poverty that they are creating!!!" Cmon you know you need to erase Repub and put Democrat in there! How does voting ,Dem make sense at this point in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@of-the-mountain Wow what a way you address a person! Unreal! You don't know the first thing about me. To address a stranger in that manner displays a complete lack of basic values. Where did you even pull this from "The wealthy and their corporations have now stolen everything and have accumulated over 95% of all the land, personal property, gold, and other precious metals!!!" Is this opinion or an actual verifiable fact?
Again the obstructionist republican Fascists are not willing to help those who elected them!!! ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 3, 2020:
"If you vote for any republican in office or running for office you are deeming yourself and your family to indenture enslavement and perpetual Poverty that they are creating!!!" Cmon you know you need to erase Repub and put Democrat in there! How does voting ,Dem make sense at this point in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@of-the-mountain No, no, no. I disagree.
Again the obstructionist republican Fascists are not willing to help those who elected them!!! ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 3, 2020:
"If you vote for any republican in office or running for office you are deeming yourself and your family to indenture enslavement and perpetual Poverty that they are creating!!!" Cmon you know you need to erase Repub and put Democrat in there! How does voting ,Dem make sense at this point in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@of-the-mountain Do not take on a defeatist mindset! It is NOT hopeless. Positive change is always a possibility!
Facebook, Twitter And TikTok Say Wishing Trump's Death From COVID Is Not Allowed : Live Updates: ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I don't like hearing the "wish you dead" comments, but should social media really be censoring in this way? What about free speech? It's like free speech now has been sold and is owned by a business. Some of the stuff that is getting banned is utterly ridiculous. It's like we are getting ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Well I don't want to sound like I am calling you a liar, but different ppl can have different interpretations of the same words. Publicly advocating "...death to all jews, to the subjugation of women, and for violence against protesters" seems like ideas that would only be held by extremely fringed people and groups in 2020. People who may have added issues that go beyond just political beliefs, but rather concerns that are more psychological in nature. And the last concern "violence against protesters" I will acknowledge I have seen becoming more commonplace, mainstreamed. And this is problematic. I would hope that society would severely castigate these sources of ideas. What role does social media have in the process? Shut the speech up or CORRECT the thought process that underlies it. When someone publicly makes these statements they should be held to them and challenged, not allowing them to just sit unchecked. A community agreeance that the ideas are not acceptable. And I agree with all of this myself "How about we not wish people who have different opinions in US dead? How about we not wish whole groups of people dead merely for being that group, be a jewish, democrat, black, women?" Some people express themselves in extremely grossly exaggerated terms. I would think most people would agree and as a group just not let it stand as the acceptable option/opinion.
Again the obstructionist republican Fascists are not willing to help those who elected them!!! ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 3, 2020:
"If you vote for any republican in office or running for office you are deeming yourself and your family to indenture enslavement and perpetual Poverty that they are creating!!!" Cmon you know you need to erase Repub and put Democrat in there! How does voting ,Dem make sense at this point in the ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@of-the-mountain Okay so how does the nation get out of this mess?
Talk about fantastic irony or truly lovely poetic justice!!!! Republicans have been doing everything...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I wouldn't call it "happy days". People are not feeling settled with all of this going on. To see our very own leaders falling victim to this sickness is a stark reminder of the failure of national biodefense despite billions and billions of spending over a very long haul on the very cause. Where ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@FrayedBear I agree with colossal spending, but what is "too much spent on creating national paranoia"?
Facebook, Twitter And TikTok Say Wishing Trump's Death From COVID Is Not Allowed : Live Updates: ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I don't like hearing the "wish you dead" comments, but should social media really be censoring in this way? What about free speech? It's like free speech now has been sold and is owned by a business. Some of the stuff that is getting banned is utterly ridiculous. It's like we are getting ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@EdEarl Yes. And these business owners are put in a position of responsibilty, I understand. But where do you draw the line? It's really giving up too much. Some places should just be completely free speech, although I understand it would just create heaps of really useless ideas. The trend on some of these social media companies is definately for the left and I feel they are attempting to sway people's minds in that direction this time around. But that is very bothersome because I think now it's just a very bad step in the wrong direction.
Why is the government and news media not doing a better job of managing this virus?
Silver1wun comments on Oct 1, 2020:
The population figure for USA is 331,000,000 It doesn't include illegal residents and is therefore understated. COVID19 death death figures conversely, have been inflated because of a number of factors; not the least of which is more money if COVID related, from the government. Even if we ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@racocn8 I don't understand what you are saying "when white supremacists start purging". What does that mean? This whole idea of increasing numbers of white supremacists is not real. For instance Charlottesville rally was only attended by 600 people. It is so frequently cited as proof of this notion of increasing white supremacy. This idea feels like a huge lie. You use white supremacist and conservative as interchangeable terms, right? What separates the definition in your mind?
I was a distance runner, in both track and cross country, and it takes not just being in excellent ...
Flowerwall comments on Oct 2, 2020:
The problem is some of these students are flying under the radar of testing criteria and NOT getting tested when sick. Then they are going out and infecting everyone they are coming in contact with, both in the university and the outside world. The universities are at fault. The government should be...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@Archeus_Lore Yes. And I don't mean this as a criticism of young people, but as a statement of an obvious loophole in our disease management system at present. You hate to read stories like this. This virus needs to be gotten under control.
Why is the government and news media not doing a better job of managing this virus?
Silver1wun comments on Oct 1, 2020:
The population figure for USA is 331,000,000 It doesn't include illegal residents and is therefore understated. COVID19 death death figures conversely, have been inflated because of a number of factors; not the least of which is more money if COVID related, from the government. Even if we ...
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@racocn8 I still don't get why someone would say that "American Conservatives hate Arabs as much as they hate Muslims." I don't think generalities like that are useful. I don't think hatred against entire groups of people is a good idea.
Biden's luck is on the rise.
Sonja44 comments on Oct 2, 2020:
The vote is between democracy and fascism IMO. That's all we get for choice this go around.
Flowerwall replies on Oct 3, 2020:
Who represents which cause in your mind?