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This is my first post here. Obviously. Maybe not a topic everyone will understand our empathize with.... Most likely not the medium for it either... But I find myself pondering the nature of the universe this evening...
There are theories that objects stream into a black hole are stored at the event horizon, in the form of information. That information would be a two dimensional hologram, which would appear in the dimensions. So I theorize that it would be possible for an entire universe to be a hologram, stored in a black hole. Or singularity, as the smart people call them.
Scientists have found evidence that our universe behaves like a hologram. Isn't it feasible, then, that our universe didn't even really exist? That it's just a hologram, stored in a black hole, inside another universe? It really would be an interesting way for there to be infinite numbers of realities.... All stored within other realities... Layers upon layers...

Anyone ever seen the movie the Thirteenth Floor?

DeadPresident 3 June 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Of what use is the pondering of such deepities when there is no possible way to confirm the reality or falsehood of them?
It is interesting brain candy, to make you go wow, or experience awe, but like religion itself, leads nowhere.

" It really would be an interesting way for there to be infinite numbers of realities"... YEP interesting, and without evidential proof, just wish think which somehow makes you feel good, or eternal, or something.

What is the value of that outside of the emotional state you are creating in your own mind via such contemplations?
How is that different than religious contemplations?

Ah, I'd take issue with that... Surely that's called wonder — without it, who would go hunting for the answers and coming up with testable hypotheses? So long as we don't accept the baseless assertions, humanity benefits from the Newtons and Feynmans and Hawkins(es) — and the Arthur C Clarkes for that matter.


I was hoping I'd wake up this morning and Donald Trump would not be real, but no here he is and we're still stuck in hell.
Other than that all I know is that there is a lot I don't know. I often think it's all a joke.


Yes. It's a can of worms. I'd love to know the truth. But theories come and go. There are more questions than answers.

It still won't make my electricity bill go away.


I think there is an idea that it's feasible our universe could work like a hologram, but that's as far as it goes — not heard anyone present evidence yet, but I'd love to read about it if there is.

I'm betting that if we ever work it out, then whatever does contain our universe (if anything does) and whatever initiated it (if anything did) will be very simple processes that take us totally by surprise.


@DeadPresident Thank you — dug a little deeper to see what the evidence that the articles mention actually is, and if I'm getting it right, it's basically that the mathematics of what the surface of a black hole looks like tally up with the mathematics of what a holographic universe would look like... Am I on the right lines?

That's a pretty large step towards understanding the origins of the Big Bang if so — we're just inside a black hole and black holes in their turn may create other universes ad infinitum (even though the black holes themselves would be holograms... Ooh, weird!).

Interesting, though, your saying that maybe our universe doesn't 'really exist' — I'd argue that what we experience as reality is enough to qualify it as existing regardless of how it's generated. Whether the Universe comes from a physical injection of matter into a void or arises as a projection of information, I reckon the outcome is, for all intents and purposes, the same.


“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio”.

The universe is deeply weird and we don’t understand the first thing about it.

Be nice, people.


I’ve heard of this, but I’m unaware of any evidence that our universe behaves like a hologram. Can you cite this evidence?

I"ve actually seen 'evidence' of the Universe behaving like a hologram. I've seen it at the movies. It's called THE MATRIX !

@Skyfacer Oh damn, you’re right. With the sequels, that’s a mountain of evidence.



Hi Mr President. I'm new here too. My second day. To me anything that opens the door to questioning and uncertain must be worthwhile so therefore avert relevant post. Even if we are part of a non-existent hologram we (or I as I can't vouch for anyone else's sense of self-awareness) are self-conscious and able to feel the accoutrements of existence such as pleasure, pain, joy etc. However, with an infinite potential for universes to exist it is possible to exist and be be non-existent in our existence. Convoluted but potential I know!


Do you date much?


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