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Kneeling, Major League Sports and the Anthem.

Yesterday, speaking to a friend of mine that worked as an Army recruiter pointed out to me that the Army pays the NFL to have the anthem and ceremony at the start of games. So for a moment let us remove the patriotic aspect of the anthem and standing for it.

If this is true(is there anyone here who can provide some insight on that), then the players MUST always stand because that makes the Army a sponsor of the team or the league. It would be the same as for example, Under Armour paying the NFL to have a giant banner droned across the stadium during a time out or during the coin toss. Since Under Armour is a paying sponsor then a player would have to wear UA shoes(if that is part of the sponsorship deal with the team) and certainly could not bad mouth Under Armour or disrespect the brand on the field or even off the field(example posting on their social media that Nike shoes are the best and I rather wear NIke over anything else).

What are your thoughts?

Davidthinks 7 June 8

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dunno if what you ask is truth or not, but i believe that when you are being paid to do a job, you do the job required of you and take your personal affairs off the job.


Americans are supposed to have something called the first amendment. Among the laws, is that people of different races can not be treated differrently for the same actions.

In 2002 Tim Tibow took a knee in protest of the Flag because we had abortions and was against his Christian values. He was given 3 NFL and a MLB contract.

Kaepernick protested the murder of unarmed black children. He was not protesting the military or the flag. The team owners have illegally been discriminating against him.

As such, I will refused to support the NFL until this man is treated the same way Tebow is treated.

Here is the actual law in question, so I can prove I know my shit and am not just giving an opinion. Both Tebow and Kaepernick took a knee, same action, different treatment based on racism. Illegal.


From that is

Discipline & Discharge
An employer may not take into account a person's race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information when making decisions about discipline or discharge. For example, if two employees commit a similar offense, an employer many not discipline them differently because of their race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.


What if you don't subscribe to nationalism and the flag?


The army is also funded by the tax payer.

There's some breach of human rights going on somewhere.


Kneeling is not disrespectful. Forced conformity is. The US is not North Korea, at least not yet.

I am a veteran. I served so that when our country falls short of the ideals it aspires to, like murdering unarmed black men because they are black, we can try to hold it accountable and drive change.

which also means that folk like me can opine our opinion as well and i stand by that if you wish to protest, do it on your own time.


You want to hear my thoughts..?

The NFL should be abolished due to the detrimental effects on millions of youth attempting to participate in a brain damaging ‘sport’ in order to acquire money or fame. Corporate sponsorship of sports? As worthless as paying to watch them..

Varn Level 8 June 8, 2018

Originally Kapernick sat during the anthem then during a conversation with a team mate, who was a veteran, the protest was changed to taking a knee. Someone explain to me when kneeling before something became offensive!

@Davidthinks so your First Amendment rights are contingent on voting? How is police brutality an election issue? No one can ask Dr. King his opinion now so I don't know what he would say.


From what I know and have read, the DoD pays the NFL to sponsor activities during the National Anthem (military members singing the anthem or flyovers, etc). I don't think anyone has the right to own the anthem. You would then have Burger King sponsoring "Home of the Free and land of the Whopper". My question, where is the anger directed at the NFL? They charge quite a bit of money to allow these activities to occur during the season. You would think that it would be an honor the NFL to have a flyover at their event....but they charge 5.4 million. Again, where's the anger?


@Davidthinks it seems some people didnt understand what you were asking because their personal emotions got in the way and they just skimmed what you wrote.

Tnorman1236= boils down to how you were raised.

Sophmag= we have someone caught up in the victim mentality and mental illness.

Racnismylife= did not read and try to understand what you were asking. He skimmed it and started formulating a response.


No - the Army does run some commercials - thats about it.

gater Level 7 June 8, 2018

Interesting legal perspective. It would likely depend upon the wording of the sponsorship contract.


I think the whole outrage at this action is a farce. They have the right to kneel as a protest, not of the flag, or the military, or the country, but of the injustices in the black community. It's their first amendment right, and they are not disrespecting anything. And I don't care if the military pays to have the anthem played, they still have that right.

@NFAguy53 The owners have every right to fire, cut, let go each and every player that they feel doesn't meet the code of conduct. Your boyfriend, Jerry Jones, tried the tough guy routine and it didn't work. The owners and the NFL need the players, both white and black (as much as it seems to pain you). The players have the power and they wield that power. Most of these players have college degrees and for the most part are educated (as much as it seems to pain you again).

@Darthpug I'm confused. I'm not against the players, and never said anything about that. Yes, the NFL has the right to fire them, but they'd be in big trouble if they did. Nothing pains me except the outrage against the players for kneeling. I think you misunderstood me. Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

@tnorman1236 You made yourself clear and my response isn't pointed at you. I agree with your post 100%

they have a right to protest when they are not being paid and on their own time. take it out of your place of work.


So what, it’s still paid propaganda paid for with American tax dollars. There’s no contract or law requiring anyone to stand to salute or say the pledge. It’s tradition but that doesn’t mean that the symbolism it creates is necessarily a warm and fuzzy feeling. I’m in support of the NFL players who take a knee. The words to the pledge say liberty and justice for all. We know POC and especially Black men never receive equal rights, attention or respect from LEA I’m a Gay man , in Trums America, just like Black Americans, I am reduced to being a second class citizen. So until there really is Liberty and Justice for all, I refuse to sing or say a pledge. I’m not dissing anyone. I’m saying something has to change.

What he said.


My simple thoughts: if we as a people do not have the right to protest government actions peacefully, then there is no hope for us as a country. this right has been part of the deal from the first. and we have lost lives defending and protecting that right.for someone to try and shift the argument away from the right of people to protest actions and turn it into something it was never about in the first place. it isn't disrespecting the flag or troops or policemen/women. and so on.
you can couch an argument anyway you want, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then its a damn duck, no matter if you tell me its an elephant till you are blue in the face. look it up its in the constitution.

these days sometimes a group needs a platform to speak from. it should not need to be shouted over other voices. peaceful non violent protest. I thought the kneeling was a perfect silent protest. point was well made. the"game" they play they have to sacrifice their future for the "glory" of today. so they can only be thought of in a good way is when they are in "costume" and faceless that society should adore them??? just like everuone has the right to have their own opinion about it, nobody is righter than anyone else.@NFAguy53

@racnismylife how can you call them faceless when they are well known by the image they keep? if you wish to stage a protest, do it on your own time, not while others are paying your salary.

not trying to be to pedantric but whats the name of the backup left tackle for the cleveland browns. only some are famous , all the other guys aren't. our country was founded on and by acts of civil disorder. boston tea parry anyone ??? do you sing the anthem when you are at ballgames ?? everyone has a right to their own opinon, not trying to disparage yours, I encourage the debate, because that is the best response to the issues. debate and clarify thanks @blueskies

@racnismylife all i'm saying is do it on your own time. nobody knows me either but i would damn sure get fired if i started the same shit where i was working. i also wouldn't take advantage of that either. when i am at work i am there to do a specific job, the one that i was hired for. that is all. nothing more, nothing less. if i wish to take something i care about and make it public, i would then go get a soapbox and take it say, in front of my local courthouse and start there, then see where the movement takes me. i have issue with these ppl, who make so much money off of what they are supposed to be doing to make their personal issues out while on salary. imo, that's crap. again, if you wish YOUR opinion to go out amongst the rest of us, do it on you OWN time.

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