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Today I showed my son that
chrome metal beats plastic.
Neighbor boxed in my old Benz.
It's OK - car alarm woke him up.
I need new neighbors.

AmiSue 8 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I had my apartment neighbor block me in once with his little Nissan truck, I knocked on his door and he ignored me.
I had to push him out of the way with my truck. This is what I was driving back then. 😉


I see Kramer parking his car in my mind.

Ohub Level 7 June 9, 2018

Yup, that's why I like old cars, they could withstand a fender bender, because they have metal bumpers. Metal bumpers might get a dent, but plastic bumpers break.


what did you do to them plastic beat flesh ?


Can not believe how people can be that inconsiderate that guy needs a fine. What if you had an emergency?

Man, I work with the public. I can absolutely believe people are that oblivious. Sometimes I swear 75% of people walk around in a solipsistic fog.

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