I have found that 1250mg of CBD oil daily works WONDERS ... to help my 90 yr old mother with Alzheimer's.
As a caregiver, I highly recommend experimenting with it to find a dosage which helps.
Mom doesn't "need" to move things around the house as much, so....things aren't "lost" as often.
I am not surprised to hear this at all. I sell CBD at work and have had many a customer report back with positive results. So pleased it is working for your Mom.
What are your prices?
1250 mg and higher per bottle.
@KevinAverett The products I sell are not that high in strength, but a 1mg sprays sells for $19.99, 10mg caps sell for $24.99, a new one (can't remember the mg) but I think it is 250mg sells for $76.00 and a 100mg Balm for $44.99. The stronger it is the more you will pay has been my experience.
i just read you can order it online...even in tx
Currently ordering from Florida, online.
It's legal in all 50 States.
Which brand do you buy?
Currently using "Green Roads" Wellness. 1250 mg.
It was about $130 a bottle.
Gonna try "Medterra" 3000 mg next.
It is about $140 a bottle.
Figure it will last longer with smaller doses.
I wish it was available to everyone.
It IS.
Legal in all 50 States.
Order online.
I can't get CBD oil in Thailand, but I take cannabis oil to treat cancer, and it seems to have cured severe food allergies also, to a great extent.
I have been pondering the idea of getting some CBD oil for my knee which I damaged years ago and has been giving me chronic pain. I had some a few years ago and it really helped but I have also been considering a hotel project overseas and it would mess up the stupid drug testing that is standard procedure these days for overseas contracts.
what alzheimers symptoms does it help with. we are chiefly dealing with dementia type (memory and emotional control issues).
Mom has "OCD" BAD!
She has anxiety issues.
She constantly wants to MOVE things.
Her sleep schedule was insane!
I give her a melatonin pill at night.
If she still doesn't sleep....I give her a tbsp. of "soothe syrup" by "Green Roads".
She sleeps for about 7-10 hours.
@KevinAverett Thanks. gonna stop at the Pharmacy Tuesday and talk about this.
They have great alt people there.
I believe that CBD oil has been attributed with helping to "rewire tha brain". Mom still has "good days" and "bad days", but she can actually engage in "intelligent conversatiin" more often...it seems.
She seems more coherent.