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When considering Atheism, Agnosticism, or Religious Belief we must remember that there is a difference between a real God and a God concept. When an Atheist says there is no God, what they mean is there is no tangible, actual, supernatural being. But, even Atheists cannot deny the existence of the concept of a God. This social construct of some deity is ubiquitous among almost every society. Even Einstein referred to God, albeit in a very conceptual sense. And to those that believe and embrace the Concept of God, to them it seems very real as long as they avoid questioning or analyzing those beliefs. So, maybe Atheists and Believers are not arguing about the same thing. Maybe they just see the world in two different ways, although it is hard to understand how someone can actually believe that the Christian stories are literally true. The danger comes from belief that one's own version is the only truth and that everyone else is is wrong, or worse yet, that others are terrible people. But, as Atheists we must be careful not to do the same. Food for thought.

DrBerts 4 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes. God is every bit as real, and in the same way, as fear of death is real. It is an impulse inherent in human nature in spite of being irrational. Atheism denies only the literal god of fundamentalism, and so, in one sense, is a fundamentalist position. I have yet to meet the atheist who claims to deny the existence of metaphor.

skado Level 9 June 10, 2018

An A-theist is one who denies the existence of god(s) or one who is a non-believer in god(s). Take with/from it what you will.


Even Pope Francis has come out to say that there are biblical stories that are myth. It surprises me that it may end up being the Catholic branch of Christianity which will be the most open to change.

The Church of England has already had at least one archbishop who denies the virgin birth. The Catholic church is not the most progressive of denominations by a long shot.

I think the Bible makes sense when we read it a different way than literally. I believe that advanced technology existed back then. Stories like Jonah going into the belly of a whale for 3 days is probably referring to a submarine. We know that Noah could not possibly put 2 of every species on an ark. The ark probably represents a DNA bank. Birds trailing fire is probably referring to jets. I now think that they immaculate conception could have been artificial insemination.
Yes, I watch Ancient Aliens. 🙂


Could an atheist accept that a God could be a being who lives outside of our 3D world? Therefore, God is not visible or tangible.

...or real in that case!

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