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I just loved the iconic photo of the European and Canadian leaders surrounding a sitting, smug-looking Trump at the G7 Conference. Does Trump really think the U.S. can isolate itself in a global tariff war without our economy suffering?

ashley44 7 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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He seems bent on making friends of our historic adversaries and enemies of our friends.
Dangerous and he needed to be removed a year ago.


It's a photo that will go down in history. It's one that needed to be caught to show how petulant our teenager in charge really is.


He will be looking for allies if he starts a war with iran.

Marine Level 8 June 12, 2018

I wish I could find it funny, but I am really becoming stressed and fearful because of what this ignorant, racist narcissist and his band of sycophants are doing to our nation. The damage is real, and the road to recovery may be long. I am trying hard to find some optimism but it seems every day brings a new low.

@ashley44 I didn't mean that as an accusation. Anyone who's paying attention knows this is a fucking tragedy.


He appears to have a god complex … assuming whatever idiotic utterance or reckless move he makes will miraculously turn to gold.. Playing with our nation, the world as if it’s his un-reality show. He & his are the worst kind of ugly.

Varn Level 8 June 11, 2018

On the plus side, Trump has united the rest of the G7 nations but it is against the USA. All 5 of Canada's political parties have unite now behind Prime Minister Trudeau, even the ones who hate his guts because they hate Trump even more.

They should be here We cannot find words bad enough to describe him( and we hate to embarrass any animal we might call him)


He's used to holding his breath until he turns blue to get his way.


Trump is a feckless idiot.

JK666 Level 7 June 11, 2018

Feckless. I love that word. It makes wonder - what is feck, given the Trump has no fecks to give?


This one?

There was another version, just as funny.

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